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    Action Plan

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    Introduction A. Background Materials B. The purpose of the study C. The statement of the problem 1. What is cirrhosis of the liver? 2. How to prevent cirrhosis of the liver? 3. What are the signs and symptoms of cirrhosis? 4. What are the type of cirrhosis? 5. What is the causes? D. The significance of the study E. Definitions of Important terms II. Body A. Types of cirrhosis of the liver B. Signs and symptoms C. Causes and Effect D. Treatment

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    Action Research

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    Minutes of meeting PANITIA BAHASA INGGERIS 01/2010 Date: Tuesday Time: 9.00am Venue: 1A ATTENDANCE: 1. Puan Rafidah bt Bidin – Head of English Panel 2. Puan Zabidah bt Abdullah – GPK Hem 3. Puan Misliah bt Mahat 4. Cik Mun Suk Fung 5. Puan Nor Hidayah bt Mohd Hulaime ABSENT: 1. Puan sharifah Nur Mahfuzah bt S.Masri – Maternity Leave 2. Tuan Syed Mohd Fauzi b. Syed Abd Latif – Excused 01. WELCOMING SPEECH BY HOP 1.1 Thanked all the English teachers for

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    Does CompStat Reduce Crime?

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    Does Compstat reduce crime ? Compstat (short for computer statistics or comparative statistics) originated in the new york city police department (NYPD) in 1994 when william bratton was police commissioner. Compstat is a comprehensive‚ city-wide database that records all reported crimes or complaints‚ arrests‚ and summonses issued in each of the city’s 76 precincts. City officials had previously believed that crime could not be prevented by better information and analytical tools but instead by

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    action for success

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    things. They do things differently” 09 Module Program 1. IMPORTANCE OF ATTITUDE: Building a positive attitude 2. SUCCESS: Winning strategies 3. MOTIVATION: Motivating yourself and others every day 4. LISTENING AND COMMUNICATION: Communicating either through silence or word or actions 5. SELF-ESTEEM: Building positive self-esteem and image 6. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: Building a pleasing personality 7. SUBCONSCIOUS MIND AND HABITS: Forming positive habits and character 8. GOAL-SETTING:

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    Efforts to Reduce the Budget Deficit ECO 203 May 6‚ 2013 Efforts to Reduce the Budget Deficit In view of these possible surprises‚ fiscal adjustment plans must thus be designed in a way that makes them sufficiently flexible to accommodate the impact of shocks‚ but also sufficiently resilient so as to preserve their medium-term fiscal consolidation objectives even when the underlying economic environment turns out differently than initially expected‚ Mauro (2011).

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    LEGAL ASPECTS OF NON-PERFORMING ASSETS KNOWHOW FOR MANUFACTURE AND TECHNIQUES TO ELIMINATE NON-PERFORMING ASSETS BY PROCESS OF SECURITISATION Securitisation The concept of securitisation has been adopted more recently from the American financial system and has been described as processing of acquiring financial asset and packaging the same for investments by several investors. The term ‘securitisation’ has not been defined as such‚ but has been used in certain rules‚ regulations and

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    Action Potentials

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    Action Potentials An action potential is the change in electrical potential associated with the passage of an impulse along the membrane of a muscle cell or nerve cell. An action potential occurs when a neuron sends information down an axon‚ away from the cell body. A threshold is the minimum amount of stimulation needed to start a neural impulse (you know‚ the electrical impulses that travel throughout your body carrying important information). Action potentials generated by neural impulses are

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    Affirmative Action

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    Affirmative Action As a college student‚ I am very familiar with the grueling process of filling out countless college applications‚ writing essay after essay‚ and checking an assortment of boxes asking you questions such as your parent’s income and your race. I have found myself pondering why college admissions factor so much weight on race or ethnicity and whether or not it is fair. It is more than apparent that as our nation grows it has increasingly become a multiracial‚ multiethnic society

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    drug actions

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    FACTORS AFFECTING DRUG ACTION In drug administration‚ many factors affect the action of the medication. These factors also affect the dose to be administered. The usual adult dose of medication as listed in standard references‚ is based on the assumption that the adult weighs 150 pounds‚ but since the following variables influence the action of the medication‚ they also may alter the quantity of the drug necessary to produce the desired results a. Weight. Heavy‚ burly clients require larger doses

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    Affirmative Action

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    Affirmative action The term affirmative action was first used by President John F. Kennedy. During the 1960’s civil rights movement‚ President John F. Kennedy signed executive order 10925. This executive order was meant to ensure that federal contractors did not discriminate in their hiring practices but “"take affirmative action to ensure" equal opportunity. The civil rights era also worked to repel against the sexism against women‚ when in 1967 President Lyndon Johnson amended the order to include

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