"Changing perspectives looking for alibrandi and road not taken" Essays and Research Papers

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    From the moment we are put into our parents’ arms‚ they begin to shape our identity. Our appearance‚ thoughts and actions are developed from them and what they believe is “right” and “wrong.” However unfair as it may seem at times‚ everything done is based on their past experiences‚ the culture we are born into and ultimately done for our own well-being. “Never change who you are to please people”‚ “There is nothing you can’t do” and “We are proud of you no matter what” are three very common

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    Year 11 English Communication - Looking For Alibrandi Students are to complete each section as a word document. Section 1: Close Study – Chapter Questions Chapter One 1. What information is given about Josie’s background? 2. What evidence is there that she is caught between two cultures and two social classes? 3. What beliefs does her thinking reflect here … Chapter Two 1. At school‚ Josie believes that she does not fit in. why does she feel this way? 2. What are

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    The Doppler effect can be described as the difference between the frequency at which sound waves are produced and the frequency at which they are observed by the hearer. It occurs when the distance between the source of a sound and the observer is changing. As the source approaches an observer‚ the observer hears the pitch (or frequency) to be ______________ (higher‚ lower). As the source moves away from an observer‚ the observer hears the pitch (or frequency) to be ____________

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    In the novel‚ Looking for Alibrandi‚ Josie must learn to deal with a whole range of issues. These include her cultural identity‚ her attitudes to her family and friends‚ meeting her father for the first time and her acceptance of her place in society. Each of these issues encourages and enables Josie to change and to understand her life and her role in her family and her community more positively. In the beginning of Looking for Alibrandi it is evident that Josie is conflicted about her heritage

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    Proposal for a Related Text Looking for Alibrandi is a good example of expanding on the theme of belonging. Jose is a confused girl who is searching to find where she belongs in her two different cultures and trying to find a balance of both. Jose being a ’bastard’ reflects how she does not feel she belongs in her family‚ as her nonna has always blamed Jose’s mother‚ Christina for her birth. A quote that proves this is "Nonna says where lucky to be included‚ because we’re cursed we don’t really

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    day I die. I used to wish when I was young that my mother had made a mistake and that my father wasn’t the son of an Italian‚ but an Australian. So I could be part of the ‘in crowd’ you know." (152) Race is a prominent aspect in the novel Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta. Ethnic notions are evident throughout the book as they construct a variety of values which link together to create a being of reality. Within the text illegitimacy‚ discrimination and status are demonstrated It is unmistakable

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    Individual Text Record Sheet for AOS: Belonging Title: Looking for Alibrandi Composer: Melina Marchetta Form and text type: Novel Publication date: 1992 Context: Set in 1992‚ Sydney‚ Australia‚ surrounding the secluded Italian community. Audience: Young adults Purpose: To educate young adults on the stresses and losses of life and how‚ through reflection‚ they can set you free. Brief synopsis of text: Looking for Alibrandi focuses on one girl and the shame her family’s indiscretions have

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    Looking for Alibrandi Reflective Reading Journal Chapters 12 and 13: * Character I don’t like Nonno Francesco‚ Nonna’s husband because he is a very jealous man. He himself believes that if he left his wife at home for weeks at a time that she will not go and socialise. I find him to be very arrogant and very scary because of this. His jealousy is absurd because all Nonna was doing was having a friend over to help her with her English and garden. “He was a very jealous man. He said it was

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    The Road Not Taken

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    Days in life of a High school Kid Scene 1: High school hallway Richard is standing down stage left. Suzie walks in standing upstage right then walks toward Richard she pulls a note out of her backpack and drops it on his binder. Suzie: Hey I see you all the time in this hallway what’s your name? Richard: My name is Richard. Suzie: Oh well‚ I’ve been meaning to give you this forever but here you go. Richard: Well‚ thanks for the note but I never got your name? Suzie: My name is Suzie nice to

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    Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta Chapter Summaries Chapter 1 Josephine Alibrandi is beginning a new school year as the vice-captain of St Martha’s school in Sydney. She promises to be good but already gets in trouble on the first day. Josie introduces herself to the reader as an Italian living in Australia. She lives with her mother‚ who had her before she was married‚ doesn’t know her father‚ and has a close relationship with both her mother and nonna (grandmother). When Josie arrives

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