"Annotated bibliography on servant leadership" Essays and Research Papers

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    Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources Callahan‚ C.M. ‚ et al.‚ “Urban High School Youth and Handguns: A School-based Survey‚” Journal of the American Medical Association‚ June 10‚ 1992‚ p. 3038. This Article is about gun violence within our schools. This article aims to address this issue by looking at the cause of the problem. First it points out the lack of morals and values in young adults and children. One of the main causes given

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    Annotated Bibliography on the Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal substance in United States and in many other countries; this is a statement that seems to be in each article that is written about the legalization of marijuana. This is a subject that has been up for debate for quite a few years now. There are many people who support the legalization of this drug and are strongly convinced that marijuana is not a drug in which one should be punished for‚ but rather

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    Annotated Bibliography Bergmann‚ Sheryle. “Creative Dance in the Education Curriculum: Justifying the Unambiguous.” Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation‚ vol. 20‚ no. 2‚ 1995‚ p. 156. ProQuest Research Library‚ doi:10.2307/1495274. Accessed 15 Mar. 2017. This academic journal discusses the topic of creative dance in many forms. The main uses of creative dance are physical education‚ therapy‚ and integration. Creative dance is typically taught in elementary schools

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    Annotated Bibliography One Delaney‚ Bill. "Poe ’s THE CASK OF AMONTILLADO." Explicator 64.1 (2005): 39-41. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 Sept. 2013. This article describes the emotional aspects of Montresor‚ the protagonist in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado.” While Montresor seems uncaring and without emotion as he is murdering Fortunato for the insults against his family‚ Montresor is not as ruthless as he seems. He shows care and concern for his

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    Solitary Confinement: An Annotated Bibliography Fuchs‚ Erin. "SOLITARY CONFINEMENT: ’It Doesn ’t Take Long For You To Start Punishing Yourself ’" Business Insider. Business Insider‚ 9 Sept. 2013. Web. 09 Oct. 2013. This article examines the psychological consequences of short and long term solitary confinement for prisoners in the United States aimed to disciplinary separation. Very close attention is paid to the difference of effects solitary confinement is on younger inmates rather than elders

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    Annotated Bibliography Brewton‚ Vince. "Bold Defiance Took Its Place" -- "Respect" And Self-Making In Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass‚ An American Slave." Mississippi Quarterly 58.3/4 (2005): 703-717. Literary Reference Center. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. This article analyzes the concept of ’respect ’ as it displays itself in the work of literature and it ’s continued importance in black culture. The author describes how Douglass used the concept as a method of self-definition‚ necessary

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    Taylor Medina Glaza English 3 24 January‚ 2014 Thesis: Wearing a seatbelt is one of the most important things you can do while operating a motor vehicle. Annotated Bibliography: Goehring‚ Jan. "Buckle up or else." State Legislatures 25.8 (1999): 30+. Student Resources in Context. Web. 24 Jan. 2014. “During the past 10 years‚ however‚ traffic-related deaths and injuries have declined due to a substantial increase in seat belt use.” "When you are injured‚ you do not just affect yourself

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    Annotated Bibliography: Neo-Freudianism Axelrod‚ S. D. (2012). "Self-awareness: At the interface of executive development and psychoanalytic therapy. Psychoanalytic Inquiry‚ 32(4)‚ 340–357. doi:10.1080/07351690.2011.609364 Self-awareness is a multifaceted process‚ including both self-reflection and self-observation‚ yet it is important to recognize that not all there are the same. Compared to Freud’s free association‚ Sturba argues that the technique should be designed not to change the standard

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    Cash for Grades Annotated Bibliography Henry‚ Gary T.‚ and Ross Rubenstein. "Paying for Grades: Impact of Merit-Based Financial Aid on Educational Quality." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management‚ vol. 21‚ no. 1‚ 2002.‚ pp. 93-109 ProQuest. Retrieved 2016 December 10 Henry and Rubenstein consider merit based aid programs to improve students grades. Georgia’s HOPE program has shown that the graduation rates continue to grow since it’s inception in 1993. Overall‚ this program‚ where merit based

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    Phuc Le Professor Patton 3/21/2014 Annotated Bibliography Sheen‚ Seongho. Grudging partner: South Korea: Asian affairs‚ 2003. Grudging partner article explains about the importance of U.S military toward South Korea’s economy and security relationship. South Korea has worked closely with U.S. military forces in maintaining a strong alliance with the United States. Most of South Korea believes that the U.S. military presence is crucial for

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