Fall 2014 MGT 832 Negotiation and Conflict Management Mondays 2:40pm – 5:30pm. N124 NBC Dr. Jonelle Roth N421 Business College Complex Office Hours: Mon. 1pm – 2:30pm or by appointment Phone: 429-3519 Email: rothjon@msu.edu Textbooks: Lewicki‚ R.‚ Saunders‚ D.‚ & Barry‚ B. (2010). Negotiation: Readings‚ Exercises‚ and Cases (6th ed). Irwin/McGraw Hill. Additional course material will be handed out by the instructor during the quarter or posted on ANGEL (www.angel.msu.edu)
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Chapter 9 – Relationships in Negotiation * Negotiations occur in a complex social environment. People act within relationships that have a past‚ present and future. * Negotiating within relationships takes place over time. Time becomes an important variable in negotiating relationships. * Negotiation is often not a way to discuss an issue but a way to learn more about the other part and increase interdependence. In a relationship‚ gathering information about the other’s ideas‚ preferences
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The Journal | Negotiations: BUSA 5197 | | | Name: Bongani Jonathan Sibeko | Student Number: 9909547a | | | Submitted in partial fulfilment for the Negotiation course as part | of the Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PDM) | programme at the Wits Business School (WBS). | | | | | Lecturer: Dr Geoffry Heald | | Submission Date: 29 October 2012 | | | | This is the journal submitted to show my learning during the Negotiations lectures; and also
Premium Negotiation Best alternative to a negotiated agreement Dispute resolution
Effective negotiation skills are becoming increasingly important for today’s global business. A lot of time is spent negotiating in a global setting as companies and individuals conduct business. This paper will attempt to critically assess the significance of cross cultural negotiation skills for the success of international mergers and alliances. To begin with let the definition of negotiation be deduced. Daniels‚ Radebaugh and Sullivan (2004) identify negotiation as a sequence of actions in
Premium Negotiation Culture Cross-cultural communication
Negotiation Learning Journal 1. Facts: Provide a brief overview of key events (How was the time allocated? Offers: opening-offer and counter-offer‚ as well as progression of offers? How was information exchanged? Were there pivotal turning points?) Since I’m the one who is selling the service station‚ so I suggest that I make the first offer. First offer I made was $1‚000‚000 because my target is $800‚000 and also I told her the reasons why I think the station is worth that amount of money
Premium Thought Negotiation Money
different situations. In the community‚ you might have conflict with others‚ and in order to solve these conflicts‚ you need to negotiate. Negotiation‚ to some extent‚ is a psychological game. So if we have the knowledge of it‚ we can make a good deal. This paper talked about the significance of studying psychological of negotiation‚ people’s different needs‚ motives‚ and temperaments in negotiation which could help negotiators to make successful negotiations with knowing them. Also‚ how to deal with the
Premium Maslow's hierarchy of needs Negotiation Psychology
about a negotiation about a cruise ship to gain the right to visit a tropical island. At the first sight‚ it looks so simple‚ but the Capitan Stuart Bing‚ in order to promote the cruise’s trips‚ seems very interest to disembark in the “Tropical Island” at any price. In the other side‚ the island’s Major Gil Egan wants to preserve the cultural and ecologic equilibrium of the island and its population. This report is going to be explained the main negotiation’s issues‚ the kind of negotiation in this
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In the article “Adam Smith‚ John Wayne‚ and the American Negotiation Style‚” the author states what he believes to be the fundamental rule of international negotiations: you must understand your own culture to be an effective international negotiator (Compendium 186). Knowledge of culture‚ style‚ ideals‚ and traits is crucial to forming an effective argument and getting positive results out of a negotiation. I come from the United States‚ where our fast-paced‚ direct‚ and individualist tendencies
Premium United States High context culture Negotiation
Negotiation Skills Assignment 10/28/2010 Sofian Dahshan NEGOTIATION SKILLS | Assignment “We cannot negotiate with those who says whats mine is mine and whats yours is negotiable!” “During 2005‚ American Hospital handled about 200 job offers for nursing assistants‚ research scientists‚ and a number of other employees. All but about 10 of these candidates took the initial offer without attempting to negotiate for something extra or more. Clark‚ the HR Manager‚ was delighted‚ but puzzled
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* Choose negotiation you are likely to participate in‚ the near future & answer the following questions 1. What is that you really want? 2. Why will other side admit it is legitimate? 3. How will you communicate/relate? 4. Why will other participant say Yes why No? 5. Why will agreement go your Way? Negotiation I am likely to participate in the near future: As within the next six months‚ I would be completing the Executive MBA course‚ I would like to pursue a
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