Types And Causes Of Pollution The term pollution refers to the act of contaminating ones environment by introducing certain hazardous contaminants that disturb the ecosystem and directly or indirectly affect the living organisms of that ecosystem. Pollution in general is the activity of disturbing the natural system and balance of an environment. The increase in the pollution over the years by man has caused severe damage to the earth’s ecosystem. It is responsible for global warming which is leading
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Place INDOOR AIR POLLUTION Children’s Health and the Environment WHO Training Package for the Health Sector World Health Organization www.who.int/ceh July 2008 version 1 Indoor Air Pollution Indoor LEARNING OBJECTIVES LEARNING TO UNDERSTAND‚ RECOGNIZE AND KNOW: Hazards of indoor air pollution to children’s health Different toxicants in indoor air‚ according to sources‚ settings and activities Characteristics and issues relating to indoor air pollution in industrialized
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H A B I T A T INTL. Vol. 19‚ No. 3‚ pp. 279-292‚ 1995 Pergamon Elsevier Science Ltd Printed in Great Britain 0197-3975/95 $9.50 + 0.00 0197-3975(94)00071-9 Sustainable Development and the Construction Industry* ROBIN SPENCE and HELEN MULLIGANt Cambridge University‚ UK and tCambridge Architectural Research Limited‚ UK ABSTRACT The construction industry‚ together with the materials industries which support it‚ is one of the major global exploiters of natural resources‚ both physical
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REPORT OF INDUSTRIAL VISIT Letter of Transmittal 31-Oct-2013 To The Head of the Discipline Chemistry Discipline Khulna university‚ KHULNA Dear Sir‚ Sub: Report of the One – Day industrial visit On receiving the letter of permission from Bashunddhara Cement Industries Ltd. Mongla‚ students of Chemistry Discipline with five faculty members went on an industrial visit Bashunddhara Cement Industries Ltd. Mongla on 05-010-13. We all assembled at the university at 8 a.m. and left the university
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US dollar from broadcasting copywrite every year and a big avenue from sponsors and advertising. That prove the attration of football. To me‚ I like football because it’s a useful‚ healthful‚ collective but competitive sport. I like overenthusiastic air on stadium on each match. Anyways football always is the most favorite sport of mine. Please help me correct‚ many thanks.muihech05-12-2008‚ 06:02 PMMy favorite sport is football. In America people called it Soccer it is called Soccer . But I like to
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Available online at www.academicpaper.org Academic @ Paper International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies Vol. 1‚ Issue 1‚ pp. 1 – 15‚ 2012 HYDROGEN USE IN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE: A REVIEW Murat CİNİVİZ1‚ Hüseyin KÖSE1* 1 Technical Education Faculty‚ Mechanical Education Department‚ Selçuk University‚ 42003 Konya‚ Turkey Accepted 14 July‚ 2011 ABSTRACT Fast depletion of fossil fuels is urgently demanding a carry out work for research to find out the viable
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utilitarianism (Boylan‚ 2009). According to Boylan‚ “utilitarianism is a theory that suggests that an action is morally right when that action produces more total utility for the group than any other alternative” (2009). 3 Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism‚ meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome. Utilitarianism suggests that an action is morally right when that action produces more total utility for the group than any other alternative (Boylan‚ 2009)
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AIR POLLUTION The main reason of Air Pollution is burning of fossils fuels in large quantities accent decades has resulted in gradual increase in carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere. It is estimated that content of carbon dioxide has increased by 25% during the last 100 years. Carbon dioxide allows in solution to pass through but absorbs out going terrestrial radiation increase of Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has the effect of increasing the temp of atmosphere. It is estimated that global
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Air Pollution 20.000 liters of air is what we breathe on a daily basis. Air is something most people take for granted‚ you don’t see it around you and breathing goes automatically. But every time we inhale we risk inhaling dangerous chemicals which found their way in our air. Air pollution is the presence of dangerous chemicals in the air that we breathe. It is a change in the air which influences humans health and organism on the planet. Many think that `gases’’ pollute the air‚ those gases
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we all take for granted the air. Most of us hardly ever think about it. It’s just something we take for granted. But the air we breathe carries pollutants that can be bad for our health. People with sensitivities‚ like those who have asthma‚ or the elderly‚ and also athletes are especially vulnerable to unhealthy levels of air pollution. There are many kinds of air pollution. The ones I want to talk about are the ozone‚ acid rain‚ carbon monoxide and toxic air contaminants. Ozone is formed
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