Discuss the ways in which the proles are presented as being different to Winston and the people he works with. What might be the advantages of being a prole? One particular way the Proles are presented as being different to Winston and the people he works with is that they are written as not being well-educated‚ if educated at all. An example of this would be ‘ “Nex’‚ please!” yelled the white-aproned prole’ (page 58). By shortening words‚ Orwell has portrayed the proles as simpler and less intelligent
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Sole Proprietorship Profits and Losses – Advantages: Proprietor receives all the profits because he or she takes all the risks. Disadvantages: Losses are not shared. Liability - Disadvantages: 1) The proprietor has unlimited liability. 2) If the firm is unable to pay its bills‚ the proprietor can be force to sell personal assets as well as the business to pay debts. Management – Advantages: 1) Decisions on starting and running the business can be made
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PDF-1.4 35 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Pages 1 0 R endobj 36 0 obj /Type /Page /Parent 1 0 R /Resources /ProcSets /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI /ExtGState /G0 37 0 R /G1 38 0 R /XObject /X0 39 0 R /X1 40 0 R /Font /F0 41 0 R /F1 42 0 R /F2 43 0 R /F3 44 0 R /MediaBox 0 0 596 843 /Annots /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Border 0 0 0 /Rect 202.7935 763.5438 394.2065 774.7563 /A /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (http//www.buzzle.com/) /Contents 45 0 R endobj 45 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 23191
Chromium is used to regulate glucose in the blood stream and slows down the rate of calcium loss. It is also recommended for muscle building and fat burning. Due to its benefits it is used by patients suffering from diabetes or menopause.There are many risks of chromium‚ some include kidney‚ liver and nerve damage. It may also cause irregular heartbeat. Chromium should not be used by pregnant women‚ people with mental illness‚ and people with kidney disease. Though chromium is used for many medical
Premium Nutrition Obesity Diabetes mellitus
Topic: Are there more advantages or disadvantages when having an only child? Contents Introduction Page 3 Scope Page 4 Methodology Page 6 Why do parents choose to have an only child? Page 6 How does being an only child advantage/disadvantage the family? Page 8 How does being an only child advantage/disadvantage the child? Page 10 Conclusion Page 12 Bibliography Page 13 Appendicies Appendix One: Survey
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that catches the eye of the audience‚ with themes such as violence‚ erotism‚ politics and humuour. Another argument would be that we usually don’t know what we are going to watch when we turn on the Tv. On the contrary‚ we usually read a book that has been recommended to us. Thus‚ there are more chances to find interesting things in a book that was first read by a trustful friend than they are when we watck Tv. Let’s not pass to film and theatre. I believe these are very effective beacause you
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- Sources of Energy You Are the Energy EXPERT! We are very familiar with the different forms of energy‚ namely kinetic energy‚ gravitational potential energy‚ elastic potential energy‚ electrical energy‚ heat energy‚ sound energy‚ and even nuclear energy. However‚ there are other forms of energy that we can tap on. Do you know any? The Task You are to organise yourselves into groups‚ with five experts in each group. Expert 1: Geothermal energy Expert 2: Biofuels and Fossil fuels Expert
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the world. We can find the diversity of cultural and languages. The most necessary for everyone to communicate with each other. It is very important to speak two languages. There are two advantage of being bilingual. The first benefits is that you can get a job easily and a second advantage is that you can translate to other people in you r language. The first reason is that you can get a job easily. Some companies prefer the workers who know bilingual language. It
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I. Disadvantages of Being a Single Parent A. Economic Stress 1. Stress of being the sole financial provider 2. If newly single‚ parent will have to adjust to reduced income 3. Parent may have to work multiple jobs and juggle bills to survive B. Over-extended Schedule 1. Parent being overburdened with multiple jobs causes feeling of being overwhelmed and out of control 2. Parent has to bear the burden of working and housework 3. No time for personal needs and well-being C. Loneliness 1. Parent
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Advantages and disadvantages of communications technology Communication Technology is term that describes any communication device or application encompassing any of the following: mobile phones‚ TV‚ radio‚ computer and network hardware and software‚ satellite systems‚ as well as videoconferencing and distance learning. Communication Technology is more prevalent in our lives than ever before in both personal and business situations. It is estimated that if Facebook was a country‚ it would have
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