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    The Renaissance in Western Europe brought a "rebirth" to the arts. No longer was the church the only accredited patron for the arts. Instead‚ a wealthy middle class arose as patrons and were able to purchase artist’s works. Although many pieces still had religious themes‚ the styles‚ freedom of creativity‚ and less reserved pieces were created. The Renaissance was not only confined to Italy‚ although it is often mistaken as the birthplace of the movement. All over Western Europe artwork flourished

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    Comparing and contrasting the similarities and difference of group and individual survival between the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collin‚ Lord of the Flies by William Golding‚ and the 1990 film of Lord of the Flies directed by Harry Hook. BY: Becky Coutlee April‚ 23‚ 2012 D.Smith Comparing and contrasting the similarities and difference of group and individual survival between the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collin‚ Lord of the Flies by William Golding‚ and the 1990 film of Lord of the Flies directed by

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    On the culture shock in the film of Gua Sha Culture shock was introduced to descried the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment‚ especially when a person arrives in a new country where he is confronted with a new cultural environment. In our modern society‚ more and more people get this sick. You step into a new culture world. Everything around you is new. You begin to adapt. One of the most common causes of culture shock involves individuals in a foreign

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    The period between 950 and 1350 saw a great expansion of Western Christendom: the Iberian Peninsula‚ the coast of the Eastern Mediterranean‚ parts of Eastern Europe‚ and the Crusader States saw the extent to which Christianity’s influence could be spread across the known world. No better was this driving force of expansionism expressed than in the Crusades. Shortly after the first Crusade‚ the contemporary writer and abbot Guibert of Nogent coined the phrase “Holy Christendom’s new Colonies” for

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    the characters‚ which leads to further development in the attitudes in which the readers begin to grasp from each character. Shelley includes the story of Victor‚ the creator‚ and the story of the creature‚ the created‚ to emphasize the contrast between their personalities and their different

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    opportunities to find a job. Why do they think so? The differences between the educational system of Vietnam and the United States will now be explored. The first thing that is different is the structure of the education system. In Vietnam‚ the structure is 5-4-3; five years of elementary school (grades 1-5)‚ followed by four years of secondary school (grades 6-9)‚ and three years of high school (grades 10-12). Higher education programs last between two and six years. In the United States‚ the structure is

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    Environmental Ethics: A Look at Aldo Leopold’s and John Muir’s Works Never has a man left the embrace of nature once he found himself enamored by it; this infatuation is found in both John Muir’s and Aldo Leopold’s writing‚ a sense of wanting to protect this deity they call Mother Nature‚ a moral and ethical responsibility which every human being has to this Mother. Both John Muir and Aldo Leopold recount their almost romantic encounter with Mother Nature in their books Our National Parks and A

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    compares the distance between him and his former loved one to the distance to the stars in the shattered night sky. He begins explaining his relationship by saying “I loved her‚ and sometimes she loved me too”(6); I understand with this statement that their relationship has ended and although it was not a serious one‚ I feel that he wanted it to be. This sentence makes me think that that he was more committed to the relationship than she was. The narrator alternating between past and present makes

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    clearly tells Eve‚ "...then your eyes shall be opened‚ and ye shall be as gods‚ knowing good and evil." (Genesis p.19) This shows that‚ for the snake‚ it is important for human beings to be allowed to think for themselves and to know the difference between what is right and what is wrong‚ and to be able to make a choice. The knowledge of good and evil is seen as independence‚ as an independence from the chains that attach us to God and his words‚ which are basically the chains of ignorance. Prometheus

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    For centuries many children have experienced the pressure of fulfilling their parents’ expectations or following in their footsteps. This pressure will oftentimes have a negative effect for the children of those parents. In the chapter of Amy Tan’s Joy Luck Club‚ “Two Kinds‚” the reader is introduced to Jing-mei‚ a young Chinese girl who wishes to become the prodigy that her mother wishes her to be. However‚ her constant disappointment in the many challenges her mother presents her causes her to

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