"An Inspector Calls" Essays and Research Papers

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    In the book An Inspector Calls the character Sheila has more of an impact and changes her views on things. The writer‚ Priestley‚ uses Sheila as someone who helps the audience follow the play by what she says. Act One In Act One‚ Sheila and her family are celebrating her engagement to Gerald Croft. Although Sheila is excited and full of joy‚ she can’t help but wonder why Gerald spent all of last summer avoiding her and blaming it on work‚ as it says on page 3‚ “(half serious‚ half playfully)

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    An Inspector Calls‚ by J.B. Priestley‚ is set in Brumley‚ England; ‘an industrial city in the North Midlands’ (p.XIV). The play starts at the dinner table one evening in Spring‚ 1912. The Birling’ s were celebrating the engagement of their daughter Sheila to Gerald. Their ‘large suburban house’ and ‘good solid furniture’ (p.1) shows the Birling’ s high living standards. At the dinner table‚ Mr.Birling is sitting ’at one end‚’ and Mrs.Birling ’at the other’ (p.1). This shows that Mrs.Birling has a

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    How is the theme of responsibility Explored in ‘An Inspector Calls?’ There are many theme in the play in ’An Inspector Calls. This was written by J.B.Priestley on 1945 and set on 1912. The play begins with the engagement party of Sheila and Gerald. Sheila is the daughter of Birlings’‚ who own a successful business. During the party an Inspector comes and started to enquire about a woman who has just committed suicide. From the course of the play we know that each members of the Birling family

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    Analyse the role of the female characters in An Inspector Calls Priestley includes a range of female characters in An Inspector Calls from an upper class snob‚ through a vain daughter to an oppressed factory worker. Throughout this play‚ the selfishness and moral hypocrisy of upper middle-class capitalist society is revealed. The vulnerability of women evokes sympathy‚ which supports Priestley’s belief in gender equality and community as “one body”. At the beginning of the play‚ Sybil

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    An Inspector

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    In this question I have been asked to explore how j.b. Priestley presents sympathy for Eva Smith in ‘’An Inspector Calls’’ In "An Inspector Calls"‚ J.B. Priestley uses the characters and attitudes of the Birling family‚ especially Mr. Birling‚ to make the audience feel sympathy for Eva Smith. The family is "prosperous" and "comfortable"‚ and Mr. Birling’s extensive posturing and blagging emphasizes their good fortune. In the opening lines of the play‚ he is found to be drinking and discussing port

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    Explore how Priestly creates like or dislike of Mrs Birling ‘An Inspector Calls’ is a well-known play which was written by J.B. Priestly in 1945. However it was set in a Midland Industrial town in 1912. Priestley deliberately set his play in 1912 because the date represented an era when all was very different from the time he was writing. In 1912‚ rigid class and gender boundaries seemed to ensure that nothing would change. Yet by 1945‚ most of those class and gender divisions had been breached.

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    An Inspector Calls A play where such themes may feature conflict is ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B. Priestly. The dramatist conveys this theme effectively through several techniques. An Inspector Calls is about a family called The Birlings. It focuses on the recent suicide of a young girl called Eva Smith‚ who also calls herself Daisy Renton. During the play‚ the Inspector helps the Birlings to realise that they were all partially responsible for her tragic death. The first scene in the

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    The playwright of ’An Inspector Calls’ John Boynton Priestly was alive between 1894 and 1984‚ in this time he served in the First World War where in 1916 he was badly injured. It wasn’t until the end of the Second World War in 1945 that he wrote ’An Inspector Calls’; he chose to set the play thirty years in the past before either wars had happened- in 1912. Priestly was a renowned socialist and highly respected in his time- with his own radio show which around twenty million tuned into each week

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    To what extent is “An Inspector calls” a socialist play? J.B Priestley uses his play as tool to get across his message of socialism. Priestley was a well known socialist and so would obviously want to express his views in some way. Priestley uses “AIC” to convey his views on capitalism and socialism: he uses the Inspector and some of the other characters as his mouthpiece of socialism‚ and uses some of the more arrogant and ugly characters to represent capitalism. Priestley would obviously be

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    How do you respond to Gerald in An Inspector Calls? How does Priestley make you respond as you do by the way he writes? (30 Marks) The character of Gerald in An Inspector Calls is one that produces different responses; this is due to Priestley’s writing style. During the start of the play Gerald takes a low level status but by the end of the Play he is defiantly trying to save himself and the family. How does Priestley make us feel like that? Well it’s all down to the stage directions and how the

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