"1984 winston diary entry creative piece" Essays and Research Papers

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    Entry 1 I’ve returned from the dreadful war in which entrapped me. I’m set free and life has resumed. But it’s still has been miserable. I had high hopes and was ready to return to normalcy. Anything but that happened. My wife had our third child‚ a girl‚ who was the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen. But it wasn’t the right time. The flu had been sweeping the streets and I’d hear about another death each day. I tried so hard to keep her safe‚ to keep her healthy. But eventually it spread to our


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    David Radley Diary Entry

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    In the six years I spent tracking David Addley‚ it never occurred to me that he didn’t exist. Sitting in the corner of a padded room in a straight jacket can be an enlightening experience. The nurses had told me numerous times the night before that there was no one named David Addley who lived in the small town I’d come too searching for him. I didn’t and couldn’t believe them at the time. I had screamed his name all night through the holes on the window of my cell door until the nurses were forced

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    George Orwell depicts Winston Smith as a typical individual readers can relate to the most. Though the readers aren’t physically going through what Winston went through‚ the reader can imagine the society the way the protagonist saw it. Winston shows that he is a loyal party member by working in the Ministry of Truth‚ where he changes historical records in correspondence to Big Brother’s wishes‚ regardless if the information was right or wrong. At the same time‚ Winston has an internal conflict for

    Premium Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell English-language films

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    I pry my eyes open after yet another restless night. For a fleeting moment‚ I feel peaceful as my body lays completely still and my thoughts are silenced; unfortunately‚ the brief moment of serenity quickly fades‚ leaving in its place a sense of gut wrenching guilt. These days‚ it seems to be the only emotion that I am capable of feeling. Images of Duncan’s bloodied body appear in my mind and I feel a wave of nausea hit me. My fingers instinctively wrap around the candle by my bedside. I let out

    Premium English-language films Light Psychology

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    In George Orwell’s novel‚1984‚ the story is a country in a totalitarianism government. The main protagonist‚ Winston Smith‚ rebels against the Party and tries to find a way to destroy the Party’s power over the citizen. In the novel‚ he meets Julia‚ a worker from the friction department. In the novel‚ Winston hates Julia‚ then loves her and hates her again at the end. In the beginning of the novel‚ Winston hates the girl with dark hair. He believes she is a spy in the thought Police‚ who catch the


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    Ww1 Diary Entry Essay

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    April 26th 1915 There isn’t much to be seen from the ships as we are so far out‚ but from what was coming back from the landing‚ not much was to be imagined. Wounded men were pouring off the sets of rowboats being pulled by the steamboats. Many of the soldiers were unrecognisable. My thoughts went out to my little brother who had been so excited to enlist‚ but it wasn’t the case anymore. I had heard one of the captains talking about the thousands of men who had already lost their lives to the

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    Dear Journal‚ My name is Hernan Cortes and I want to be a conquistador. I was born of Christian faith in Medellin Spain in 1485 but I’m not exactly sure what my exact date of birth is. I am a son of a well-known noble Spanish family; my mother‚ Catalina Pizarro Altamirano and my father‚ Martin Cortes. When I turned 19 I moved to Hispaniola as part of the Cuba conquest. I attended Salamanca University studying law when I was 14 as this is what my parents wanted but I could never concentrate on my

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    Written Task 2 Diary Entry

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    Written Task 2 Anushka Rajbhandari Ms. Rubeena Shrestha English A: Language and Literature Date: 6th May 2013 Rationale Title: My Diary Are of Communication and Type of Text: Diary Entry The recent improvement in mass media and technology has brought a drastic change in the society. People’s perception of life is being influenced constantly and with it the representation of teenagers in movies has changed. Earlier movies portrayed teenage girls as distractions and sexual objects. However

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    In her very last diary entry‚ Tuesday‚ August 1st‚ 1944‚ Anne writes about how she is a “little bundle of contradictions”. She believes there are two Annes trapped inside of her—one being the witty‚ cheeky Anne that is always shown to the public. The other Anne is deeper‚ more sensitive‚ and more mature. She feels as if she can only show the light-hearted side to everyone‚ for her deeper side cannot handle such events life throws at her‚ so she must suppress the Anne that is nicer and more genuine

    Premium English-language films World War II Psychology

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    Today is Thursday December 16‚ 1773. The air seems to have a cold crisp to it‚ and the wind sending chills down your spine. Winter here in Boston was always cold‚ but the worst part of this winter was that parliament had just appealed all other taxes on us colonists‚ except for the tea. This past year has been miserable‚ taxes on tea‚ clothing‚ textiles‚ and food‚ this has resulted the patriots resenting England’s parliament and the once cherished King. The stress of paying for these overly priced

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