FOUR APPROACHES TO STUDY ETHICS FOUR APPROACHES TO STUDY ETHICS 4 SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT - ETHICS TERM PAPER 4 SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT - ETHICS TERM PAPER 31 March‚ 2013 31 March‚ 2013 Table of Contents Preface 3 Introduction 4 I. Deontology 5 The Categorical Imperative 6 Non-consequentialist 7 Moral Anatomy Principle 8 II. Utilitarianism 8 Consequentialist 8 Hypothetical Imperative 9 Utility Principle 9 III. Existentialism 10 Existential Imperative 10 The Facticity
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Social Responsibility July 17‚ 2013 Deborah Josephs Virtue theory differs from the two other normative theories‚ utilitarianism and deontology; it focuses primarily more on the individual‚ and their characteristics; whereas the other two focus more on your actions. Virtue ethics encompasses how we should be and which virtues we should acquire. Deontology and utilitarianism is an expression of what we should do‚ and this differs from personal yearnings and feelings. There are traits and characteristics
Premium Ethics Virtue ethics Virtue
World War II brought up many ethical issues. One of these was the ethical treatment of prisoners. As the Allied forces pushed into Nazi territory and came upon the concentration camps‚ the true horrors of World War II were seen. Dachau Concentration Camp in Southeast Germany‚ was the first of the concentration camps built by the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ‚ commonly referred to as the Nazi party. At the camp‚ the prisoners were forced to do hard labor and were unjustly executed
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recognize a human’s personal‚ goals‚ values‚ and aspirations. They believe in treating people as an ends but‚ not as a means and in symmetry of one’s attitude about his self and others’. It is different from other theories who consider emotion. In deontology‚ Kant understood the ethical enterprise of an individual who is contemplating acting in a certain way is decided in a way that leads to good will. Deontologist’s principle of contradiction that believes human thoughts accord with logic which means
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strange ideas have been formed. Of all those ideas on the nature of ethics and what is ultimately most good and bad‚ emerged three major philosophical theories on ethics. The three major theories on ethics are ethical egoism‚ utilitarianism‚ and deontology. In this paper I will compare and contrast all three and show why ethical egoism is strongest argument for basing your ethical code on. The
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Description Duty-based ethics commonly known as Deontology is an ethical theory that uses rules to distinguish right from wrong. As a deontologist you focus more on the action in itself disregarding the consequences it produces. Immanuel kant the founder deontology‚ was a german philosopher who believed that morality and religion should be kept apart‚ therefore he created the philosophical concept “categorical imperative” or “CI”. Categorical imperative is a moral law‚ which must be followed and
Premium Ethics Immanuel Kant Deontological ethics
When comparing the similarities and differences between virtue theory‚ utilitarianism‚ and deontology we find that they all deal with how one judge’s morality and ethics. These theories all include judging in different aspects‚ whether it is in the moment‚ what happens after‚ or over a lifetime. The ethics and morality behind these theories all deal with what is right‚ or what is best for the present‚ then separate paths as the theories work toward the future. With virtue ethics a person strives
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number pg 153 Deontology is a moral theory that emphasizes one’s duty to do a particular action just because the action‚ itself‚ is inherently right and not through any other sorts of calculations—such as the consequences of the action. Because of this nonconsequentialist bent‚ deontology is often contrasted with utilitarianism that defines the right action in term of its ability to bring about the greatest aggregate utility. In contradistinction to utilitarianism‚ deontology will recommend
Premium Ethics Virtue ethics Deontological ethics
character just like the three branches of ethics: virtue theory‚ utilitarianism‚ and deontology. Let’s discover the differences and similarities by comparing these three theories and add a personal experience to relate to one of the theories between virtue‚ value‚ and moral. Moral are like rules they are used to guide conduct within an individual based upon one’s actions to uphold their values and beliefs. Deontology focuses on the duty to do a particular action just because the action‚ itself‚ is
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character‚ their virtues‚ and their expression of good intentions (Garrett‚ 2005). Deontology Unlike virtue theory‚ deontology has a heavy emphasis on duty in action‚ in adherence to rules. The right action is important here‚ where upon completion‚ should bring about the greatest good for all involved. This is somewhat similar to utilitarianism‚ which does focus on the consequence of the greatest good. However‚ deontology does not lean on the consequence itself‚ but more so the principle behind committing