Thomas. "Barn Burning."Short Stories for Students. Detroit: Gale‚ 2002. Literature Resource Center.Web. 11 Nov. 2012. Faulkner‚ William. “Barn Burning” Literature: An Introduction to Fiction‚ Poetry‚ Drama‚ and Writing. Ed. Kennedy‚ X. J.‚ and Dana Gioia. Boston: Pearson‚ 2013. 155-167.Print. McDonald‚ Hal. "Faulkner ’s ’Barn Burning. ’." Explicator 61.1 (Fall 2002): 46-48. Rpt. in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Jelena O. Krstovic. Vol. 92. Detroit: Gale‚ 2006. Literature Resource Center. Web. 11 Nov
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my friend Dana and I were playing near my brother’s pet spider. While playing Dana decided to harass the spider who was named mark. I could not have stopped her so I went along with the plan. she took a long thin piece of wood and began poking mark‚ every time we heard a foot step we would jump on the bed. Then my mother came up to the room where we were she said that she will be going to the super market and we had to feed Mark. ’Great! a chance to play with Mark’ shouted Dana. After mom
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People hear the word “disability” and often think of the most obvious types of disabilities: mobility‚ visual or hearing impairments. However‚ disability may be physical‚ mental‚ be readily observed or unseen; disabilities may result from a variety of causes.The definition of disability is quite problematic and complex. In the American’s with Disabilities Act of 1990‚ disability is defined as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such
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woman named Dana living in 1976. What makes the story unique is the fact that the plot alternates between the past and the present as Dana travels through time from the commodity of her house in 1976 Los Angeles to Maryland during the antebellum period. The catalysts for these trips to the past are the near death experiences of the son of rich southern planter‚ a boy named Rufus‚ who is one of Dana’s ancestors. Every single time Rufus is put in a situation where he
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the view of slavery from the perspective of a black woman named Dana who is from modern times. The author used Dana to show and help the readers experience the dehumanization of African Americans during the Ante-Bellum South time period. The conflicts that Dana faces shows the twisted heritage slaves had to endure. Dana‚ the main character views slavery from a modern point of view because she is from the 1970’s. As the author sends Dana back into Ante-Bellum times she has her own experiences with
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Human Condition As Dana soon discovers‚ the reality of slavery is even more disturbing than its portrayal in books‚ movies‚ and television programs. Before her journey into the past‚ Dana called the temp agency where she worked a "slave market‚" even though "the people who ran it couldn’t have cared less whether or not you showed up to do the work they offered." This turns out to be an ironic contrast to life at the Weylin plantation‚ where a slave who visits his wife without his master’s permission
In the book of Octavia Butler’s "Kindred‚" one can observe the different tones‚ characterizations‚ and point of views of Dana on pages 18-27 and 59-70. For example‚ on pages 18-27 the use of Dana’s point of view allows her character to speak directly to the reader‚ and shows how she maintains control of her emotions in a strange and dangerous situation. We also see how Dana was very cautious about her surroundings‚ because she was in a different era and wondered who the child she kept seeing was
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main characters‚ Dana. Dana is a young black women writer who finds Struggling to survive in maryland. Dana must go back in time to save the future of her existing family tree by saving the life of Rufus‚ who was the father of an ancestor‚ on several different occasions. Despite the fact that he abuses‚ rapes‚ and enslaves her. She must keep in mind that she must think and act as a strong‚ free and educated black women even when placed in a time of cruel racist time. The husband of Dana is Kevin Franklin
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As a reader I’m yanked between past and present as well as the characters Dana and Kevin. Dana and her husband are forced to experience slavery in Maryland and their home in California seems far gone. We are all affected by the legacy of slavery in one way or another‚ whether we know it or not. Whites and blacks are affected by the past and present types of racism. In some way we are all connected to slavery and Dana finds that out when she is taken back to the 1800’s. The past stereotypes
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Bolden and Jelly Roll Morton. Some of Bolden’s influence to Jazz is through the use of roll call of instruments playing back and forth‚ which gives the music a distinct sound‚ which Gioia says Bolden learned from participating in church bands. Morton’s influenced jazz strongly through his composition of jazz music‚ and Gioia says he described himself as “the worlds greatest hot tune writer.” Jazz would not be the same if it was not composed of each of these influences. New Orleans jazz created a dialogue
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