"Cinema of Kerala" Essays and Research Papers

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    Swot Cinemas

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    is the cost of bringing films into the market. The average cost of releasing a film is more than $100 million. This cost in producing and releasing the films into the market has dramatically gone up the last five years around 25%. Exhibition Cinemas Strengths: During the global financial crisis in 2008‚ when the gas prices was going up‚ stock market decline‚ and there were significant layoffs‚ there wasn’t any more one could for $10 or for families under $30. Park amusements cost was an average

    Premium Film Blu-ray Disc Theatre

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    French Cinema

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    French Cinema Scene analysis The scene from the movie Rules of The Game by Jean Renoir shows many camera techniques and uses the camera to clench the true meaning of the screen. I will be discussing and analyzing the scene. The film beautifully demonstrates the use of precise shots and perfectly executed scenes. Throughout the scene of The Rules of the Game the camera is like another person in the room. It is invisible and wanders throughout the building almost like it is someone following what

    Premium Film editing Concept Citizen Kane

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    Indian Cinema

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    just like there are theaters that in America that show Bollywood movies. Bollywood is known as the nickname for the popular Indian cinema industry. It gets its name from mixing the two names Bombay and Hollywood. Bombay is the original name for Mumbai before it changed its name back to Mumbai. Mumbai is the capital city of Bollywood and the birthplace of Indian cinema. Mumbai‚ Maharashtra is the equivalent to Hollywood‚ California. Maharashtra is one of 28 states that combine to make the overpopulated

    Premium Bollywood Film

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    Cinema of Unease

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    Through their eyes Cinema of unease is a genre viewers often find ‘Awkward’ to watch. This is because of the atypical behaviour that viewers are not use to viewing. In the films ‘In My father’s den’ directed by Brad McGann and ‘Heavenly Creatures’ directed by peter Jackson the audience are drawn into this film genre ‘cinema of unease’ it maybe that the unusual behaviour we find rather attention-grabbing. Both films are directed by New Zealanders showing the same effect of brooding and dark themes

    Premium Film Peter Jackson

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    Symbolism in Cinema

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    Symbolism in the Cinema Symbolism is an underlying and sometimes specific theme that affects a piece of work‚ such as a film. It’s usually hidden subtly under the main story’s conversation or narrative in order to emphasize the main themes and increase a certain layer of depth that would otherwise be missing.  Reynolds (2014)‚ “It’s something that’s continually been looked at more as a term for an element displayed in literature‚ rather than in film.” (para. 1). Many films are brought forth from

    Premium Symbolism Film director Spider-Man

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    Balkan Cinema

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    was released‚ the movie has been the spotlight of a lot of criticism. Especially‚ the articles posted from Alain Finkielkraut‚ who has not even seen the movie when typing his article‚ in a French newspaper Le Monte‚ made Emir Kuturica to quit the cinema for a year. Many of the critics have seen the film as political propaganda of ethnic nationalism and glorification of the Serbian nation. However‚ I believe that their views towards the film are quite wrong. In my paper I will be defending the point

    Premium Serbs Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia

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    Indian Parallel Cinema

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    Parallel Cinema While Indian Cinema known as Bollywood was thriving in the 1950s‚ the film industry also saw the emergence of a new Parallel Cinema movement. A group of film-makers broke with the past traditions and made exciting‚ experimental and innovating films (Gupta 11). Indian Parallel Cinema is a specific genre of Indian cinema which is known for its serious content‚ realism and naturalism‚ which reflected social and politics during those times (Gupta 14). Indian parallel cinema represents

    Free Bollywood Cinema of India Parallel Cinema

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    Shakespeare and Cinema

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    SHAKESPEARE AND CINEMA Student: Zilinszki Anna-Krisztina 1styear‚ SGPC Tg.-Mureş 2010 Beginning from the Lady Macbeth’s speech analyse‚ I decided to write my research paper about Shakespeare and Cinema. When it is said that an author’s works have a universal appeal‚ what is meant is that his works are capable of striking a chord with readers all over the world‚ cutting across all kinds of boundaries by which people segregate themselves. In other

    Free Macbeth

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    Ethics in Indian Cinema

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    our society accepts." "I don’t know what the word means." Ethics in Indian Cinema India is the largest film producing industry in the world and its cinema is becoming increasingly popular in various countries around the globe. The Indian Cinema consists of films produced across India‚ which includes the cinematic cultures of Andhra Pradesh‚ Assam‚ Bihar‚ Gujarat‚ Haryana‚ Jammu and Kashmir‚ Karnataka‚Kerala‚ Maharashtra‚ Manipur‚ Odisha‚ Punjab‚ Rajasthan‚ Tamil Nadu‚ Uttar Pradesh

    Premium Bollywood Cinema of India India

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    INDIAN CINEMA AND COMMUNAL POLITICS “Pictures can and do make a difference. Strong images of historical events do have an impact on society. They can help with change.” -Charles Moore Indian Cinema or Bollywood produces over 750 films a year‚ released across 12‚000 theatres in the country. Popular for its tear-jerking plots‚ colourful and exotic

    Free Cinema of India Bollywood India

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