Running head: METABOLIC SYNDROME Metabolic Syndrome James Doucette College of Western Idaho Abstract Metabolic syndrome is an emerging diagnosis in the medical field that has effects on patient care. Becoming familiar with it and having it become a common part of patient care will‚ if used appropriately will increase the lives of those who have become affected with or are at risk of becoming diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a constellation of risks
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Charge Syndrome Introduction Charge Syndrome is a specific collection of non-randomly occurring congenital anomalies. The acronym CHARGE actually stands for the major features of this syndrome. The letter C stands for coloboma of the eye‚ H is heart defects‚ A stands for atresia of the choanae‚ R is retarded growth and development‚ G stands for genital abnormalities and lastly letter E stands for ear anomalies and/deafness. The cause of this syndrome may be genetically heterogeneous‚ but
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WAGR Syndrome WAGR (Wilms’ tumor‚ Aniridia‚ Genitourinary abnormalities‚ and mental Retardation) Syndrome is a contiguous gene deletion syndrome that is caused by a deletion in chromosome 11. The acronym for the syndrome comes from the various symptoms that are caused by the deletion – wilms’ tumor‚ aniridia‚ genitourinary abnormalities‚ and mental retardation. Wilms’ tumor is a tumor that is found in the kidneys that causes nephroblastoma‚ cancer of the kidneys. Aniridia‚ the absence of the iris
Free Chromosome Mental retardation DNA
Down Syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality and probably the most common genetic condition‚ occurs in approximately one in every eight hundred to one thousand live births or accounts for approximately 5-6 per cent of intellectual retardation. Although‚ most students with Down’s Syndrome are between the mild to moderate range of mental retardation. Initially‚ Down’s Syndrome was given the label of Mongolism due to the physical characteristics of the disorder. A student with Down’s Syndrome is usually
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CHAPTER 1 ABSTRACT The main aim of this project is provide security‚ safety and automation for homes and offices. These are very essential in present life style. Security is primary concern for every one. This Project describes a design of effective security alarm system that can monitor the house with eight different sensors. Unauthorized access‚ Fire accident‚ wall braking‚ IR detection‚ and fire detection can be monitored by the status of each individual sensor and is
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Introduction To the Disorder Asperger’s syndrome (AS)‚ originally described by Hans Asperger in 1944 (Attwood‚ 2007‚ p. 23)‚ was historically considered a distinct high-functioning subtype of autism. It is now considered simply an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) following a change to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 2013 (Kite‚ Gullifer‚ & Tyson‚ 2013). “Autism spectrum disorders are severe disorders of development that can affect social interaction‚ communication
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flenfef Down Syndrome is named after John Langdon Down‚ the first British doctor who first described the condition in 1987. It wasn’t until 1959‚ however‚ that an extra chromosome was identified as the cause. One in every 691 babies in the the United States are born with Down syndrome. Making Down syndrome the most common genetic condition. Approximately 400‚000 Americans have Down syndrome and about 6‚000 babies with Down syndrome are born in the United States each year. Down syndrome (DS)‚ also
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Myelodysplastic syndromes have historically been subjected to incomplete definitions and biologic understanding of disease.1‚2 With the better understanding of this disease by morphology‚ cytogenetic evaluation and molecular testing it is now easier to categorize this disease. Myelodysplastic syndrome could not be described as a distinct syndrome until the first half of the 20th century when bone marrow biopsies were started in routine. Still‚ early suggestive reports can be found in the medical
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Writer’s Checklist for Cause and Effect Essay 1. Have I identified the cause or effect I am analyzing in my thesis? yes 2. Have I explained the cause-and-effect relationship convincingly? yes 3. Have I organized my causes and/or effects logically? yes 4. Have I used sound logic? yes 5. Have I concluded my essay effectively? yes 6. Have I proofread thoroughly? yes Corrie Nicholas Sedita English 101 November 25‚ 2012 Stockholm syndrome: Cause and Effect Stockholm
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Reye Syndrome Reye Syndrome is an extremely rare‚ non-contagious disease thought to be triggered by aspirin use. The actual origin of the disease is unknown. Reye’s Syndrome‚ occasionally called Reye-Jacobsen’s Syndrome‚ is known to follow any viral infection. Two of the most common viral infections it precedes is influenza‚ "the flu"‚ and chicken pox. A now-familiar warning on bottles of aspirin‚ most notably Tylenol‚ is not to give Tylenol to a child who is recovering from the chicken
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