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    Vocab from 1984

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    List #1 1. As I was preparing dinner for my family‚ I could tell the beats were good because of the sanguine juice that dripped out of it as I cut them into many piece and mixed them in the salad. 2. Even though the girl was no as skinny as her other friends‚ more guys liked her because of her pneumatic body shape. 3. This weekend I watched the Avengers‚ and during the fighting scene near the end of the movie‚ the formidable army relentlessly attacked the city. 4. The urbane queen of

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    1984 moment sheet

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    Moment (Page #) 2 Quotations (Pages #s) Literary Device Connection/Significance Winston comes to the realization that the Proles are his only hope for breaking away from Big Brother and realizing the truth. (pg. 63-66) “Proles and animals are free.” (pg. 66) Metaphor Simile After becoming tired of blindly accepting the rules set in place by Big Brother‚ Winston realizes that if he is to be free‚ he must seek salvation with the Proles‚ the poorer‚ more overlooked social class. “They

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    1984 In the novel written by George Orwell‚ 1984‚ there are several similarities to the Soviet Union. One of the most important similarities is Adolph Hitler. Another very important point in 1984 is Big Brother. Big Brother is very similar to both of the leaders‚ Adolph Hitler and Stalin. During Adolph Hitler’s time‚ the government had absolute control over everything. This could also be called totalitarianism‚ which was frowned upon by 1984’s author‚ George Orwell. Hitler had complete power

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    1984 Text Notes

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    1984 Text Notes Genre – dystopian‚ fiction‚ futuristic fable‚ allegory (literary analogy‚ tries to teach)‚ didactic‚ physiological “It was a bright cold day in April‚ and the clocks were striking thirteen” (p.3) Themes The Dangers of Totalitarianism A political novel with the purpose of warning readers in the West of the dangers of totalitarian government. Totalitarian governments‚ like in Spain and Russia‚ went to horrific lengths to maintain and increase their power. Western nations

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    build up the power of the government and degrade the populace. In his novel 1984‚ George Orwell warns about the dangers of a totalitarian government‚ as the citizens of Oceania blindly praise and obey Big Brother and the Party. In this dystopia‚ the Party can catch even those who think thoughts against the Party and take them away from society. Similarly‚ in China and Russia‚ an authoritarian party works

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    1984 vs. Fahrenheit 451

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    1984 vs. Fahrenheit 451 “Do you begin to see‚ then what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias…” (Orwell 267). 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 are both dystopias‚ although in each society‚ the government tells the citizens that it is a utopia. A dystopia is‚ “An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad‚ as from deprivation‚ oppression or terror” (“dystopia”). On the other hand‚ a utopia is described as‚ “An ideally perfect

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    Bergeron and Orwell’s 1984 are based on the concept of negative utopia. The governments in both these novels control their masses using harsh methods. The government in 1984 uses brainwashing‚ doublethink‚ mutability of the past and vaporization to control its masses. The government in Harrison Bergeron uses physical and mental handicaps to control its masses and in the effort to make everyone equal. Both the governments have a tight control on its people but the government in 1984 has a stronger and

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    1984 George Orwell writes about an oppressing and gloomy society in the novel‚ 1984. Orwell explains a world of loneliness being ruled by Big Brother in Oceania. He creates such an oppressing atmosphere through imagery and suspense. The atmosphere in George Orwell’s 1984 is very sad and gloomy. At the start of the novel the main character‚ Winston Smith‚ describes his apartment building as “smelling of boiled cabbage and old rag mats” (5). The atmosphere in the novel is also dark. This is proved


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    Intertextual Insights. Humans cannot operate efficiently within a society which consists of complete totalitarianism. Texts which explore this are two of the most influencing pieces of our society‚ Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927) and George Orwell’s 1984 (1949). These two texts‚ when studied in comparison‚ I believe‚ enrich our understanding of the significant values presented in each due to the intertwining themes; and the differences between texts arise from the differing perspectives of both composers

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    truman 1984 c&c

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    recorded and played on live on either national or world television. In contrast 1984 was a novel‚ much more explicit‚ and featured an older‚ but not too old‚ man‚ a young woman‚ and some horrible and disgusting acts of violence and lewdness. There are also similarities between the two. In The Truman Show A utopia is a seemingly perfect world‚ with happiness‚ honesty‚ equality‚ and peace. Although in the novel‚ 1984‚ by George Orwell‚ and the film The Truman Show‚ directed by Peter Wier‚ the readers

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