Whooping Cough Everyday parents tell their kids over and over again to “wash your hands!”‚ but how many kids do you think really listen to their parents? I know I never listened to them when it came to staying clean and keeping me healthy when I was younger and lived at home. Many people don’t understand how much washing your hands really helps prevent one from germs and catching diseases. The cleaner you try to keep yourself‚ the less likely your chances to catch a bad disease. One disease
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Whooping Cough Mark Near (Article from the Fresno Bee‚ September 16th‚ 2010) Every year or season a slightly different flu strain awakens‚ infecting our human population. This fall it’s the whooping cough‚ also called pertussis. It is causing many deaths‚ especially in infants. Many health officials have grown concerned with this unexpected new threat‚ mainly because the babies are too young to be fully immunized by the illness. It’s essential to understand how this virus is effecting our
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virus called an Orthomyxovirus causes influenza. Often called flu‚ sometimes-even grippe. It is a very contagious disease‚ and it infects many parts of our bodies. This also includes are lungs. A person can get influenza if someone coughs‚ sneezes‚ or even talks around you while they are infected. Influenza is sometimes considered serious in some cases but can be prevented and treated. When you get the "flu" in the lungs‚ the lining of the respiratory tract is damaged by becoming swollen and
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pertussis is a gram-negative‚ aerobic‚ pathogenic‚ encapsulated coccobacillus of the genus Bordetella that produces endotoxins and exotoxins. This bacterial infection is found in the lower respiratory tract and is commonly referred to as Whooping Cough. Whooping cough is highly contagious. Classic symptoms include fever and cold like symptoms followed by paroxysmal coughing episodes that leave the infected person gasping for breath with a characteristic “whoop” followed by another coughing spasm. The bacterium
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[pic] [pic] ON “Analysis Of Cough Syrup Market With Respect of Dabur Honitus.” “Submitted to U.P. Technical University Lucknow In the partial fulfillment for degree of Master in Business Administration (2007-09) Under the Guidance of Ms. Minakshi Singh Lecturer By Abhishek Rana Roll no:0727170003 Department of Management Studies BHARAT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MEERUT
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Headline: Skin trauma – Bruises in children Reference: Bruises https://www.ncjrs.gov/html/ojjdp/portable_guides/abuse/bruises.html Accessed February 13‚ 2017 Bruises in Children: Normal or Child Abuse? http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/726507_2 Accessed February 13‚ 2017 Cuts‚ Scrapes or Bruises (Skin Injury) http://www.seattlechildrens.org/medical-conditions/symptom-index/skin-injury/ Accessed February 13‚ 2017 Written by: Hai Anh Nguyen Ngoc Reviewed by: Body text starts here: Opening: The
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Gabriela Mistral’s‚ “Tiny Feet” A child’s tiny feet‚ Blue‚ blue with cold‚ How can they see and not protect you? Oh‚ my God! (1-4) Tiny wounded feet‚ Bruised all over by pebbles‚ Abused by snow and soil! (5-7) Man‚ being blind‚ ignores that where you step‚ you leave A blossom of bright light‚ that where you have placed your bleeding little soles a redolent tuberose grows. (8-13) Since‚ however‚ you walk through the streets so straight‚
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NURSING CARE PLAN- COUGH ASSESSMENT | DIAGNOSIS | PLANNING | INTERVENTION | RATIONALE | EVALUATION | Subjective Data:“Ubo siya ng ubo pero nahihirapan siyang ilabas yung kanyang plema” asverbalized bythe father.Objective Data: * Dyspnea * Wheezes upon auscultation * Facial grimace noted * Productive cough (yellow to green sputum) * V/S takenas follows:T: 37.7P: 90R: 27BP: 110/80 | Ineffective airway clearance related to retained bronchial secretions as manifested by dyspnea‚ wheezes
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Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Whooping cough is a serious‚ contagious‚ respiratory infection caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. It is particularly serious in young children. One in every 200 babies who contract the infection will die. Whooping cough can be prevented by immunisation. What Causes The Disease And How Is It Spread? Pertussis or Whooping Cough is a bacterium that is spread from person to person by an infected person coughing or sneezing. When coughing or sneezing tiny germ-laden droplets
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Whooping Cough A. Name the bacteria that cause this childhood disease. What is its morphology? bacillus bordetella pertussis. B. pertussis is an extremely small‚ strictly aerobic‚ Gram negative‚ cocobacillus short rod. What does “Wooping Cough” mean? Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial disease that causes uncontrollable‚ violent coughing. The coughing can make it hard to breathe. A deep "whooping" sound is often heard when the patient tries to take a breath. Describe in detail the
Premium Immune system Infection Infectious disease