"Brutus villain or victim" Essays and Research Papers

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    essence of true tragedy. Filled with controversial ingredients such as Desdemona’s disobedience to her father‚ slurs of racism regarding Othello‚ and treachery in its purest form at the hands of Iago-who by some is said to be Shakespeare’s greatest villain. In a metaphorical sense‚ Iago can be compared to the sun and the other characters and elements of the play to planets- for the characters and their actions all orbit around Iago. Fueled by jealousy and vengeance‚ Iago takes on the world as if it

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    Brutus and Julius Caesar are different characters but somewhat similar. Julius Caesar and Brutus are both rich. They are both well known to the people Caesar being the leader and Brutus is Caesar’s friend. Brutus is one of the main conspirators. Although he questions whether is it the right thing to murdering Caesar or not troubling his thoughts. Portia wanders why Brutus is troubled. “Brutus‚ my lord‚ make me acquainted with your cause of grief. It will not let you eat‚ nor talk‚ nor sleep.” In

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    story of Brutus and Portia in Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. In 44 BC women were worth no more than the possessions of that the men previously owned prior to marriage. Though‚ there is a number of men who treat their companions as an equal to himself. Brutus was one of the Romans who honored and respected that concept. Thouse meaning the love of the two was a strong bond which holds trust and horror in the relationship. Portia does not fear Brutus. When Portia comes to Brutus in the night

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    his increase in power through out Rome. Soon these worried citizens conspire to assassinate Caesar before he becomes king thus returning their republic government into a monarchy. These worried citizens consisted of two main characters Brutus and Cassius. Brutus ends up joining this conspiracy in killing Caesar because he strongly believes in keeping Rome a government ruled by the people. In addition to that‚ during the celebration‚ of Caesar is warned by the Soothsayer to “beware the Ides of March”

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    admirable traits. Most of the traits you see in Shakespeare’s play‚ The Tragedy of Julius Caesar‚ in the character Brutus through his work in the Conspiracy; where he wisely made tough decisions that would affect all of Rome. You see the traits of kindness‚ leverage‚ and determination through his actions. These actions are what makes him a hero. Most people challenge against Brutus being a Hero. They think he shouldn’t qualify as one because he didn’t save anyone. Americans today tend to think that

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    Caesar is murdered by Brutus and the other conspirators he and Mark Antony give speeches. Brutus’s speech is over the reasons that he and the others murdered Caesar. Mark Antony’s speech the surface telling the citizens of Rome to not go against Brutus but is actually designed to stir up the people of Rome so that they will go into rebellion against Brutus and that so Mark Antony can Rome. Both these speeches give a huge amount of insight into not only the characters of Brutus and Mark Antony but also

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    Roman general and politician‚ lived from about 100 to 44 B.C. One of the greatest military leaders in Roman history‚ he conquered land now known as present day France and Belgium‚ which originally went by the name of Gaul (Applebee 689). Marcus Brutus‚ a perpetual dictator‚ lived from about 85 to 42 B.C. (Biography.com). Mario‚ or originally known as “Jumpman”‚ is a fictional Italian plumber that was born/created in 1981 (Newman). Bowser‚ the leader of the Koopa Kingdom was born/created in 1985

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    Response Brutus gives his thoughts of killing Caesar in William Shakespeare’s tragedy Julius Caesar act 2 scene 1. In Brutus’s soliloquy he reveals how Caesar “might change his nature” (4). Brutus also states “he may do danger” (8). What Brutus is referring to is if Caesar gets crowned he might abuse his power. Brutus is an honorable man who is for the people of Rome. Although this might not be his reasoning for killing Caesar. It may be that Brutus himself wants power. Therefore Brutus is willing

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    “Literary Villains: Iago and Krogstad” In “Othello” and “A Doll House”‚ the two plays resulted in destruction of two families due to one’s jealousy and revenge. The antagonist in “Othello” is Iago who served as Othello ancient in the play was against him from the start. Iago had several motives for plotting against Othello‚ because they did not give him the rank of Lieutenant and he did not approve of the marriage between Othello and Desdemona. In “A Doll House”‚ Krogstad was an employee of

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    The Fall of a Tragic Hero: Marcus Brutus William Shakespeare is the master of tragedy. The universes in which his heroes live are never perfect: justice doesn’t always win‚ and people never simply get the answers to their questions. There is always somebody who gets hurt‚ the tragic hero‚ who’s downfall occurs from a reverse of fate and hamartia‚ an error of judgment. In Julius Caesar‚ Marcus Brutus is often seen as that tragic hero. He was always seen as an honorable man‚ and although he had joined

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