page. SOCIAL NETWORKING AND ITS IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE YOUNG NAME: NIKI MIN CLASS: ENGLISH 1-40 SUBMISSION DATE: 28 AUGUST 2012 0 Content Page 1.0 Introduction 2.0 The issue and the background to the debate 3.0 The social significance of the debate. 4.0 The participants in the debate 5.0 Differing opinions 5.1 Social networking can enhance the development of the young 5.1.1 5.1.2 Develops social skills Enhances technological skills 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 5.2 Social networking
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Social Networking Kristie Morton Ashford University INF103: Computer Literacy (ABD1248A) Instructor: Kim Marshall January 12‚ 2013 When you say the word social web most of us know what you are referring to but if you lived under a rock for last 10 years I will explain it. Social web is a means for individuals to socialize or interact with each other through the internet. It is a way for companies or groups to promote their business or interest. Social web has increased ways that families
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Social networks and education The advent of social networking platforms may also be impacting the way(s) in which learners engage with technology in general. For a number of years‚ Prensky’s (2001) dichotomy between Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants has been considered a relatively accurate representation of the ease with which people of a certain age range—in particular those born before and after 1980—use technology. Prensky’s theory has been largely disproved‚ however‚ and not least on
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1: How the social network is affecting us. Is it good or bad? 2: As of June 30‚ 2012‚ approximately 7 million people around the world have and use the Internet. The world region with the most amounts of users is currently Asia‚ which is about 45% of the population of Internet users. Following Asia is Europe‚ which is about 22% of the population of Internet users. In third‚ is North America‚ which is about 11% of the population of Internet users. 3: Even though these
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online social networking issue. English controlled assessment 2 Social networking is everywhere. It is common to find parents‚ children‚ coworkers and even the elderly on the networks across the social media world on sites such as Twitter‚ MySpace‚ Facebook‚ YouTube and LinkedIn. With social networks people across the world have access to tools and options that were previously non-existent. There are just as many new opportunities to connect as there are to get into potential danger. Social networking
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Social Networking Online social networking is when people connect with other people online through certain websites. I believe the most common websites today include Facebook‚ Twitter and Myspace. What people do is create their own profile account‚ and post information‚ photos‚ videos‚ and comments. Those things then get reserved on a news-feed for your whole fan base to see. I believe that the good of social networking far outweighs the bad. It seems to me that if you have internet and know
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NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING and I am going to start my presentation. Body WHAT IS SOCIAL NETWORKING? Social networking: we define social networking as web based services which allow users to create public and semi-public profiles. WHY DO WE USE SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES? 1. Majority of people use Facebook and Myspace to keep in touch with friends and Family. 2. Social Networking websites are also used to meet up new people all around the world and socialize. 3. Social Networking websites can
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Social Networking Kristen Carter 11/2/12 Keith Armine English Composition Outline I. Introduction II. Different types of social networking A. Personalization of your page III. Positives of Social Networking A. Mobility Disorders B. Communication IV. Negatives of Social Networking A. Amanda Todd’s Suicide B. Loss of socialization skills C. Permanent personal information D. Loss of job opportunities V. Hyper networking problem with teens A. Facebook depression VI. Conclusion
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SPEECH 2 OUTLINE TOPIC: Social Networking ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: Topical SPECIFIC PURPOSE: Informative THESIS STATEMENT: I will be informing the audience about social networking in three aspects. INTRODUCTION ATTENTION GETTER: When you log onto your computer and start up a web browser‚ what is the first website that comes to mind? Facebook? Myspace? Maybe Twitter? These websites are just some of the worlds top social networking sites in the worldwide web
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Social networking is a way to build online communities of people who share interests‚ or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. • Social networking sites allow users to create their own profiles. This allows users‚ feeling of community among people. • These social networking sites allow individuals the opportunity to create relationships with people that they may not normally have. You can be connected to other users by way of your interests. • Pictures
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