Research Critique of “African American Women’s Experience of Infection With HIV in the Rural Southeastern United States” October 15‚ 2012 This essay is a critique of qualitative nursing research. In it I will review the research article African American Women’s Experience of Infection with HIV in the Rural Southeastern United States. The article is written by Mallory‚ who is an associate professor at Mennonite College of Nursing‚ Illinois State University (Mallory‚ 2008). In her article Mallory
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NURS 300 – Assignment: Term Paper An exposition of Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier’s Nursing Theory December 8‚ 2010 Jason J. Harrison‚ RN St. Joseph’s College NURS 300 – Assignment: Term Paper An exposition of Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier’s Nursing Theory December 8‚ 2010 Jason J. Harrison‚ RN St. Joseph’s College Ida Jean Orlando (Pelletier)‚ a theorist renowned in the field of nursing theory‚ was born in New Jersey in 1926 to Italian immigrant parents. After being reared during the Great Depression
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Theory offers structure and organization to nursing knowledge and provides a logical way of gathering information to describe‚ explain‚ and predict nursing practice. Theories describe and explain nursing and the purpose of nursing to differentiate it from other caring professions by setting boundaries. (McEwen & Wills‚ 2014‚ p. 25). The use of theories gives nursing its own identity and takes away the task-oriented description of the past. Kolcaba’s theory of comfort is a theory that is used throughout
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Grand Theory Written Assignment Natalia V. Hayes Maryville University Grand Theory Written Assignment In this assignment I will compare and contrast four theorists from one of each types of grand theories: Dorothea Orem from Needs theorists‚ Imogene King from Interaction theorists‚ Sister Callista Roy from Outcome theorists‚ and Jean Watson from Caring/Becoming theorists (as identified by Meleis‚ 2012). Then I will compare and contrast all four theorists within following: educational
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Theoretical Framework for Nursing Practice – Module 6 A. Compare and contrast two of the models or theories presented in this chapter considering their usefulness in practice‚ research‚ education and administration. For the purposes of this discussion‚ I have selected King’s Theory of Goal Attainment and Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations. On a broad perspective‚ both theories aim at explaining the interaction processes that happen between a nurse and her patient. Imogene
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Brianna M. Audelo ENGL 120C: Persuasive Writing Dr. Laurie Camp Hatch 2/22/13 Nonsense University Why is it that staying home to read a book is not at the top of a child’s priority list? Obviously it is because children would much rather be outside playing a game of baseball with friends than staying in to do school work. Children usually do not find school subjects interesting. In school‚ students learn the necessities that will generally help them get through life. Children typically
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Comforting the Neonate; application of the Comfort Care Theory Introduction An anonymous author once said‚ "In the last stages of a final illness‚ we need only the absence of pain and the presence of family." The comfort care theory by Katharine Kolcaba exemplifies this by creating a baseline of quality care that both nurses and doctors can utilize in providing care to a dying patient. Comfort has been called a distinguishing characteristic of the nursing profession yet‚ until Katharine Kolcaba‚ had never
Part 1‚ Research Critique Nithin Mathew Nursing Research NRS 429 v February 03‚ 2012 Introduction . The critical appraisal in research widens understanding‚ provide a back ground for the study and improve practice. The qualitative studies in critical appraisal include logic conclusions; assess significance and the consistency
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The Nursing and Midwifery Council [NMC] (2008) report that all professional nurses have a responsibility to deliver care based on current evidence‚ best practice and validated research when it is available‚ Gomm and Davies (2000) confirm this by stating that government and professional guidance insist that professional practice should be based on evidence. Nurses are the largest professional group among health care workers worldwide; they carry out numerous interventions with patients and patient’s
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Abstract The purpose of this paper was to critique a research paper that explored the experiences and attitudes of mental health nursing students towards using cigarettes as a means of controlling client behavior. A survey was used with the information broken down into graphs. Overall‚ the data showed that the respondents generally did not like this practice. There were both ethical and moral dilemmas involved using lifestyle risk factors as rewards or a patient’s addiction as a way of modifying
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