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    Personality Theories Matrix

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    Personality Theories Matrix THEORY Psychoanalytic Neo-Freudian Trait Biological Humanistic Behavioral/ Social Cognitive Personality “Self: id‚ ego‚ superego‚ thanatos; defense mechanisms.” Personlaity structureis made up of 3 major systems: the id‚ the ego and the superego. Each has its own function properties‚ components‚ operating principles‚ and mechanisms‚ the systems interact so closely with one another that it is difficult to disentangle their effects

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    characteristics are manifested in an individual’s behavior‚ sometimes defining that individual by the traits and characteristics that the individual possesses. Dispositional personality theories are composed of Allport’s Psychology of the Individual and Eysenck‚ McCrae‚ and Costa’s Trait and Factors Theories. According to Feist and Feist (2009)‚ “In the personality theory of McCrea and Costa‚ behavior is predicted by an understanding of three central or core components and three peripheral ones” (p. 424)

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    1. Motivation is something that inspires you to do your best or full potential. It amplifies your drive to do something‚ different people have different motivations like family‚ love one‚ children‚ or an artist‚ a goal you wanted badly to reach/ 2. Need for affiliation – love‚ family‚ friends‚ shelter‚ food‚ and clothing. Need for power – aggressiveness‚ and manipulating situations. Need of achievement 3. The Three elements of emotions are The Subjective Experience‚ The Physiological Response

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    Personality – the sums of the characteristics that make a person unique– BTEC NATIONAL SPORT Personality – the sums of the characteristics that make a person unique– BTEC NATIONAL SPORT 1)Martens Schematic view. 2) The Psycho dynamic theory 3)Trait Theory 4) Situational approach 5) Interactional theory 1)Martens Schematic view. 2) The Psycho dynamic theory 3)Trait Theory 4) Situational approach 5) Interactional theory There are a number of theories and approaches that have been

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    Ψ Raymond Cattell BIOGRAPHY OF RAYMOND CATTELL Cattell was born in England in 1905 to a family of engineers. Cattell was a bright student‚ graduating with his doctorate in psychology in 1929 from the university of London at 23. A bleak job market forced Cattell to take a clinical position doing school psychology for 5 years. This helped him with his future career in personality research. In 1937‚ Cattell was invited to the states by E.L Thorndike in New York. Cattell stayed in the US after

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    Outgoing Optimistic Powerful Choleric Powerful Choleric Outspoken Analyze Analyze Analyze Analyze Lead Lead Lead Lead Popular Sanguine Unemotional Strong Willed Unemotional Strong Willed Artistic Emotional Artistic Emotional Task Oriented Task Oriented Relationship Oriented Relationship Oriented Easy Going‚ Witty Easy Going‚ Witty Decisive‚ Organized Decisive‚ Organized Not Goal Oriented Not Goal Oriented Goal Oriented Goal Oriented Artistic

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    2] Allport‚ G. W. (1937). Personality: A Psychological Interpretation. New York: Holt. 3] Baron‚ A.‚ & Neuman‚ H. (1996). Workplace Violence and Workplace Aggression: Evidence on Their Relative Frequency and Potential Causes. Aggressive Behaviour 22: 161-173. 4] Bruce L.Katcher & Adam Snyder (2007). 30 Reasons Employees Hate Their Managers. USA: American Management Association. 5] Covey‚ Stephen (1989). "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." New York: Simon and Schuster. 6] Eysenck‚ H. J

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    of the 16PF Questionnaire Liberty University Abstract The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)‚ Fifth Edition was released in 1993 and is designed to measure normal personality traits in adults ages 16 and older. Dr. Raymond Cattell published the first edition of the 16PF in 1949 after extensive research using factor analysis techniques. The 16PF measures 16 primary personality factors and five global personality factors. Available in a wide variety of languages worldwide‚ the

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    Chemical Warfare on Humans - interview with Robert Whitaker by: Terry Messman http://www.naturalnews.com/011353.html Maltby‚ J. Day‚ L‚ & Macaskill‚ A. (2010) Personality‚ Individual Differences and Intelligence (2nd Ed). Harlow‚ England: Pearson. Allport‚ G. W. (1961) Pattern and growth in personality. New York: Holt‚ Rinehart & Winston. Cronbach‚ L. J. and Meehl‚ P.E. (1995) Construct validity in psychological tests. Psychological bulletin‚ 52‚ 281-302. Tehrani‚ j. and Mednick‚ S. (2000). Genetic

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    Personality Notes

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    Personality * Personality is the unique and relatively stable way in which a person thinks‚ feels‚ and behaves. Character is value judgments of a person’s ethical and moral behavior. Temperament refers to the enduring characteristics that a person is born with. * There are four main personality theories. The psychodynamic perspective focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality and biological causes of personality differences. The behaviorist perspective

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