Answer 1 A1) Define Business Information System i. A combination of hardware‚ software‚ infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning‚ control‚ coordination‚ and decision making in-an organization. ii. Systems integrating information technology‚ people and business. A2) How it is important for an organization? Explain E-mail communication Communication between organization and external business partners. More effective‚ faster and proper log system. Electronic handbooks
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TECHNOLOGY‚ INFORMATION‚ AND SOCIETY The Plan * 3 great moments in human history (3 eras) * Technology: progression and shock * A Lesson from History: The Automobile (classic vs. expressive technology) * The current example: IT Three Great Moments in Human History (1) First Wave – Agrarian Revolution a. Wealth is in the land (exhaustible / exclusive) (2) Second Wave – Industrial Revolution (mass production and assembly line) b. Wealth is in the labor‚ land
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Say Yes to Pork and No to Corruption The Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF)‚ better known as “Pork Barrel” is a public fund regularly distributed among the members of the congress to cater to the legislators’ local projects for the development of their particular communities. The “Pork Barrel Scam” is currently a sensitive and obfuscated issue in our country as Pork Barrel is a frequent target for critics who say that it facilitates corruption. They say it makes it easier for politicians
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Management • Database Administrator • Database Users • Overall System Structure 1.1 Silberschatz‚ Korth and Sudarshan c 1997 Database Systems Concepts Database Management System (DBMS) • Collection of interrelated data • Set of programs to access the data • DBMS contains information about a particular enterprise • DBMS provides an environment that it both convenient and efficient to use Database Systems Concepts 1.2 Silberschatz‚ Korth and Sudarshan c 1997 ’ & ’ & Purpose of Database
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DBMS Project–Bus ticket reservation 1. ABSTRACT Traveling is a large growing business in Pakistan and other countries. Bus reservation system deals with maintenance of records of details of each passenger who had reserved a seat for a journey. It also includes maintenance of information like schedule and details of each bus. We observed the working of the Bus reservation system and after going through it‚ we get to know that there are many operations‚ which they have to do manually. It takes a
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over long distances. Airplanes really increase the efficiency of transportation. There are two major and successful aircraft manufacturers which are Boeing and Airbus. Recently‚ Airbus has invented a super-jumbo jet aircraft called the Airbus A-380. Their main concept was to invent a super-jumbo jet airplane that provide a comfortable flight for all of the first class‚ business class‚ and economy class passengers. Most of international airports will suffer a huge cost on infrastructure modifications
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M¨ lardalen University Press Dissertations a No.21 Data Management in Vehicle Control-Systems Dag Nystr¨ m o October 2005 Department of Computer Science and Electronics M¨ lardalen University a V¨ ster˚ s‚ Sweden a a Copyright c Dag Nystr¨ m‚ 2005 o E-mail: ISSN 1651-4238 ISBN 91-88834-97-2 Printed by Arkitektkopia‚ V¨ ster˚ s‚ Sweden a a Distribution: M¨ lardalen University Press a Abstract As the complexity of vehicle control-systems increases‚ the amount of information
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collections of information. Since information (or data) itself can come in various shapes and sizes‚ dozens of DBMS have been developed‚ along with tons of DB applications‚ since the second half of the 21st century to help in solving different programming and computerisation needs. Database management systems are based on database models: structures defined for handling the data. Each emerging DBMS‚ and applications created to actualise their methods‚ work in very different ways with regards to definitions
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Principles of Distributed Database Systems M. Tamer Özsu • Patrick Valduriez Principles of Distributed Database Systems Third Edition M. Tamer Özsu David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Waterloo Ontario Canada N2L 3G1 Patrick Valduriez INRIA LIRMM 161 rue Ada 34392 Montpellier Cedex France This book was previously published by: Pearson Education‚ Inc. ISBN 978-1-4419-8833-1 e-ISBN
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implemented on a computer system. This is based on the logical model. Database Management System (DBMS) A Software system that enables users to define‚ create and maintain the database and provides controlled access to the database. Database System (DBS) contains: The Database + The DBMS + Application Programs (what users interact with) Note: We will explore how the application‚ DBMS and database are distributed in the Database System Architecutres module later in the semester. File
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