"Atonement and the great gatsby" Essays and Research Papers

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    Admiration I believe Jay Gatsby a character in this story‚ The Great Gatsby‚ is an admirable man. Nick tells Gatsby‚ “You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together” claiming that he’s worth more than all these ultra-rich people‚ including Daisy and Tom. Throughout the whole story‚ Gatsby‚ was the only one who stayed true to nick. Gatsby still pursued his dreams of repeating the past to have Daisy fall in love with him all over again; repeating the past is what Gatsby intends to do and believes

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    Iop the Great Gatsby

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    An Analysis of The Valley of Ashes and The Eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg as symbols in The Great Gatsby The 1920s are generally regarded as a decade of cultural and economic prosperity. The American economy boomed following the end of World War I‚ becoming an industrial powerhouse because as the other countries were building themselves back from the rubble‚ America was implementing policies of “laissez-faire”‚ promoting business growth under minimal regulation. As the rich became richer‚ the poor

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    way to achieve true love. One of the most iconic prices of literature displaying this is F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. The main protagonist of the book‚ Jay Gatsby is an iconic character for his bad relationships and involvements with different people. Such relationships include Gatsby and Tom‚ Gatsby and Nick and Gatsby and Mr Wolfshiem. Most notable

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    The Great Gatsby Theme

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    The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a novel relating to his short story of Winter Dreams. The main character is Jay Gatsby. He is a wealthy man who lives in a mansion in West Egg of New York. Nick Carraway is the narrator of the story and is Gatsby’s neighbor. Gatsby is in love with Daisy Buchanan. He will do anything to get her attention again‚ but it’s difficult because she is married to Tom Buchanan. Tom is very wealthy and powerful. He lives with Daisy on the East Egg side across the bay

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    Great Gatsby Mistakes

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    people live present time‚ it is astonishing to believe that one may be trapped in one of these blocks because of their personal ambitions. For example‚ in The Great Gatsby‚ Jay Gatsby continues to live in the past particularly because of his many “mistakes” of not getting what he wanted. Because of the many things Gatsby wanted to change‚ Gatsby transforms into an obsessive perfectionist that will stop at nothing to get his way in order to make up for everything he wished for‚ including his loved one

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    Women In The Great Gatsby

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    In the novel The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald and playwright Macbeth by William Shakespeare‚ women play an important role and impact men’s lives.With their impacts the men are on the turn for the worst and may not of even seen it coming. In both books the authors do an excellent job in portraying women in the past by showing control‚manipulation and masculinity. In both novels women use controlling to have more power and to survive for themselves since women did not really have a powerful

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    Great Gatsby Questions

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    The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald Study Guide Chapter 1 1. Explain what Fitzgerald achieved by using Nick’s point of view to tell Gatsby’s story? He achieves a wider look at things. 2. What do we learn about Nick Carraway in the introductory section of the novel? He is upper middle class and went to college. 3. In discussing East Egg and West Egg‚ Nick states‚ “To the wingless a more arresting phenomenon is their dissimilarity in every particular except shape and size.” Indicate

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    Ambition In The Great Gatsby

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    goals can have a series of destructive effects potentially leading to their demise. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby‚ is a novel that depicts the consequences that relate to one’s obstinate devotion to their goal. Characters in the novel strive to achieve their individual goals‚ however they become blinded by their ambition in the process. Jay Gatsby‚ the protagonist in The Great Gatsby is an ideal representation of an individual whose ambition lies in his love for a woman he had lost long ago

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    Love In The Great Gatsby

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    people. In the 1920’s the meaning of love greatly changed in the eyes of society. Divorce was more common‚ committing adultery was normal‚ and‚ small-town women went to the big city in search for rich husbands. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel‚ The Great Gatsby‚ the reader is shown how adultery was normal when Tom has an open affair with Myrtle. Through Daisy’s horrible marriage with Tom‚ Gatsby’s obsession with Daisy‚ and Gatsby’s need for wealth‚ the reader can see that the value of this book is to

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    Symbolism in Great Gatsby

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    The Valley of Ashes: “ This is the valley of ashes – a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke‚ and finally‚ with a transcendent effort‚ of ash-grey men‚ who dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air.” (26) The valley of ashes is located between West Egg and New York‚ the characters need to pass through here to get to New York‚ when they pass through here the characters

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