"3 4 demonstrate ways of supporting inclusion and inclusive practices in work with disabled children and young people with educational needs" Essays and Research Papers

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    3.1 DEMONSTRATE ACTIONS THAT MODEL INCLUSIVE PRACTISE. Inclusive practice is a process of identifying‚ understanding and breaking down barriers to participation and belonging. It ensures that everyone feels valued and a sense of belonging. In an inclusive environment there is recognition‚ acceptance and celebration of differences and similarities. Medical and Social model of disability are two issues to understand of Inclusive practise for children and young people Medical model of disability This

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    Special education needs. The last fifty years have seen significant changes in the education of students with special learning needs.  An estimated 1.7 million pupils in the UK have special educational needs (SEN)‚ with over 250‚000 having statements of SEN (Russell 2003‚ 215).  Many positive advances have been made in educating these children‚ with special needs children receiving more options and learning opportunities.  How these opportunities are presented has been an ongoing source of debate

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    Level 3 in supporting teaching and learning in schools Assessment task – CYP 3.3 understand how to safeguard the wellbeing of children and young people Task 1 What is safeguarding? The Government has defined the term ‘safeguarding children’ as: ‘The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect‚ preventing impairment of their health and development‚ and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have

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    To get the Distinction you will need to include all of the following – I will annotate the words for each criteria. Next Week - Assignment Workshop Make sure you do not come to my lesson without First lesson 12:45 – 2:00 – P2‚ M1‚ D1 · A print out of your legislation/ regulator – and an A4 handout with bullet points to photocopy and distribute to the rest of the group (P2‚ D1) Second Lesson 2:15 – 3:30 M1 / D1 · A SAFEGUARDING

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    importance of ensuring children and young people’s safety and protection in the work setting. Outcome 3 3.1 Explain why it is important to ensure children and young people are protected from harm within the work setting . When children and young people are left in our care‚ it is done so with a lot of trust from the parents. As professionals we have a duty to protect children and to care for them in the absence of parents. Parents should feel confident that all the child’s needs are met whether that

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    to stay in special care baby units their emotional development can be affected as they can’t build bonds with parents and family members that healthy babies make due to staying in incubators and not being able to be cuddled or fed normally. A disabled child (depending on disability) has their physical development affected by being in a wheelchair‚ being unable to walk properly or unaided as they can’t run‚ carry out simple daily tasks like washing‚ brushing teeth and getting dressed by themselves

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    CACHE Level 3 Certificate and Level 3 Diploma in Child Care and Education. Unit 3: Supporting Children Dressing Appropraitely- To be a good role model for young children in a school setting‚ i think it’s very important to dress appropriately. When i’m at my placement i wear my college T-shirt to make it clear to staff and parents that i’m not a member of staff and that i am only a student. It is very important that parents know that i am only a student‚ as they will know not to tell me any information

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    of safeguarding children and young people. Safeguarding children and young people is everybody’s responsibility.   It should be a concern of the whole community and all public services‚ not just ones providing directly to children and young people. As professionals‚ we have a duty to ensure that children and young people are protected while they are in our care and that where we have other concerns outside school‚ these are investigated fully. School policies and procedures need to be such that

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    TDA 2.15 SUPPORT CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE WITH DISABILILITIES AND SPECIAL EDUCATION NEEDS All children and young people have rights. Most references to rights are about what is recieved to children from others‚ particularly from their parents and the goverenment and its agencies. Children and young people with special educational needs have a unique knowledge of their own needs and circumstances and their own views about what sort of help they would like to help them make the most of their

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    CYPWD Level 3 candidate pin:30196060 SHC 31: Promote communication in health‚ social care or children’s and young people’s settings 1. Identify the different reasons people communicate. People communicate for a number of different reasons including: • To get to know each other • To share information • To provide someone else with information 2. Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting. We communicate in a two different ways‚ verbal and non

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