The Sorrows of War and the Glorious Lies Is it really worth it? Is the simple order by a superior officer enough for someone to spill the blood of innocent soldiers? In All Quiet on the Western Front‚ a novel by Erich Maria Remarque‚ a group of soldiers learn the hard way about the realities of war. They encounter trench warfare and hand-to-hand combat and slowly see how horrible the war is. Using the book‚ the author expresses his hatred towards war and how only evil comes from it. The emotions
Premium Erich Maria Remarque English-language films All Quiet on the Western Front
Lauren Davis Mr. Furlong English 10 17 Sept. 2014 The horrors and Dehumanizing Effects on War Through out the appalling novel‚ All Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Remarque‚ many themes were prevalent in the reading. The one theme that stood out most to me was the horrors and dehumanizing effects of war. Remarque‚ who fought in World War I himself‚ gives great details on how the solders live and the gruesome encounters. At the begging of the novel Paul expresses to us how dehumanizing
Premium Erich Maria Remarque World War I All Quiet on the Western Front
The problem being‚ those that were killed were never really recognized beyond having fought for their country. One of the most memorable characters in the story All Quiet On the Western Front is a French soldier named Gerard Duval‚ because he symbolizes the millions of good people that lost their lives during the Great War. All soldiers in the war were trained not to care about anything but war itself‚ and to only pay attention to the main objective they must complete. The French solider
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a transformative event as it has transformed the nation’s of the planet politically and economically‚ as well as transforming the nation’s art and literature. In the novel All Quiet on the Western Front‚ Paul the main character returns back to his hometown realising it is different then he could remember as he was at the front and is unable to understand how to behave in the city and how everyone else is acting differently. As Paul was walking in the street he was noticing how everyone was different
Premium Erich Maria Remarque The Road Back All Quiet on the Western Front
Through Erich Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front the reader learns that war is not all combat and wounded men. It is brainwashing soldiers‚ forcing them to forget their homes and families. The war suffocates innocent people simply trying to serve their country‚ and turns them into living corpses. In the beginning of the book all the new soldiers are very excited. They are fresh into the war and ready to fight for their country. They bond over talk of their life at home and some of their
Premium World War II World War I War
appears very oftenly throughout the course of the novel is liberty. In many book‚ the theme liberty is an advance indication of a plot where the characters fight for liberty. However‚ in this book‚ “All Quiet on the Western Front‚” the theme signifies the lack of liberty throughout the experiences of almost all of the characters. Paul first learned that it was important to show patriotism inside one’s heart. He was very brave to show loyalty toward his country by deciding to go fight in the war. Soon he
Premium Hero Courage World War I
In the film “All Quiet on The Western Front” a first hand war experience is depicted from the point of view of soldiers who fought on the front of the German line. People who were not fighting had these beliefs of what happened at the front. They were told countless stories but all of them were war cliches which were far from the truth of what really happened. The blood‚ sweat‚ bodies‚ countless injured and dead‚ the suffering‚ people knew it happened but not to the extreme that it was. This film
Premium World War I World War II Western Front
Throughout the story‚ All Quiet on the Western Front can be classified in many themes that befits the novel written by Erich Maria Remarque. The journey includes how people changed their definition of war‚ correlating to what they experienced‚ a taste of how it felt‚ feeling as if it changed them mentally and physically. Before and after the war‚ the experiences gained affected them‚ throughout the whole novel as the theme of identity appears‚ defining the concept of war. As if words are not enough
Premium All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque Change
My knowledge of World War One was solely built on the works of European writers‚ which I had a chance to read in high school and university. The books such as All Quiet on the Western Front by German writer Erich Maria Remarque‚ Death of a Hero by English poet Richard Aldington‚ Doctor Zhivago by Russian novelist Boris Pasternak and The Good Soldier Švejk by Czech satirist Jaroslav Hašek shaped my view on the subject‚ giving me a chance to see the history from many different perspectives. However
Premium World War II World War I War
The novel “All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque Translated from the German by A. W. WHEEN FAWCETT CREST offers a realistic depiction of World War I from the perspective of a soldier named Paul Baumer. The story follows Paul and other soldiers through battles in trenches‚ military hospitals‚ and many other locations. Paul observes and experiences the effect war has on individuals as well as the horrors of war. Remarque uses realism and different literary devices to communicate
Premium Erich Maria Remarque All Quiet on the Western Front World War I