Children (2015). It is a guide for all professional who work with children and their families (doctors‚ social workers‚ school staff‚ etc)‚ which explains their roles and responsibilities on keeping children safe and gives support to know how to do it. Safeguarding on this text covers protect “children and young people from maltreat‚ enable them to have the best outcomes‚ prevent impairment on their health or development and to ensure they receive safe and effective care. The guide states legislative requirements
Premium Childhood Child Children Act 1989
1)Define the term social inclusion. Social inclusion can be defined as a concept where everyone in society or in a community feels valued‚ their beliefs and culture are respected‚ people with disabilities are treated with dignity and given the opportunity to contribute to their respective community. Social inclusion also involves ensuring people’s basic needs are being met‚ all people have equal opportunities to gain employment‚ everyone is able to access educational opportunities and are able to
Premium Health care Medicine Sociology
Alternative Sexualities and Equal Justice Your Name Social Diversity September 21‚ 2012 Your college info ALTERNATIVE SEXUALITIES AND EQUAL JUSTICE Introduction Individuals who express an alternative sexuality or orientation face discrimination in their daily lives. They experience disparities in basic right and liberties‚ parenting/adoption‚ relationships and marriage. Youths in school who express an alternative sexuality are harassed for being different and transgender people experience
Premium Same-sex marriage Homosexuality
Risk assessments and Hygiene control In this assignment I am going to talk about risk assessments and hygiene control that are put in place at a Primary School to keep the staff‚ children and visitors safe. I am going to describe some policies and procedure that the setting uses for risk assessments and hygiene procedures. There are 5 steps to risk assessments. These are; 1. Identify the hazards. 2. Decide who might be harmed and how. 3. Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution. 4. Record
Premium Security Teacher Primary school
Unit 1 Foster people’s equality‚ diversity and rights People have a right to have choice‚ which includes food‚ religion‚ interests etc. This can be promoted by listening to what the person wants‚ following the needs assessment or by asking the individual themselves what they would like to happen and how they would like to be supported. It is everybody’s responsibility to treat the residents equally‚ politely and like a valued member of society. There maybe tensions between people’s rights
Premium Health care Health insurance
Equality‚ diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people Legislation and codes of practice Disability discriminations act 1995 Disability discriminations act 2005 Special educational needs and disability act 2001 Race relations 2000 Children’s act 1989 Children’s act 2004 Educations act 1996 Equality act 2010 Importance of supporting the rights of children and young people to participation and equality of access Every pupil has a right to a curriculum that is broad‚ balanced and
Premium Discrimination Childhood Special education
Understand inclusion and inclusive practices in work with children and young people. The UN Convention on the rights of the child article 28 says that ’’Every child has the right to an education’’ article 2 says’’ The convention applies to every child whatever their ethnicity‚ gender‚ religion‚ abilities‚ whatever they think or say‚ no matter what type of family they come from’’. Schools have a duty to adhere to this legislation‚ they way that they do this
Premium Management Organization Leadership
diverse background‚ experiences‚ and ideas. PetSmart believes that it is these values that make them a better company. PetSmart also believes by having diversity and inclusion among their associates‚ that it generates the ability to solve problems‚ generate new ideas‚ which allows them to enhance their brand. The PetSmart culture of diversity and inclusion also allows its associates to execute effectively‚ which in turn delivers results
Premium Marketing Customer service Customer
QCF Level 3 Health and Social Care Promote Equality and Inclusion in Health and Social Care Putting it as simple as possible‚ diversity means variety or difference. We see this in everyday lives‚ supermarkets have a diverse range of foods‚ and clothing stores have a diverse range of clothes. When using the word in relation to people it can be used to describe a wide range of things‚ ranging from their age‚ gender‚ physical attributes‚ skin colour‚ their needs‚ backgrounds‚ culture and beliefs
Premium Sociology Sexual orientation Culture
Dec 3 Exam 3 Sample Questions Possible Exam 3 Questions True or false: 1. Due to insurance arrangements and the securitization of mortgage investments‚ many U.S. bankers did not adequately gauge the risks of subprime loans. TRUE 2. A commonly accepted theory is that the Subprime lending crisis was due the Government placing more restrictions and regulations on the investment banking industry starting in 1999. FALSE 3. For the most part‚ the credit ratings granted