"Act 1 scene 1 educating rita" Essays and Research Papers

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    Journal Entry #1 Integrity is a virtue that has always been around and it is an important characteristic to have. In the play‚ The Crucible‚ Tituba finally confesses to who all saw the devil. When she fessed up‚ Betty‚ Abigail and Parris all joined in and were being honest to Mr. Putnam. This started a whole other issue in now punishing those who encountered the devil. The virtue of integrity is still so present today in society. Integrity is to be honest about something even though it may hurt

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    Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare‚ the play is based on forbidden love and deathly consequences. The beginning of the play starts with a prologue‚ the main point of this is to get the audience’s attention and set the scene but to also explain the whole outline of the play. By doing this Shakespeare is also acknowledging one of the main themes of the play‚ which is fate. In the prologue Shakespeare chooses to use a lot of violent language- “Their death...Civil blood makes civil


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    ambitious‚ flawed character that is stronger than her husband and knows it. She has both feminine and masculine characteristics which allow her to literally get away with murder-she is manipulative‚ ruthless and cunning. It is very clear from the act if you have read it. Lady Macbeth is full of evil‚ and is well aware of that. She is evil and she wants to be evil. She wants to forget every connection to humanity and womanhood she shares. That’s why she wants the spirits to unsex her - "fill me from

    Free Macbeth William Shakespeare Duncan I of Scotland

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    In Act 1Scene 5‚ Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth‚ telling her of the witches’ prediction that he will be king. Lady Macbeth’s first reaction is to say "shalt be what thou art promis’d". She then says "yet do I fear thy nature; it is too full o’ the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way". By this she means that she fears that he is too kind to do what he needs to do to become king‚ by killing Duncan. Her use of the word milk is interesting as it is a very feminine word‚


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    DANCING AT LUGHNASA - ACT ONE STAGING P1 – chiaroscuro lighting state establishes atmosphere and non-realism from the start. A stylised tableau allows the audience to see the cast in its entirety. Michael‚ as an adult narrator‚ is a Brechtian device P2 – lighting is used for mood – probably straw and pink state to connote Summer. Props and set is organised to allow for cast to break from tableau into small-scale action representational of character eg ‘AGNES knits gloves’. P7 – the

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    How Shakespeare Makes Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet Dramatically Effective At the start of Act 1 Scene 5 the guests at the Capulets’ ball have just finishes dining and Sampson and Gregory‚ the two head servants‚ are complaining that a number of the servants‚ especially Potpan‚ are not helping to clear up: "Where’s Potpan that he helps not to take away?" Most of the servants are trying to clean up quickly because they want to have their own party later. The scene then moves on to Lord Capulet

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    Within Educating Rita it could be argued that Russell is trying to depict an aspect of conflict within class and culture in the UK- the play itself being in the context of the country during the 1980’s where the rise of Thatcherism grasped many industrialised areas of Britain‚ thus Russell attempts to depict the importance of education with in this era to those who wanted to escape from the lower end of the social scale. This directly affects one of the two characters in the play‚ Rita. Who- due

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    of creating tension for the audience like in Act 1 of ’Romeo and Juliet’ it introduces the theme of love and hate between the two families Montague and Capulet. There is also a fight between the two family’s servants because they hate each other but Tybalt (Capulet) turns up and the fight becomes even bigger than before. The reason Shakespeare kills off Mercutio and Tybalt in Act 3 is that now all the action can focus on Romeo and Juliet. In the scene were Mercutio is slain‚ this point is often looked

    Free Romeo and Juliet

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    Act 1 Summary The play opens in the "morning-room" of the Windermere house‚ where Lady Margaret Windermere is arranging roses in preparation for a "small but select" ball she and her husband are hosting that evening in honor of her birthday. Parker‚ the butler‚ announces that Lord Darlington has come to call‚ and shows him in. Darlington begins to flirt with Lady Windermere‚ who very kindly but firmly tries to discourage his attentions. She says she does not like compliments but tells him she

    Premium English-language films Marriage Family

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    The first scene opens when LEXA DUPONT‚ an intelligent‚ rebellious a biracial‚ 17 years old in Two Ocean Pass‚ is being picked up from Deaton Academy and being embarrassed by her father‚ LIAM DUPONT‚ a middle-age Politician. Liam calls Lexa "Doodlebug" and she is then teased by her PEERS. Later that day SOPHIA DUPONT‚ her mother‚ who is a tall hot-shot District Attorney and her father‚ Liam gives Lexa the bad news that she won’t be attending the homecoming dance this year because they can’t chaperone

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