"Case law" Essays and Research Papers

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    Softening Marijuana Laws in Texas Softening Marijuana Laws in Texas Every year hundreds and thousands of Americans are arrested for marijuana possession‚ and or violations. According to an article on the Huffington Post www.huffingtonpost.com (Wing‚ 2012)‚ there are far more people arrested for marijuana possession than those arrested for violent crimes in America. It also states that societal cost dealing with the war on drugs concerning marijuana exceeds 12 billion

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    strikes law. The examination study will document the effect of the three strikes rule on internal and external stakeholders‚ trying to evaluate whether the law and comparative laws go about as a compelling obstacle to wrongdoing. The creation of the three strikes law first passed as Initiative 593 in Washington State in 1993. Then California law was passed its own version in 1994 as Proposition 184. Currently twenty-four states in the United States have some version of the “Three Strike Law”. The

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    Business Law - Case Study

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    A. Known Facts John wanted to extend his house and built an office from there. He approached Sue after locating an advertisement from the Yellow Pages. As Sue’s price did not seem reasonable‚ John then approached Drawit Pty Ltd‚ which charged a hundred dollar less. John paid a deposit. Later‚ John went to Franks Hardware and Timber Yard. He made known to Frank‚ the sole proprietor‚ the purpose and requirement of the materials and placed an order. John signed a standard form contract

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    ethical situations that are occurring in this case. Questions: 1. Do you feel that Karen is an independent contractor or an employee? What is your rationale for this decision? In my opinion Karen should be a considered a permanent employee as she has been working and promoted in the company for five years and she is considered an asset to them‚ she is paid in salary already all she needs is to be legally hired as a permanent employee in this case I feel like it would be the right thing to

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    Contract of the Encyclopedias Kaplan University Ls311-04 Business Law Unit 4 Professor Strauss Case Scenario Carrie offered to sell a set of legal encyclopedias to Antonio for $300.00. Antonio said that he would think about her offer and let her know his decision the next day. Norvel‚ who overheard the conversation between Carrie and Antonio‚ said to Carrie‚ "I accept your offer..” Carrie gave Norvel the books. The next day‚ Antonio‚ who had no idea

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    Do Judge Make Laws?

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    the parliament‚ and that only the parliament can make laws in the legislation. But‚ there is something that confuses the sovereignty of the parliament‚ which is the “judge-made law”. Is there such thing as a judge-made law? What is a judge-made law? A judge-made law is when a judge applies or extends an established rule to new facts‚ or decides that the particular rule do not take effect on certain situations‚ thus‚ making a change in the law. However‚ when it comes to this‚ it does not mean that

    Premium Common law Stare decisis Case law

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    Law 201 Case Study

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    Commercial Code (UCC) Article 2‚ unless omitted or changed‚ the sale of any goods suggests a warranty by the seller that the goods are of reasonable and average quality. Also that it is fit for the ordinary purposes that the goods are to be used. In this case‚ because the car dealer has omitted personal injuries caused by the car‚ from the warranty provided to Raymond‚ the car dealer would be able to enforce the disclaimer against Raymond Smith. But since Raymond was simply driving the vehicle under ordinary

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    Criminal Law Case Digest

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    U. S. vs Rivera GR No. 16443 March 21‚ 1921 FACTS: When Leona Laciste endeavored to set fire to the house of Martina Rivera in which 2 children of the latter were sleeping‚ the two women grappled and Leona Laciste was boloed to death by Martina Rivera. As a result‚ a criminal prosecution for murder was initiated in the Court of First Instance on La Union. DECISION OF THE LOWER COURT: Guilty of Homicide. ISSUE: Whether or not Martina Rivera is guilty of homicide. DECISION OF THE APPELLATE

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    Do Judges Make Law?

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    DO JUDGES MAKE LAW? There are two main sources of English Law- legislation and cases. When interpreting legislation judges must ascertain the intention of Parliament and‚ except insofar as they apply the mischief rule of interpretation‚ they do not make law. Traditionally and due to the doctrine of the separation of powers judicial role is really not properly legislative at all‚ but consist merely in stating what the existing law actually is‚ and interpreting authoritatively doubtful points as

    Free Common law Law Case law

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    Do Judges Make Laws?

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    judges were to make law then they would be contradicting this doctrine. The legislative supremacy disqualifies the courts power to review the validity of legislation‚ refer to British Railway Board v Pickin . The objective of judges is to not make law but simply declare what the law had always been. Acts of Parliament are the highest form of authority and the courts hands are tied by it. But through the doctrine of precedent‚ the judicial function of declaring and applying the law has a ‘quasi-legislative

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