"Caledonia 7 should the project be accepted why or why not" Essays and Research Papers

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    Argumentative Essay K-Pop wave should be banned in Malaysia. Nowadays‚ in the fast pacing world‚ the explosion of technology has brought everything underneath our hand. We can clearly see the generation gap that made the world now and the past ten years is different. The patterns of life changing and all sorts of routine thing that involved us are different too. In the past ten years‚ the outside culture will take a long time to absorb in our country. It’s a different situation now‚ with

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    The purpose of public education is to educate children and prepare them for adulthood. However‚ it should not be mandatory. Although a lot of the skills taught in school are useful‚ it is should not be the government’s choice to make for millions of children. The reasons that children do not want to attend school could fill an entire page. However‚ one main reason is that they are placed in a judgemental atmosphere with strict deadlines‚ and basing their intelligence on their ability to read‚ write

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    age should remain at 21 due to the dangers of drinking and driving‚ body development with age and binge drinking. There are countless facts and statistics on the dangers of drinking and driving and the effect it has had and is continuing to have on society. Drunk driving is blight on our civilization. “An average of 17‚000 individuals die each year in drunk driving related deaths” (Injury Prevention). The fact that there are so many alcohol related deaths is beyond me. Someone’s life should not

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    Do you think dog parks should be alowed? Well‚ I think they should. Why? Beacuse it is very important for the dog and their owner to bond. I think this would give them a great chance to bond. I have a 10 week old puppy and it would be a great opertunity to bring him to a dog park. Now I have to tell you there are some pros and cons in this situation. In this passage I will be telling you about both of them. My dog likes to bite me alot and chew on everything. At first I was going to give up

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    Tuition should be free in some states for three reasons. The amount of student loan debt has increased exponentially‚ if tuition was free this would stop the increase of this debt. Already there are colleges with free tuition in some states‚ granted special requirements have to be made. Also colleges in some European countries are free‚ Germany even offer free college to American students. That is why college tuition should be free in some if not most states. There is one primary reason why student

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    we act‚ grows later in life. For young people‚ this district of the mind is not completely become yet. With time‚ this a piece of the mind is continuing in changing and developing great into adulthood‚ and with that‚ great choices. Given this proof‚ why ought to youngsters be held to grown-up measures when they don’t have the same rights as them. For a case we don’t say‚ "This is an imperative decision so let’s have the children vote.” As this has never been given a fair shake so where come the decision

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    The need for organs is growing every day‚ but the amount provided just is not keeping up. Because of the great lack of organ donors‚ the constant need for organs‚ and the wonderful gift-giving opportunity an organ provides‚ mandatory organ donation should be implemented. The first organ transplant to ever take place was in 1954‚ with the successful transplantation of a kidney from a living donor. Although this was a large milestone‚ there were still many strides to take before an organ would be successfully

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    “Go to bed earlier if you’re tired‚” said every parent in this world. Teenagers circadian sleep rhythm is they won’t fall asleep before 11 PM. Schools’ early start times cause students many issues‚ therefore schools should move their starting time to a later time. Many issues come upon starting school early such as sleep deprivation and the health and safety of the teenagers. To fix these issues the solution is to move schools’ start times to a later time no earlier than 8:30 AM. Many benefits would

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    said to help give you energy for you long days‚ but are very deadly at the same time. Energy drink companies say that it’s the kids faults for drinking the energy products but all in all it is there’s to begin with. They have hidden so much from us should they be allowed to hide it any more? One of the biggest dangers of energy drinks is death. There are twelve reported death reports saying that monster energy is the cause for the deaths. The companies were sued by the families of the teens who died

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    Arguments for pit-bull should be banned People generally want Pit Bulls and other Bully breeds banned for 2 main reasons: 1. Thugs who need a tough dog to feel tough intentionally doing everything they can to make their dogs mean. This includes‚ beating‚ starving‚ baiting‚ feeding weird crap like gunpowder....They also never socialize‚ train‚ or neuter their dogs. This intentionally creates a dog that is both dog and human aggressive and will most likely kill other pets and end up being

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