*Foundation Theology/Fundamental Theology: Explains what theology is all about. *Theology: "Faith seeking understanding" we need faith 1st before understanding can be reached. *Determining the "cannon" (cannon of scripture): list of writings that adequately express the faith of the community. *Apacal Writings: didn’t make it onto the list (cannon) because they didn’t adequately express what the community expressed as far as their understanding of faith. C.Rahner: Sees theology as the science/study
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worldviews are breaking out everywhere especially throughout North America. Two sides with vastly differing and incompatible worldviews are being locked in a bitter conflict that permeates every level of society. On one side of the battle is the Christian worldview‚ and on the other is the Humanist worldview divided into three branches: Secular Humanism‚ Marxism/Leninism‚ and Cosmic Humanism. It’s in this essay that we will seek to understand all of the three Humanist worldviews while presenting a
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A Select Issue in Contemporary Theology: Process Theology Friday December 14‚ 2012 Table of Contents Introduction 1 History of Process Theology 1 The god of Process Theology versus The God of Scripture 2 Conclusion 2 Bibliography 3 Introduction Process theology is a system created to try to find a common basis for science and theology. Process theology continues today but the god defined by process theology is not the God of Scripture and it is important to clarify the differences in order
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Much of church administration is about teaching in the moment. Let me explain. I became a Christian at the dinner-table. I did not know at the time that’s what was happening. I can’t point to one decisive moment when intellectual assent turned to trust. But it was at the dinner-table that Christianity became real to me. Each evening as my family ate together‚ we would process the day’s events. "How was school today?" "Who’s going to take me to basketball practice?" But as we processed the events
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Prosperity: the Political-Economic Ideologies in Latin American Theology Over the past 50 years‚ theology in Latin America has oscillated between liberation and prosperity theology. This movement reflects a polarization between the “option for the poor”‚ that began with liberation theology in the 1960’s; and the “option for the rich” during the early 1990’s‚ which supported a neoliberal model after the collapse of the communist alternative. Theology in Latin America has been vulnerable to the political
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position‚ or policy taught or advocated‚ as of a religion or government” (“doctrine”). This means that the doctrine of scripture can be taken as the lessons and teachings we take from scripture itself. But why is it that we use these doctrines as Christians‚ why is it that we take these words to heart? All scripture is inspired by God. “Inspired means‚ literally ‘God-breathed’” (Stewart). This means that the doctrine of scripture is the word of God written through somebody else. The scripture
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Why Liberation Theology Developed The theology of liberation consists of ideals that show material poverty as a bad thing and spiritual and solidarity poverty as a good thing. It also puts a strong emphasis on helping the poor and idealizes helping the poor as a Christian duty. Latin American liberation theology was the origin of this whole movement and began in Peru through Gustavo Gutierrez. Around the time when the Latin American liberation theology came about‚ Peru was a very poor country
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The Departure From Black Liberation Theology. Womanist theologians do not completely depart from the major views seen in black liberation theology. In fact‚ it is impossible to understand the role of Christ for the black female without examining black liberation theology and The Black Church. Womanist theology both expands and challenges methodologies used in black liberation theology. Black liberation theology arose out of the Black Power Movement. Black liberation theology’s goal is to expand the
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wrestled intellectually and spiritually with the idea of black theology as public discourse. Feminist theology and black theology are placed beside one another in order to magnify their significance. Chopp seeks to not only reimagine public discourse in light of feminist and black theology but also‚ examine prospective visions of how these two theologies may contribute to the public space and theology while arguing that all theology is public. Three rubrics are used in Chopp’s argument: (1)
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religious faith and the study of the sciences tended to exist in harmony with each other. The study of God’s Word‚ in the Bible‚ and His Works‚ in nature‚ were assumed to be two versions of the same ultimate truth.1 When William Paley published Natural Theology; or‚ Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity in 1802‚ he reinforced the concept of a designing God after positing that natural objects show evidence of design‚ emphasizing nature as God’s creation.2 Paley compares the discovery
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