"Dissertations on childhood obesity" Essays and Research Papers

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    Review of CHILDHOOD OBESITY: THE CHALLENGES FOR NURSES Lionel Williams Chamberlain College of Nursing Professor Mauldin 12/3/2014 In this article Childhood Obesity: The Challenges for Nurses provide nurses with a background in dealing with the challenges associated with child obesity. The ages that they are trying to address is from birth to 18‚ preventing this at a young age lead to a healthier life. Penn & Kerr show research that suggests obesity can be passed on by genetics through

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    Childhood Obesity and Government Intervention Jaime Long ENG122: English Composition II January 30th‚ 2012 Childhood obesity has become a major concern as America’s youth continues to consume more food while exercising less. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention regarding Americans‚ “approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese” (Center for Disease Control and Prevention‚ 2011). Some members of the American Academy of Pediatrics

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    Let’s Move – Childhood Obesity Prevention from Pregnancy and Infancy Onward a. Article Citation Name: Let’s Move – Childhood Obesity Prevention from Pregnancy and Infancy Onward Date Published: April 22‚ 2010 Authors: Janet M. Wojcicki‚ Ph.D.‚ M.P.H.‚ and Melvin B. Heyman‚ M.D.‚ M.P.H. Page Numbers: 1457-1459 b. The main idea of this article focuses on First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign against childhood obesity. The authors go into detail on how it can be improved

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    Facts About Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is a serious‚ growing epidemic‚ cutting across all categories of race‚ ethnicity‚ family income and locale. Obesity rates tripled in the past 30 years‚ a trend that means‚ for the first time in our history‚ American children may face a shorter expected lifespan than their parents. Additionally‚ we spend $150 billion every year to treat obesity-related conditions‚ with childhood health care costs rapidly increasing that number. Researchers have estimated

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    children that suffer from childhood obesity and overweight has grown within the past few decades. About every one in three children are considered either overweight or obese. Nicole Black‚ David W. Johnston‚ and Anna Peeters noticed that there have been a number of different studies conducted that suggest that childhood obesity can affect the child’s cognition level in a negative way. They looked at past research and decided to look for a causal relationship between obesity and cognition levels. They

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    Impact of Advertising on Childhood Obesity In the digital world of advertising‚ large companies have a huge impact on children’s lives. Billion dollar fast food companies such as McDonalds and Burger King use persuasive techniques that attract young children to eat at their establishment. According to the American Psychological Association in their report‚ The Impact of Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity‚ “Approximately 20% of our youth are now overweight with obesity rates in preschool age

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    It´s widely known that developed countries are more likely to have obesity problems because peple tend to eat more falty and salty Weight is an extremely important issue Being overweight is linked to numerous health problems‚ including high blood pressure[->0]‚ heart disease and even cancer. From a medical point of view‚ this means is a big issue. Our views on body image mean that weight . Several factors are adding to that statistic: the inactive state of most people caught in the electronic

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    It is also known that obesity is the most common cause of insulin resistance in children. (20) The third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) conducted in United Stated between 1988 and 1994 showed prevalence of 6.8 percent metabolic syndrome among overweight

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    Child hood obesity on the rise‚ written by Carol Torgan‚ Ph.D. http://www.nih.gov/news/WordonHealth/jun2002/childhoodobesity.htm Child hood obesity on the rise‚ written by Carol Torgan‚ Ph.D. This article is located at Word of Health. Carol expresses that there are more children today compared to the past years who are overweight. Children are becoming obese not just solely on genetics but due to the lack of exercise‚ too much TV. watching‚ and over eating. She states that 1 in 5 children are

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    Childhood obesity has become a major problem in America. Obesity is a bigger threat in children than it was in the past. Obesity contribute too many of the physical and psychological disorders seem in children. Children are more likely to become overweight adults if they do not practice good eating habits and exercise. Over the past few years‚ obesity has been increasing at an alarming rate due to technology‚ unhealthy food choices and lack of physical activity. According to the Centers for Disease

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