[IB – ITGS EXTENDED ESSAY] “An investigation into the Video Surveillance System at Indus” Name: KAPADIA SIKANDER IBCN: 002272-045 Subject: ITGS Supervisor: Mr. Mohan Robert Words: 3‚866 2010 Date: 21st Jan 2009 [INDUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BANGALORE] Abstract “An investigation into the Video Surveillance System at Indus” The increasing motive of safety and security for students in schools today has enforced many schools to have video surveillance systems installed. I have chosen the topic‚
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Supervisor: Mette Bahnson Weber Extended Essay May 2013 SUSTAINABILITY OF CITIES Figure 1: Taken by Jonathan Sandidge RESEARCH QUESTION To what extent can Copenhagen City be considered sustainable? - an ‘Egan Wheel’ investigation ______________________________________________ Jonathan Erik Dow Sandidge Word Count: 4‚000 1 Jonathan Sandidge Candidate number: 000632-035 B i r k e r ø d G y m n a s i u m ‚ H F‚ a n d I B Extended Essay May 2013 Abstract ! This Extended Essay focuses on the sustainability
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November 2009 extended essay reports BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Overall grade boundaries Grade: Mark range: E 0-7 D 8 - 15 C 16 - 22 B 23 - 28 A 29 - 36 The range and suitability of the work submitted The range and suitability varied both between centres and within centres. Some candidates produced excellent‚ very interesting‚ well researched pieces in terms of sources and the use of critical thinking/evaluative skills‚ combined with well substantiated conclusions and recommendations. The difference
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NAME: AKSHAYE WADHWA MAY 2013 CANDIDATE NUMBER: 002062-047 WORD COUNT: 3789 HISTORY EXTENDED ESSAY EFFECT OF THE COLD WAR ON INDIA AND PAKISTAN "To what extent did events and policies during the Cold War involving India and Pakistan determine their growth till 1991?" ABSTRACT (WORD COUNT: 327) This essay attempts to shed some light on the question: "To what extent can the Cold War be looked upon as the main event in shaping the political‚ economic and military schemes in India and Pakistan
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Rights and Bytes: The Technology of Civil Rights When speaking of race‚ it has been a popular factor in our society for centuries. In Steve Olson’s essay‚ “The End of Race: Hawaii and the Mixing of Peoples”‚ he discusses human race and its genetic future. He also discusses how Hawaii has a lot of intermixed races and cultures. When dealing with race and what people consider themselves as you can refer it to covering. Kenji Yoshino discusses covering in his essay‚ “The New Civil Rights”. He states
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805 Civil Rights DBQ Essay The civil rights movement was a time period that can be defined as a large popular movement to secure for African Americans equal access to and opportunities for the basic privileges and rights of U.S. citizenship. The roots of the civil rights movement go back to the 19th century; the movement was addressed in the 1950s and 1960s. African American men and
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IB Subject of Essay : Business and Management Supervisor Name : Mr. Philippe Cosentino Word Count : 3902 Abstract In this essay‚ I shall be responding to the research question: “To what extent does Ocean Park’s marketing strategy for its re-development phase meet the preferences of its customers?” The purpose of this essay is for me to assess whether Ocean Park have fulfilled their marketing aspects during the re-development phase. The scope of this essay encompasses the
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each other) as also the Political and government roles in the country were led by mainly white people of America who were often biased towards AA. This hatred towards AA’s sparked events throughout the following years which caused the movement for Civil Rights - to come closer to the truth. However in between
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The Civil Rights Movement is often thought to begin with a tired Rosa Parks defiantly declining to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery‚ Alabama. She paid the price by going to jail. Her refusal sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott‚ which civil rights historians have in the past credited with beginning the modern civil rights movement. Others credit the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Brown v. Board of Education with beginning the movement. Regardless of the event used as the starting point
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Outline for Extended Essay 1. Introduction • • State research question In the introduction I will focus on the stating of how I will construct my Essay and how I will compare the two authors and their different styles.
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