1. Individuals of the mob are cowards because they join out of fear of being a coward‚ which is the irony of it all. People in the mob aren’t acting according to their own will either but following the flock “The pitifullest thing out is a mob… and from their officers.” (158) There isn’t even a leader “An army without any man at the head of it is beneath pitifullest.”(159) Sherburn greets the mob from his roof with a rifle in his hand‚ and attacks the mob for their cowardice and average mentality
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Coward of the County Kenny Rogers Must you always fight to be a man? In the song Coward of the County by Kenny Rogers a young man lives by his father’s words of “you don’t have to fight to be a man.” The first conflict of the story involves the young man’s father dying behind bars. The young man’s father died in prison when he was 10 years old. Before he died he told his son that he does not need to fight to be a man. The young man was named Tommy‚ but folks just called him yellow. Tommy was called
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How would you define coward? Webster’s dictionary states that a coward is a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things. Does this mean that if you refuse to fight in a war you’re a coward? I got my draft notice June 17‚ 1968. That was two weeks ago. Right now I am close to the Canadian border. I can’t face my family after getting the draft notice. I wouldn’t have been able to watch the sorrow and discouraged look in my father’s eyes as I told him I wasn’t going. How
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Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts “Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts” (The New York Times‚ 2011) is an essay written by Jonathan Franzen. The essay is basically about the effect of what technological progress is doing to the modern society. Jonathan Franzen is not against technology but he is against what it has done to the technology users. He thinks the progress has turned the youth into narcissists: “But if you consider this in human terms‚ and you imagine a person defined by a
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Delprøve 1a Besvarelse 1a 1. Rettelse: Having heard the terrible news‚ we realized these things could have happened to anybody. Forklaring: Fejl i verbalbøjning. Sætningen er i pluskvamperfektum/perfektum(?) og indeholder modalverbet ’could’. Modalverber skal altid følges af infinitiv uden ’to’‚ i denne sætning infinitiv af verbet ’to have’‚ og når man danner pluskvamperfektum skal man bruge en form af ’have’ + perfektum participium – her ’happened’. Derfor skal det være ’have happened’
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experiences as a father. Throughout the novel‚ Baba‚ Amir’s father‚ guides Amir through certain events which are crucial to his coming-of-age‚ and does it in a way in which it is not always clear what his intentions are. Baba takes Amir out of Afghanistan before the Soviet invasion‚ and while not specific events‚ he leads Amir by example‚ and helps him to get out of his shell and experience America at last. Throughout the novel‚ Amir makes it very clear that he aspires
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No Coward Soul Is Mine by Emily Bronte No coward soul is mine‚ No trembler in the worlds storm-troubled sphere: I see Heavens glories shine‚ And faith shines equal‚ arming me from fear. O God within my breast. Almighty‚ ever-present Deity! Life -- that in me has rest‚ As I -- Undying Life -- have power in Thee! Vain are the thousand creeds That move mens hearts: unutterably vain; Worthless as withered weeds‚ Or idlest froth amid the boundless main‚ To waken doubt in one Holding so
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B: Write an essay in which you analyse and comment on Jonathan Franzen’s essay ”Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts”. Part of your essay must focus on how Jonathan Franzen tries to engage a young audience and on the message of the essay. Jonathan Franzen’s speech was given to the college students at Kenyon‚ Ohio‚ USA. The introduction part of the speech is Jonathan Franzen talking about his relationship to his newly purchased phone‚ and how he got rid of his old one. Choosing the subject
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more prominent relationships one may observe in The Kite Runner is between the Hazara boy‚ Hassan‚ and Amir. This relationship is one the most important in the novel as it acts as a large foundation which is required for the rest of the novel. “…we were kids who had learned to crawl together‚ and no history‚ ethnicity‚ society‚ or religion was going to change that either.” (27‚ Hosseini). Amir and Hassan were very close from a very young age‚ they had grown a very strong friendship with each other
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must conform to their demands and requests. Nora is a great example of this‚ as Torvald controls most aspects of her life. He forbids Nora from doing basic things‚ such as checking the mail. This raised the question discussed in the oral: Is Nora a coward or brave for leaving Torvald and her family? One could argue that it was a cowardly move because she is leaving Torvald to support his children by himself‚ therefore taking away any influence a mother figure
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