Kapferer’s Brand-Identity Prism model Type of model: Author(s): Domain: Brand model (structure model) J.N. Kapferer Identity and image Figure 1: Six dimensions of brand identity In his so-called Brand Identity Prism‚ Jean-Noël Kapferer identifies six aspects of brand identity: (1) physique‚ (2) personality‚ (3) culture‚ (4) relationship‚ (5) reflection and (6) self-image. These six aspects are divided over two dimensions: a. The constructed source vs. the constructed receiver: a well-presented
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A country is also a brand. Applying branding techniques to promote countries has grown rapidly due to increased global competition. There are three objectives that make a country wants to strengthen or create its branding strategy: attract tourists‚ stimulate the foreign investment and promote the exportations. In order to boost the image of COLOMBIA‚ in 2007 the Ministry of Tourism and International Affairs developed a brand called COLOMBIA IS PASSION. After a briefly SWOT analysis‚ strengths
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number of brands which are next best‚ but only one brand that is the best. In a number of product categories like TVs‚ cars‚ personal computers‚ paints‚ razorblades‚ soaps and so on‚ we have our favourite brands or marketer. The top slot achieved by the brand in our mind is called its Positioning. It entered our mind on account of communication through advertising‚ word of mouth‚ product performance and other factors. Thus‚ Positioning is the outcome of our perceptions about the brand relative to
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Umbrella Brands The 1980s witnessed a revolution in the understanding of the working of the brands. Marketers depict brands as a reflection of customers’ own personalities‚ so that they can relate to their products well. In fact the distinguishing aspect of the modern marketing has been its focus upon the creation of differentiated brands and using them as weapons for launching multi-level attacks on competition. Market research has been used to help identify and develop bases of brand differentiation
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Research Paper “Brand recall of car manufacturing companies (in India)” INTRODUCTION While automobiles were introduced to India in the late 1890 ’s‚ the manufacturing industry only took off after independence in 1947. The protectionist economic policies of the government gave rise in the 1950 ’s to the Hindustan Motors Ambassador‚ which is still ubiquitous in the roads and highways of India. Hindustan Motors and a few smaller manufacturers such as Premier Automobiles‚ TATA Motors‚ Bajaj
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Brand Knowledge Structure and Brand Elements What is Brand Awareness? Recognition versus recall – Brand versus situation cues Awareness depth versus breath – Brand versus situation linkages Why is brand awareness important? A necessary condition for inclusion in the set of brands being considered for purchase – A sufficient condition for choice in low-involvement decision settings – Influences the nature and strength of association – Brand Image Brand Perceptions through Associations
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Brand equity Brand equityis a phraseused in the marketing industry which describe the value of having a well-known brand name‚ based on the idea that the owner of a well-known brand name can generate more money from products with that brand name than from products with a less well known name‚ as consumers believe that a product with a well-known name is better than products with less well known names.[1][2][3][4] Another word for "brand equity" is "brand value". Some marketing researchers have
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Jinhui SHAO ID: 564877 Q: Pick a brand. Employ projective techniques to attempt to identify sources of its brand equity. Which measures work best? Why? Brand: Cartier Free Word Association Test: To carry out our Word Association test‚ participants were given a blank piece of paper with the words “Cartier.” on it. They were asked to write down words that they thought represented the brand and also‚ note down the strength of these associations using color coded lines. We allowed participant
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Brand Management : Brand management is a communication function that includes analysis and planning on how that brand is positioned in the market‚ which target public the brand is targeted at‚ and maintaining a desired reputation of the brand. Developing a good relationship with target publics is essential for brand management. Tangible elements of brand management include the product itself; look‚ price‚ the packaging‚ etc. The intangible elements are the experience that the consumer takes away
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What is Brand Loyalty? The American Marketing Association defines brand loyalty as: The situation in which a consumer generally buys the same manufacturer originated product or service repeatedly over time rather than buying from multiple suppliers within the category. Brand loyalty is more than simple repurchasing‚ however. True brand loyalty exists when customers have a high relative attitude toward the brand which is then exhibited through repurchase behavior. This type of loyalty can be a
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