To love someone regardless of the loved one’s qualities or actions. Affection without any limitations. The type of love that has no bounds and is unchanging. The type of love that Benjamin Button and Daisy Fuller have for each other in the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button which portrays the message that you can love someone no matter how old they are‚ what they look like‚ how they speak‚ or what they wear. Unconditional love is when you’ve learned to look past all your differences and love
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CHAPTER ONE BRIEF ANALYSIS OF Q{ATR AL-GHAITHIYYAH FI>< CILM AL-S{UFIYYAH CALA< SHARICAT AL- MUH{AMMADIYYAH (DROPS OF RAIN CONCERNING THE SCIENCE OF S{U<FISM IN THE MUH{AMMADAN DISPENSATION) THE CONTENTS As a spiritual traveler he starts his writing by praising Allah‚ in a way‚ familiar to the S{u>fis‚ which is to indicate the bounties given by Allah whether big or small. Further he praises Allah Who has favored the hearts of the Gnostics with the wine of spiritual love and has showered
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Unrequited love Unrequited love is a painful experience that it hurts for people who loves or is loved. After reading these stories: Killing‚ A Rose for Emily‚ The story of an hour‚ unrequited love is very dangerous to a person that feels they are not loved from others. They are sad stories but let look at “Killing”: father lost his son‚ “A rose for Emily”: kill boyfriend so she can be with him forever‚ “The story of hour”: feel happiness in one hour before she dies because of disappointed. Killing
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ROMANTIC LOVE PARAGRAPH Is “love at first sight” possible? You see someone attractive across the room and that feeling of love rushes into your head‚ but is it really love? I believe that there is no such thing as “love at first sight”‚ you feel physically attracted but not mentally connected. How can you truly be in love with someone that you have just met? In loving a person you have to know about them‚ have a mental connection and bond. If you just look at someone you are attracted to him
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Literature 24 September 2012 Despairing Companionship “Modern Love‚” a poetic sequence by George Meredith‚ describes a skeptical opinion on the idea of modern love. Meredith’s devastating tone‚ complex similes and metaphors‚ and dark imagery convey a sad and regretful outlook on the love of this time. “Modern Love” is riddled with a tone full of regret and heartache‚ making this modern love seem more like the opposite of love. The speaker says “she wept with waking eyes” and her “strange low
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“The Tragedy of a Desperate and Hopeless Love” What are the limits of love? Is despairing love boundless and its ill-fated actions expected to be understood? How far is too far in an attempt to ease the hurt of a broken heart? These are questions that many have asked since the beginning of time to which no one has ever really adequately answered. This satiating of an intense desire for another result in a varying of consequential results based on culture‚ customs‚ and the time frame in which
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Was there a loved one you had to leave behind? In The Alchemist‚ Santiago has to leave his loved one behind‚ but when you leave a loved one behind‚ you always come back if the love is true. In the novel‚ The Alchemist‚ by Paulo Coelho‚ Santiago learns‚ “Remember where your heart is‚ there you will find your treasure.” First‚ Santiago becomes aware of his purpose in the world. Next‚ Santiago experiences the feeling of love. Last‚ Santiago discovers that items end up where they originally started
The definition of love The poem’s speaker is an anonymous lover who contemplates the nature and definition of love. He begins by saying that his love is both “rare” and “strange” because it was “begotten by Despair / Upon Impossibility.” He goes on to claim that only despair could reveal to him “so divine a thing” as this love‚ because “Hope” could never come near it. He imagines that he “quickly might arrive” to where this love leads him‚ but finds that his soul’s inclinations are thwarted by Fate
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Platonic Love In the Symposium‚ which is normally dated at the beginning of the middle period‚ Plato introduces his theory of love. First thing to note is that in Plato’s theory‚ love is given and its existence is not questioned. The word love leaves the matter ambiguous as to whether we are discussing love in the normal‚ human‚ sense of the word‚ or if we are discussing desire in a much broader sense‚ but in this discussion we are only considering only love of type eros‚ love as a kind
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her feet. They are so in love‚ so adoring of each other. The perfect courtship is quickly followed by the perfect wedding‚ thereupon the perfect couple creates the perfect life together. The wondrous dream of the "happily ever after" is one hidden deep in everyone. Although‚ the dreamy‚ vain quest for this perfect life mostly results in pretense‚ lying‚ and ceases in complete unhappiness. In George Meredith’s poem from Modern Love‚ the speaker conveys a kind of love that is very grim. Both characters
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