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    Chemical Equilibrium

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    Experiment 3: Chemical Equilibrium Purpose The purpose of this experiment was to determine the equilibrium constant for the formation of FeSCN2+. Introduction Chemical equilibrium is the point in a reversible reaction where the concentration of the reactants and that of the products remains constant. This point of equilibrium is referred to as the Kc value‚ which can be obtained using the formula: Kc = [product] [reactant] In this experiment‚ we used a spectrophometer to

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    Chemical Equilibrium

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    Abstract Chemical equilibrium occurs when a reversible reaction is happening forward and backward‚ at the same time by the same amount‚ is equal. Two procedures were made. First is the Effect of Concentration on Equilibrium. The solution became orange when it was diluted with ammonium hydroxide and the solution became yellow when water was added to the solution. In the second‚ Effect of Temperature on Equilibrium‚ the solution turned into a light brown gas when it was placed in the refrigerator

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    Chemical Bonding

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    Chemical Bonding Chemical compounds are formed by the joining of two or more atoms. A stable compound occurs when the total energy of the combination has lower energy than the separated atoms. The bound state implies a net attractive force between the atoms ... a chemical bond. The two extreme cases of chemical bonds are: Covalent bond: bond in which one or more pairs of electrons are shared by two atoms. Ionic bond: bond in which one or more electrons from one atom are removed and attached to

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    Chemical Basis of Life

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    BIOLOGY 22 MODULE 1 – Chemical Basis of Life v2.0 * Levels of Organization – biological functions are ultimately based on the properties of atoms and molecules * Subatomic particles – neutrons‚ electrons‚ protons * Atoms * Compounds * Complexes of compounds * Organelles – bodies within cells that perform specific functions * Cell * Specific combination of organelles * Can metabolize and reproduce * Least elaborate living structure * Significance

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    Chemical Reactions

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    Chemical Reaction Lab Well #1 CuCl2 + Al (shot) - Bubbling - Turning reddish-maroon - 33oC Well #2 CuCl2 + Al (foil) - Bubbling‚ but less than well #1 - Turning black - 28oC Well #3 CuCl2 + Zn - Turned black then red - No bubbling - 29oC Well #4 CuCl2 + NH4OH - Cloudy - No bubbling - 26oC Well #5 CuCl2 + NaCO3 - Not mixing with CuCl2 - Heterogeneous - 25oC Well #6 CuCl2 + AgNO3 - Cloudy - Top layer is white -29oC 1. The more pronounced reaction was the aluminum

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    Dow Chemical

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    entrepreneurship at the Dow Chemical Company Dow Chemical Company Description Dow Chemical is a multi-national chemical manufacturing company‚ specifically serving various consumer markets with innovative chemicals and plastics products. With net profit margins dropping over a period of time‚ the firm had prioritized growth initiatives in the early 2000s. The emergence of the internet had empowered start-ups to disrupt the chemical manufacturing industry

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    Chemical equations are the symbolic representations of chemical reactions that are made up of reactants and products. It is made up of the chemical formulas of the reactants and the chemical formula of the products. The reactants are the substances or chemicals that takes part in during a reaction and the products are the chemicals are the substances that result from the chemical reaction. Reactants are on the left side of the chemical equation and the products are on the right side of the chemical

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    Chemical Warfare

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    2 Chemical warfare What is Chemical Warfare: To understand chemical warfare you must first understand what a chemical agent is. A United Nations report from 1969 defines chemical warfare agents as " ... chemical substances‚ whether gaseous‚ liquid or solid‚ which might be employed because of their direct toxic effects on man‚ animals and plants ... ". This means basically that any chemical that is used to directly effect and harm a person‚ plant‚ or animal would be an act of chemical warfare

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    Chemical Element

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    Atomic Structure Worksheet Name: Period:   1. Name the three particles of the atom and their respective charges are: a. b. c.   2. The number of protons in one atom of an element determines the atom’s ‚ and the number of electrons determines of an element. 3. The atomic number tells you the number of in one atom of an element. It also tells you the number of in a neutral atom of that element. The atomic

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    Chemical Bonding

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    Interatomic Bonding Tutorial Suggested Solutions 1. |Substances |Type of bonding |Type of structure | |H2O |Covalent |Simple molecular | |SiCl4 |covalent |simple molecular | |RbCl |ionic |giant lattice/ionic | |Si |covalent

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