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    What is Religion and what does it do? Whether religion is the basis for the noblest events in human history‚ or a negative force responsible for the worst atrocities in history it plays a significant role in human existence‚ it also provides order and structure goals for humanity. According to Oxford Dictionary religion could be defined as “a belief in superhuman controlling power in a personal God or gods entitled to obedience and worship”. Through scriptural quotations‚ human experience

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    What is positivism

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    Marie Callinan What is positivism? Positivism is a well established philosophy within the natural sciences. In the early nineteenth century it became an integral aspect of social science methodology. In Baconian tradition‚ positivism is the precise and objective observation of an object from a scientifically detached position. Though its definition is broad‚ there are fundamentally six assumptions in positivistic philosophy and three distinct generations that negotiate with these assumptions

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    What Is Sociology

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    1961. Elster‚ J. 1989. Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Elster‚ J. 2007. Explaining Social Behavior. More Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Frank‚ M. 1984. What is Neostructuralism? trans. Sabine Wilke Gray‚ foreword by Martin Swab Garfinkel‚ H. 1967. Studies in Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity Press‚ 1984. Giddens‚ A. 1976. New Rules of Sociological Method. A Positive Critique of Interpretative Sociologies

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    What is philosophy?

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    As complex as the modern world has become‚ it seems unlikely that most of what surrounds us is actually the result of the ancient practice of philosophy. Everything from the structure of democratic governments to due process of law‚ from a physician’s Hippocratic Oath to computer software‚ has its roots in philosophy. Philosophy is an academic discipline that exercises reason and logic in an attempt to understand reality and answer fundamental questions about knowledge‚ life‚ morality and human

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    What Is Cancer?

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    possible. Early treatment often means better chances of recovery and response to anti cancer therapy. Common examples of this are breast cancer and colon cancer screening that saves thousands of lives each year. (Dr Ananya Mandal‚ MD‚ 2013) 2. What is cancer? Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells spread without control and are able attack other tissues of our body. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Cancer is not just

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    What Is Drama?

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    7Blue2 By Anthony Pagano 7Blue2 What is Drama Used For? * What is Drama? The word drama is derived from the ancient Greek word meaning action. If something is full of action it’s exciting‚ emotional‚ it’s unpredictable; it’s dramatic. Drama is a way of expressing or showing a story. Drama can make us feel happy‚ sad‚ afraid‚ superior‚ and inferior and so on. Drama is the essence of human existence; it’s what makes life worth living for. In modern times we have used the word

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    What is War?

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    CLAUSEWITZ‚ ON WAR NOTES BOOK 1‚ CHAPTER 1 – WHAT IS WAR? 1-INTRODUCTION: When considering the each individual part of war‚ its relation to war as an entirety must also be kept in view 2-DEFINITION: ‘War is nothing but a duel on an extensive scale.’ Metaphor of two wrestlers: ‘Each strives by physical force to compel the other to submit to his will: each endeavours to throw his adversary‚ and thus render him incapable of further resistance.’ ‘War therefore is an act of violence intended to

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    What Is Culture

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    person’s nature cannot be assumed as culture‚ cultures are integrated it is mainly based on symbols. The characteristic of cultures is the interaction and change that occurs‚ culture includes race‚ ethnicity‚ age‚ gender and etc. According to the article what is culture ‚ the term culture was first used by the anthropologist named Edward B. Taylor in the book he had writing which was called “Primitive culture” he referred culture as art‚ beliefs. Knowledge‚ a person’s morals‚ and law and habits of both

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    What Is Postmodernism

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    In trying to define exactly what post-modernism is I shall firstly briefly consider some of the events and thinking that led up to the development of this particular school of social theory. I shall then consider some of the common strands of thinking in postmodernism concentrating mainly on the writings of Jean-Francois Lyotard and Jean Baudrillard. I shall then consider the view of David Harvey‚ a Marxist many consider to be writing in the postmodern tradition‚ who argues that post-modernism

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    What Is Csr?

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    pp. 1-24. Hollender‚ J. and Breen‚ B. (2011) Responsibility Revolution. Preview. pp.49-107. Hooker‚ J. (2003) What is the Business ethics? Carnegie Mellon University Newspaper. p. 2 http://www.helium.com/knowledge/223938-good-examples-of-corporate-social-responsibility Mark-Herbert‚ C. and Schantz‚ C. (2007) Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies Vol. 12‚ No. 2. Mburugu‚ C. (2011) Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility. Gaebler Ventures. http://www.gaebler.com/Business-Case-For-Social-Responsibility

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