are Steroids? Corticosteroid drugs‚ called "steroids" for short‚ are potent chemical substances which can reduce swelling and inflammation quickly. These drugs are closely related to cortisol‚ a hormone produced on the cortex of the adrenal glands. Corticosteroids are used in arthritis treatment because of their anti-inflammatory properties‚ but recommended as a low-dose or short-term treatment when possible to minimize side effects. Corticosteroids are not the same as "anabolic steroids" (performance
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athletes use drugs to win‚ other competitors are robbed of their chances of a fair game and prize. Expand Explanation For instance‚ a woman by the name of Wu Yanyan‚ a former 200m individual medley world record holder‚ was found guilty of taking anabolic steroids and later banned for four years from competing. Because of the reason Yanyan won‚ it was unfair to the other competitors who just wanted a fair chance of winning. Drug use can be harmful for athlete’s health if they are not needed for specific
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As an avid baseball fan‚ I agree with the stance on players who used steroids being disqualified from the Hall of Fame. Pete Rose was banned from baseball after being caught betting on games‚ one of baseball’s cardinal sins. I see steroid use as equally bad. Those who used steroids spoiled a whole era of baseball and raised unfair investigations into those who did it the right way like‚ Albert Pujols and Derek Jeter. Using steroids is cheating‚ plain and simple‚ and cheaters should not be in the Hall
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Steroids in the United States One of the biggest controversies in the United States is the uses of steroids. Steroids have been a great benefit to people in need with medical condition‚ but as many other drugs steroids have been greatly abused. This abuse has turned in an ongoing problem with athletes at the college and professional levels. This performance enhancing drug has caused athletes that have used it to have their careers ended or greatly changed. Take for instance Berry Bonds. A professional
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uses steroids should be deemed cheaters‚ for they are pushing sports to a new level and creating an equal level of play. As competition has escalated‚ the
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The Effects of Steroids on the Human Body and Steroid Abuse by Athletes For many years‚ the use and abuse of anabolic-androgenic steroids have been linked closely to athletes. Steroids come in different forms. They can be taken in pill form or injected straight into the user’s muscles by a needle. There are many sports that are associated with steroid abuse like weightlifting‚ basketball‚ and track and field. Anabolic-androgenic steroids are synthetic forms of male sex hormones
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* The word “steroid” comes with a stigma today‚ especially in professional sports. * I believe that this label is unfair and it is my goal for you all to believe the same. * I noticed from the audience surveys that only 2 of you believe steroids should be legal in professional sports. * This topic is significant because the majority of people do not know the benefits of legalizing steroids. * The 3 main reasons I believe steroids should be legal are: 1. you can never fully prevent
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of products which athletes and anyone who is exercising can use to boost performance. These enhancement products do come in handy and one of them which are known to many is the steroid. They are basically used for body building such as for muscle enhancement and building the general body. Before you can use anabolic steroids‚ it will be good to first have clear information of how it works on your body. Wrong use of these products can cause harm to your body hence it will be good to have the right information
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of taking steroids? Steroids often get a bad rap for creating violence in male athletes‚ but only because many people overlook the positive aspects of physical healing that they have on the body. Taking steroids causes the body to increase body mass‚ strength‚ and healing rates and when people are sick‚ they usually get steroids to get their strength back. However‚ a prolonged use of steroids can create situations in which people do not act like themselves and become violent. Steroids can help you
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Steroids are a commonly used drug in the sports world today. Steroids are laboratory made drugs. They are man-made versions of the human hormone testosterone‚ which aids growth of the muscles‚ bones‚ and skin (Dudley 22). There is also many other types of drugs used today. Legal drugs help people get better or heal things faster (Nelson 23). The Hormonal changes caused by the use of anabolic androgenic steroids have ruined the performance and potential of many athletes (Nelson 53). Most people agree
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