"Christian Church" Essays and Research Papers

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    Christian Marriage

    • 1475 Words
    • 6 Pages

    Christian Marriage Introduction and background. Christian Marriage‚ also called Matrimony is a sacrament in which a man and a woman publicly declare their love and fidelity in front of witnesses‚ a priest or minister and God. The It is seen by all Christian churches as both a physical and spiritual fulfillment. Christianity emphasises that the sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a lifetime commitment. So they are no longer two‚ but one. Therefore‚ what God has joined together‚ let no one separate

    Premium Marriage Christianity Catholic Church

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    Christian Ethics

    • 889 Words
    • 4 Pages

    INTRODUCTION (DEFINITION) Christian ethics are theological teachings which govern decision making and the moral position of the Church based on various sources of guidance. These are traditions‚ church authorities‚ human experience‚ the Natural Law‚ the Bible; in particular Jesus’s Commandment of love‚ the Beatitudes and the 10 Commandments “You shall not steal” (Ex 20:15). HISTORICAL SETTING Christian ethical teachings vary between denominations for example‚ the Catholic Church places particular emphasis

    Premium Pope John Paul II Pope Benedict XVI Catholic Church

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    Christian Eschatology

    • 1701 Words
    • 7 Pages

    part of their religious life because they it determines the way in which they live their lives. These people live by a set of rules and ethics set by the Bible because they want to have the favorable experience after death that was outlined in the Christian Eschatology. In Christianity‚ death is thought to be the point at which the soul leaves its earthly body and the soul is at rest until judgment day. Death is God’s punishment imposed upon humans resulting from Adam eating the forbidden fruit

    Premium Jesus Christianity Christian eschatology

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    A Model of Christian Charity In 1630‚ John Winthrop led a fleet of 17 ships and a thousand puritans from England to the Massachusetts Bay. With a new place to call home‚ John Winthrop and the puritans hoped for a fresh start in the new world. The main reason for this new beginning was due to the fact that they had broken apart from England’s Church and had declared to start their own church. They believed that starting a new church was ordained by God and that the Massachusetts Bay area was given

    Premium Christian terms Christianity Boston

    • 521 Words
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    Christian Apologetics

    • 4435 Words
    • 18 Pages

    Introduction To Integrated Christian Apologetics William James Summary: The word “apologetics” comes from the Greek word “apologia”‚ meaning to “make a defense”. Apologetics is a defense of one’s faith or persuasion. Christian Apologetics is therefore a defense of the Christian Faith offering the listener reasons why Christianity can be trusted and is believable. With the growing followers of science and technology‚ birthing atheistic convictions around the globe‚ all religions are under

    Free Bible Christianity Old Testament

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    Church Planting

    • 623 Words
    • 3 Pages

    Indigenous Church Planting A Book Review On Church Growth International A Practical Journey Charles Brock By: Michael Stilley Fusion Church Planting U-MS 410 Book Review Page 1 Indigenous Church Planting was written by Charles Brock in the year of 1994. Charles and his wife were church planters for 26 years. They have planted churches both in the United States and in foreign countries. Charles‚ Dottie‚ and their 3 kids spent 25 years in the Philippines serving with the

    Premium Christianity Holy Spirit Trinity

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    Ushering in Church

    • 17448 Words
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    THE ROLE OF USHERING IN THE LOCAL CHURCH The Scriptural Foundation for Ushering Ushering in your local church involves much more than shaking hands and shining your shoes. Some churches think that ushers are just bucket passers‚ so they grab anybody to pass the bucket. “Let’s just grab ol’ Larry when he comes walking in. Let’s just get anybody.” You don’t want to get just anybody‚ because you don’t want an anybody offering. You have been selected as an usher; you are in the ministry of

    Premium Holy Spirit God in Christianity Christianity

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    Church History

    • 1296 Words
    • 6 Pages

    HISTORY OF WEST BAATSONAA PRESBY CHURCH‚ NUNGUA The west Baatsonaa Congregat6ion was started as part of the Centenary Celebration of the Zimmermenn Memorial Presby Congregation‚ Nungua‚ in 2002. This was at the time when new demarcations in the Presbytery were taking effect and Congregations like Santeo‚ Oyibi‚ Katamanso‚ Lashibi‚ East Baatsonaa‚ etc; had been ceded to other Districts. The then local Mission & Evangelism Committee‚ as part of the Centenary

    Premium Christianity 1986 2003

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    The Catholic Church

    • 337 Words
    • 2 Pages

    the Great was named bishop of Rome in 590 A.D. He professed himself as pope and the head of the “universal church‚” which supported the petrine theory and affirmed the title for his two-hundred successors. The Catholic church has been a prominent institution for Catholics to practice their faith. The leader of this institution is the pope‚ or as many may say the leader of the “universal church.” Catholics believe this hierarchical structure within the Catholic religion was granted by Jesus Christ in

    Premium Christianity Catholic Church Pope

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    Chapter 1‚ Section 3‚ Comprehension 3-5 Why did many Christians call for Church reform? The Church had become increasingly caught up in worldly affairs. And many Popes competed with princes for political power. The church needed money to finance the many stculptures that were hired to beautify the church. So soon the Churches charged for indulgences that were once only earned by going to the crusades. The church began to sell Gods forgiveness‚ an idea that was corrupted and therefore had to be change

    Premium Protestant Reformation Christianity Catholic Church

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