"Counterargument" Essays and Research Papers

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    In his article‚ “Making Connections In Our Connected World‚” Brian Westover posits that technology is actually enriching the romantic experience in the modern age. Through the course of the article‚ technology is defined as an enhancement and evolution of the positive experiences of the generation that came before. Though the article is lacking in certain authoritative appeal‚ as the author is not an expert in the field of romance or dating‚ the author utilizes rhetoric and parallelism to his advantage

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    In The Post-American World‚ Fareed Zakaria addresses a new era in the international system where power is being diffused from the central superpower‚ the United States‚ to rising developing nations. This is caused by what Zakaria calls “rise of the rest”‚ which includes new actors whom have made influential impact on the international system like China and India. The American society’s anxiety of the U.S. decline as the single-superpower has been growing with economic issues and the rise of anti-American

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    as immoral. This paper addresses the objections to embryonic stem cell research‚ similar to those against abortion‚ which are rooted in the belief that it is morally impermissible to intentionally take the life of an innocent human being. The counterargument is presented such that the utilization of embryonic stem cells in research does not represent the death of a human being; instead it provides valuable life preserving medical breakthroughs‚ and thus

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    Describe the contributions to society of the Cognitive and Psychodynamic Approaches‚ and compare the two approaches in terms of their scientific status (18) The Cognitive Approach provides two contributions to society; Reliability of Eyewitness Testimonies and Cognitive Interviews. The cognitive interview technique has been developed from a number of models of memory and forgetting from the cognitive approach‚ which is used to interview eyewitnesses of crimes. The major two contributors are cue-dependency

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    Civil Marriag

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    Civil Marriage in Lebanon The civil marriage and secular status debate is not new. However‚ the recent marriage of Khouloud and Nidal brought back the issue to the national spotlight. While this attempt is welcomed by many secular activists and youth groups‚ an outrage from Islamic institution is strongly contradicting and frightening. In her article “Lebanese’s Civil Marriage debate highlights sectarian rule (article number one)‚” Nada Akl supports civil marriage and considers it an opportunity

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    Commentary on the Problem of Institutional Virtue Philosopher Miranda Fricker attempts to make a connection between epistemic justice and the ideal of political freedom in her essay‚ Epistemic Justice as a Condition of Political Freedom? She demonstrates that individuals must not face epistemic injustice when an institution interferes on its citizens’ liberty. She proposes a solution that consists of a collective ethos within institutions. In the essay titled‚ Generic Liberal Ideals and the Problem

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    There have been many arguments and philosophical beliefs of the existence of god. For many centuries‚ there have been many attempts by many philosophers to prove the existence of God. Many philosophers’ arguments for the existence of God come in many different evidence like using science‚ personal experience‚ history and philosophy. Looking at the philosopher’s point of view‚ I have come across two arguments that explain the existence of god which is the cosmological and ontological argument. As

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    Improve My Writing Skills

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    I learned how to make a stronger outline so my paper was stronger‚ my editing skills became stronger‚ also I learned how make a strong counterargument. Learning how to do these things is crucial when writing a paper. Before this class I knew how to write a paper‚ but now I know how to write a paper that is much better. By taking this class I now feel like I can follow the writing process and

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    He nearly single-handedly started the discussion about physician-assisted suicide by being the first physician to actually begin carrying out the act and assisting the terminally ill to die. One of the most commonly cited counterarguments against physician-assisted suicide is the claim that it is a violation of the Hippocratic Oath‚ and that by assisting one in taking their own life‚ a doctor is breaking the ancient and sacred code of their profession. This argument could have

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    Annotated Bibliography Association for the Prevention of Torture. “Defusing the Ticking Bomb Scenario.” Current Issues and Enduring Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking and Argument‚ with Readings. Ed. Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau. New York: Bedford St. Martin’s‚ 2011. 836-851. Print. The main idea of this passage is to expose the irrelevance of the ticking bomb scenario for the topic of torture. The article as a whole does not take a direct stand for or against or torture‚ however‚ it slightly

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