"Dramatic monologue" Essays and Research Papers

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    To what extent is the narrator of ‘My Last Duchess’ a disturbing character? ‘My Last Duchess’ is a dramatic monologue written by the celebrated poet Robert Browning. Browning has structured the poem in rhyming couplets and with iambic pentameter. This creates a comfortable rhythm when read aloud. The poem is from the point of view of a Duke‚ and set in the 16th Century Italy. At this time men were very much in control of their wives‚ and viewed them as their ‘property’. This is shown frequently

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    last duchess to an envoy of a nobleman‚ whose daughter he is planning to marry. Similarly‚ the contemporary woman in Gabriel Spera’s “My Ex-Husband‚” relates the details of her first marriage to the man in her new relationship. Throughout both dramatic monologues‚ jealousy‚ pride‚ and control blur the lines between illusion and reality. “Jealousy” The current of jealousy is evident throughout the dialogue. In “My Last Duchess” the Duke’s possessive nature rails at not having his wife’s total attention

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    Murder in the name of Love Comparisons and Contrasts of Porphyria’s Lover and My Last Duchess Robert Browning was an author of two very eerie and dramatic monologues known as‚ Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess. Although both poems have very related themes‚ they still contrast in ways that are too apparent to go unnoticed. You clearly recognize the similarities of both writings in the way that oddly enough‚ both point of views come from insecure men and they both irrationally kill the women they

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    My Last Duchess

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    In a dramatic monologue‚ the poet‚ like an actor in a play‚ speaks through the voice and personality of another person. Robert Browning wrote many different dramatic monologues such as those three particular poems which are known as‚ “My Last Duchess‚ Porphyria’s Lover and The Laboratory.” The reason why Browning wrote his poems in that particularly dialogue is because of the certain century it was produced. It was brought out during the Victorian. In that century woman where treated differently

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    I am examining the characters of the Duke and Macbeth and how they can be considered disturbed characters. The play‚ ‘Macbeth’ and poem‚ ‘My Last Duchess’ both show psychological truths and insights into the characters. While the Duke shows himself to be disturbed straight away in the poem‚ Macbeth’s mental deterioration takes place and develops as the play proceeds. ‘Macbeth’ written by William Shakespeare and set in 1050 contains themes of status‚ power and death while ‘My Last Duchess’ by Robert

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    Although they are famous works by two different famous poets‚ "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning and "Ulysses" by Alfred Lord Tennyson share many similarities. Both poems are examples of dramatic monologues‚ in that they consist entirely of the speech of the main character. As a result they both have very few stanzas. "My Last Duchess" is set in Italy during the Renaissance period. In this poem the Duke is talking to his prospective father-in-law’s servant about a painting of his former wife. Ulysses

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    My Last Duchess When a man cares more about his status and image than his wife‚ he may feel the need to take drastic measures to ensure that he is always the center of attention. Robert Browning’s dramatic monologue “My Last Duchess” paints a picture of a duke who is trying to escape from his past‚ by proving to himself that he has power over his deceased wife.During the poem‚ the duke shows a painting of the last duchess to a representative from the Count‚ who is there making arrangements for the

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    as far as showing the ambassador a painting of his last wife‚ and how he got her murdered because she did not give him what he deserved. “Porphyria’s Lover”‚ another poem by Robert Browning also is told by someone other than the author. This is a monologue that leads up to Porphyria’s death. These two poems are connected by three central messages. Both upper classes are in control‚ both of the women in the poems are murdered by someone that they loved‚ and jealousy.     To begin‚ one of the main comparisons

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    the stage. At about the same time he began to discover that his real talents lay in taking a single character and allowing him to discover himself to us by revealing more of himself in his speeches than he suspects-the characteristics of the dramatic monologue. The reviews of Paracelsus (1835) had been mostly encouraging‚ but the difficulty and obscurity of his long poem Sordello (1840) turned the critics against him‚ and for many years they continued to complain of obscurity even in his shorter‚

    Free Poetry Robert Browning Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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    of Buckingham‚ points out that the Duke feels a sense of "absolute control" because the reader and the count do not know the Duchess’s side of the story. According to Dr. A. Chandra Bose‚ a professor at Madura College‚ My Last Duchess is a “dramatic monologue which deals with the dispirited Duke who kills his wife in order to gain control over her. He does not give any chance to the Duchess through which she may clarify herself” (3). Bose writes “While Duchess was alive‚ the Duke wanted to control

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