Chapter 4: The Period of Enlightenment (1872-1898) Historical Background After 300 years of passivity under Spanish rule‚ the Filipino spirit reawakened when the 3 priests Gomez‚ Burgos and Zamora were guillotined without sufficient evidence of guilt. This occurred on the 17th of February. This was buttressed with the spirit of liberalism when the Philippines opened its doors to world trade and with the coming of a liberal leader in the person of Governor Carlos Maria de la Torre. The Spaniards
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Notes: • The French Revolution and Industrial Revolution had an important influence on the fictional and nonfictional writing of the Romantic period‚ inspiring writers to address themes of democracy and human rights and to consider the function of revolution as apocalyptic change. • Romantic poets presented a theory of poetry in direct opposition to representative eighteenth-century theories of poetry as imitative of human life and nature by suggesting that poetic inspiration was located
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Chapter 4 The Period of Enlightenment (1872-1898) Historical Background After 300 years of passivity under Spanish rule‚ the Filipino spirit reawakened when the 3 priests Gomez‚ Burgos and Zamora were guillotined without sufficient evidence of guilt. This occurred on the 17th of February. This was buttressed with the spirit of liberalism when the Philippines opened its doors to world trade and with the coming of a liberal leader in the person of Governor Carlos Maria de la Torre. The Spaniards
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Before we are able to trace the motives that ushered in Romantic period‚ it is of paramount importance to point out the preceding period‚ which is known as Neo-classical era. The Neoclassical period spans 1600-1798 (the accession of Charles II to the publication by Wordsworth and Coleridge of Lyrical Ballad). It is called the neoclassical period because of reverence for the works of classical antiquity. The period is often called Age of reason‚ and science was used to glorify God and his creation
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The romantic period is a term applied to the literature of approximately the first third of the nineteenth century. During this time‚ literature began to move in channels that were not entirely new but were in strong contrast to the standard literary practice of the eighteenth century. How the wordromantic came to be applied to this period is something of a puzzle. Originally the word was applied to the Latin or Roman dialects used in the Roman provinces‚ especially France‚ and to the stories written
Premium Romanticism Samuel Taylor Coleridge William Wordsworth
*Pre-romantic Romanticism: Imaginative * Write the short note on the chief characteristics of pre-romantic poetry? 1- Return to Nature: Areal feeling for the world of leaves and flowers‚ this feeling of nature chon as early as Thomson’s seasons (1730)‚ is grow stronger and rich culmination in the poetry of word south poet growth turned away from the "town" and took more and more interest in country life. The works of poet like Thomas Gray‚ William Cowper‚ Robert Burns‚ George Crabbe‚ showed a
Premium Romanticism Samuel Taylor Coleridge John Milton
The eighteenth-century Enlightenment was a movement of intellectuals who were greatly impressed with the achievements of the Scientific Revolution. One of the favorite words of these intellectuals was reason‚ by which they meant the application of the scientific method to the understanding of all life. They believed that institutions and all systems of thought were subject to the rational‚ scientific way of thinking if people would only free themselves from past‚ worthless traditions‚ especially
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The Enlightenment “Dare to know! Have courage to use your own reason!” -Immanuel Kant‚ ‘What Is Enlightenment?’ (1784) The Age of Enlightenment is the period in the history of Western thought and culture that spanned from the mid-seventeenth century to the eighteenth century. It is commonly characterized by the dramatic revolutions in science‚ philosophy‚ society and politics that swept away the medieval world-view and ushered in our modern western world. The driving force behind the Enlightenment
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FYS 15 Batyrkanova Kyzzhibek Do we live in an enlightened age or the age of enlightenment? Each person has his own opinion which depends from his level of “enlightenment”. So in order to start I would like to define what enlightenment is. For me enlightenment is a process of self – purification. Only when a person is free from prejudice‚ fears of being responsible for himself‚ when he remains honest and sincere to others‚ when he’s in search for justice and knowledge he can be called enlightened
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| The Age of EnlightenmentThe 18th Century Enlightenment: | What is the enlightenment? Well Immanuel Kant responded‚ "Dare to know." Those who advocated enlightenment were convinced that they were emerging from centuries of darkness and ignorance into a new age enlightened by reason‚ science‚ and humanity. Such thinkers were called philosophes in France. These philosophes would gather around in salons‚ which were discussion groups organized by women. The early Enlightenment was deeply rooted in
Premium Age of Enlightenment John Locke Immanuel Kant