"Consumerism from a sociology perspective" Essays and Research Papers

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    Using the material from item A and elsewhere‚ assess the view that working class children under-achieve because they are culturally deprived (20 marks). Cultural deprivation is the absence of expected and acceptable cultural phenomena in the environment which results in the failure of the individual to communicate and respond in the most appropriate manner within the context of society. There are three main factors that influence the cultural deprivation theory‚ IQ‚ language (elaborated speech

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    writing skills‚ I’ve learned critique skills‚ and skills on how to be more focused in what I am trying to say. With the three required essays‚ I took away different skills from each individual essay. Essay A‚ was a bit challenging for myself because I had to relate to the film to my personal experience. With the critiques I received from my first draft‚ it made me realize that my writing wasn’t as weak as I thought and that all I needed was practice. With your help and critique‚ I was able to edit my

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    theory. Life chances can be defined as the opportunities that arise in life that will determine the significant outcome of an individual’s life. Factors such as education‚ wealth‚ social class‚ and ethnicity can influence life chances. They differ from person to person‚ a person born into a wealthy social class family is considered to have better life chances than one born into a poor family. It is important to note that one’s health is also defined by life chances. Referring to the inequalities

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    Culture Culture can be defined as the language‚ beliefs‚ values‚ norms‚ behaviors‚ and even material objects that are passed from one generation to the next. (36) When you first look at someone you can see what culture they are from. Material culture is the things of culture such as jewelry‚ art‚ buildings‚ weapons‚ machines‚ hairstyles‚ and clothing. (36) Material culture is looking at the physical things about the culture. When people are judging other cultures it is usually by the physical

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    1 Midterm 3/11/11 Chapter 01 #005 If a problem is defined as personal‚ _______ are employed to cope with the problem. Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback A. Individual strategies 100% B. Collective strategies C. Societal strategies D. Professional strategies Score: 2/2 2. Chapter 01 #004 What famous sociologist referred to social problems as the "public issues of social structure"? Student Response Value Correct Answer Feedback A. Robert

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    Functionalists maintain that racial and ethnic inequality maintains the dominant group’s status. It provides a large pool of cheap labor. Functionalists acknowledge that discrimination can be dysfunctional. For example‚ racism prevents a society from recognizing or rewarding people who could contribute to society. Conflict theorists see ongoing strife‚ not harmony‚ between dominant and minority groups. Dominant groups try to protect their power and privilege while subordinate groups struggle to

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    the working class‚ in the socio-economic hierarchy. They worked full time for at least 40 hours a week earning $15 per hour‚ at a yearly salary of $31‚200. After the closing of the factory‚ the workers experienced a downward social mobility going from employed to unemployed which resulted in them becoming under class and relatively poor. I assume that the workers of Anytown who did receive unemployment benefits or had savings had no choice but to utilize them until they found another job. The unemployment

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    CRITICAL READING 1) Describe the differences and similarities in texts. A) The two different texts are similar in the fact that the two people in the texts are crossing over water but different in how they are crossing. One is in a boat on the water and the other is in an armchair with helium filled balloons attached to it so he can fly above the water. Source 2 – ‘Up‚ up and away- the day that armchair travel really took off’ is a light hearted read of a man that had planned to do something

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    Multiple Choice Questions This activity contains 15 questions. A system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy is called stereotyping. social mobility. social stratification. social inequality. What system of castes is composed of Brahmin‚ Kshatriya‚ Vaishya‚ and Shudra? the Indian caste system the South African system the British class system the British estate system

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    Psychology I tutorial for 9 May: Personality theories Lecturer: Tracey Fleming t.fleming@ru.ac.za ___________________________________________________________________________ Students may compare any two theories of personality‚ and are required to highlight the main similarities and differences between the two. They should have a paragraph somewhere highlighting each theory’s main propositions/ tenets in order to build a strong argument. The most common comparisons you will probably come across

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