"Defects in society can be traced back to defects in human nature" Essays and Research Papers

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    Building Defects

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    deterioration can happen in a building for any number of reasons. The first being poor repair and maintenance of the building over its life by users or those responsible for its maintenance such as a landlord etc. It can also mean that there were original problems with the building that impair its ability to function as intended‚ these may not have been uncovered during the snagging process at the end of the construction stage. These building problems are referred to as defects‚ depending on

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    The Defects of Consent

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    Defects of Consent A defect of consent is a situation where a party’s declaration does not reflect his actual intent. This difference between declaration and intent may be caused by other parties‚in order to make someone to form a contract with themselves. Fraud and Duress are this kind of defects. Roughly‚fraud is deceiving someone by hiding certain facts or giving them a wrong impression/information in order to make them form a contract and duress is scaring or threatening someone to make

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    Craniofacial Defect

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    Just Keep Swimming: A Parents’ Guide to Craniofacial Defect Remember how Nemo hated his smaller right fin because he looks different from the others? But Marlin‚ his father‚ assured him that he would never let anything bad happen to Nemo. You have probably heard that every child is a gift. What if your gift comes out a little bit different? How do you deal with it? Being a parent is a challenging role‚ you wish children could come with a manual attached to them‚ but no they don’t. But do not fret;

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    Building Defects

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    BUILDING DEFECTS PART 1 • Identify common building defects • Identify the source • Provide pictures‚ diagrams and sketches • Suggest remedial action • Show details that would have avoided the defect PART 2 Generate a scheme for planned maintenance and provide a building checklist to ensure all necessary maintenance is carried out on a regular basis. INTRODUCTION In this project we will be looking at many different kinds of building defects that would be commonly seen in the construction

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    Defects Of Timber

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    1. Defects of Timber A defect is an irregularity or abnormality occurring in or on wood which is responsible for its Strength reduction; Lowering of durability; Lowering of utility; Poor appearance; and‚ Decay Classification of Defects: a. Caused due to natural forces b. Caused due to insects c. Caused due to fungi d. Caused due to conversion e. Caused due to seasoning a) Defects due to natural forces: Chemical stain - the wood is sometimes discolored by the chemical action caused with it by some

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    Birth Defects

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    risk topics that can cause birth defects in an unborn child. I will discuss the effects of smoking‚ alcohol consumption‚ illicit drugs and prescription drug use. Letting people know more of the causes and outcomes of these examples is important because children are always our future and if birth defects and death can be prevented‚ should we not present hardship to them even before their first breath. It is important to keep letting women and men both know how substances can affect and unborn

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    developmental defects of teeth with recent genetic concepts INTRODUCTION: Disorders of development of teeth may be prenatal or postnatal in origin and may be inherited or acquired. Their recognition and evaluation requires a thorough knowledge and evaluation of the normal chronology of the human dentition and of the normal development and structure of the teeth. Disorders of development of teeth of teeth may be due to abnormalities in the differentiation of the dental lamina and

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    Defects in Buildings

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    than conventional wet-cut saws. Stucco The defects associated with stucco are usually excessive cracking. Cracking of stucco can be caused by a number of issues. Structural deficiencies are one of the leading causes. Structural components such as a shear wall (plywood wall) are either missing or improperly installed causing the stucco to bear a load that it weren’t designed to bear. Soil settlement can cause stucco cracks as well. This is where improper compaction of the

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    defects of contract

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    Defective Contracts Contract Classification Basis of Defect Status of the Contract Legal Effects Prescriptive Period Ratifiability A.Rescissible There is damage or injury either to one of the contracting parties or to a third person. Valid Considered valid and enforceable until they are rescinded by a competent court. The action for prescription may prescribe. NO 1. Contracts entered into in behalf of wards 2. Contracts agreed upon in representation of absentees 3. Contracts

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    Birth Defects

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    psychological well being of their family and friends. In the normal course of fetal development‚ cells migrate to their appropriate destination so that organs and limbs form where they should. Usually‚ the genes perform flawlessly‚ but mistakes can and do occur. Some of the most common birth defetc s results from the interaction between one or two abnormal genes out of 100‚000 that make up who we are. This is caused by the genes parents pass on or effetc ed by drugs and alcohol upon the

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