"Account for the popularity of pocahontas story" Essays and Research Papers

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    of the Native Americans as they were exposed to diseases‚ loss of land‚ and enslavement. As many Europeans were arriving to the New World they were bringing many diseases with them‚which greatly affected the lives of the Natives. In a Historical Account by William Bradford we are presented with the fact on how diseases were brought to America.Bradford writes‚ “...this young man with a grievous disease‚of which he died”(6). Throughout the voyage there was many diseases going around

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    accident that happened during mountain climbing in the Andes. They both use a realistic and logical tone‚ but Joe’s mind is in a fight between emotion and rationality‚ whereas Simon is naturally calculative and unemotional. Throughout the whole account‚ Joe uses language devices to emphasize how painful he is. For example‚ in the sentence ‘A wave of nausea surged over me’ he uses metaphor‚ depicting the pain as ‘a wave’‚ to underscore the pain taking over him strongly and uncontrollably. Also‚ the

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    Reflective Account on Being Able To Respond To Emergency Situations I am in the garden with one teacher and two other teaching assistants on 20/09/2012. The garden activity centre is out‚ and there are various activities set at different areas. I am walking around the garden observing the children whilst they are playing. Suddenly‚ child A falls off the activity centre and lands on her bottom. I walk over to her and ask her “are you ok?” She looks at me with tears in her eyes and nods. I bend

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    M Middleditch REFLECTIVE ACCOUNT HSC 2028 J/601/8027 After helping Mr A get washed and dressed and as he is unable to weight bear or walk‚ in accordance with the risk assessment in his care plan he needed to be transferred into a wheelchair using a hoist. On explaining our desire to transfer him using the hoist ‚ he declined ‚ stating that he could do it himself ( he has some degree of short term memory loss ) and he asked

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    D1 Evaluate the contribution of a visitor attraction to the popularity and appeal of a destination or area In this report‚ I am going to evaluate the contribution of Bullring to the popularity and appeal of Birmingham and surrounding area. The Bullring is a major shopping and leisure area‚ an important attraction of Birmingham‚ which located in city centre. It attracts many different types of visitors to the city and surrounding areas. According to the Bullring fact sheets‚ with its

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    Reflective account Before starting this unit‚ I did not think about my writing skills or did not know everyone has a writer’s identity. Initially‚ I did not realise emailing or texting a friend would be considering writing. I just saw it as a way to socialise with others. Having read subject content‚ I now understand when I construct email I consider my audiences‚ reflect on my writing and also editing‚ which are stages in the writing process as Cremin and Myhill (2012) explain. Additionally‚ I


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    Administering Medication reflective account The legislation which governs how medication is administered‚ stored and recorded include the following: The Health and Social Care Act 2008 The Medicines Act 1968 The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 COSHH Regulations 1999 Access to Health Records Act 1990 Data Protection Act 1998 Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005 Common types of medication which I deal with and support my clients with are: Paracetamol- usually prescribed as 500mg

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    Introduction As part of my studies in the MA social Work and Law module I attended Hull Crown Court. During the visit I witnessed three sentencing sessions. In this paper I aim to project a reflective account of my own thoughts and feelings regarding the Crown Court environment and my initial perceptions of the power dynamics of the Court room officials. The profile and demographics of the defendants will be briefed‚ with the aim of finding links between them. We will then introduce the nature of

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    Task B Reflective Account

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    Assignment 304 Principles for implementing duty of care in health ‚ social care or children’s and young people’s settings Task B Reflective Account BI – Describe two situations which demonstrate a conflict or dilemma between exercising a duty of care and the rights of an individual Conflict and dilemmas may arise between the duty of care and individuals rights could be staff having a difference of opinion over an service user for example a staff member believing that they have seen signs of

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    Reflective Account- Support individuals to access and use services and facilities For this reflective account I am using the example of when I take Mr B to College for his cookery lessons. Mr B goes to College every Thursday‚ more often than not I am the support worker that goes with him‚ as Mr B is unaware of dangers such as when something is hot it may burn you and as Mr B does not verbally communicate it is necessary for a support worker to be with him at college. Mr B has a risk assessment

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