"Economic growth" Essays and Research Papers

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    One should start by saying that economic growth of Japan after the end of the World War II was enormous. It resulted in Japanese economic ascension making Japan one of the few world most economically advanced nations. From the savage destruction brought during World War II. Japan has done wonders to create the strong economy it has today. Japan had managed to advance originally via proper government industry cooperation initiatives‚ strong work ethic of the Japanese people‚ adoption of new technology

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    production? (a) Land (b) Labor (c) Capital (d) Natural resources [16 marks] 2. In an exogenous growth model‚ growth is caused by (a) capital accumulation. (b) government policies. (c) human capital accumulation. (d) forces that are not explained by the model itself. [16marks] 3. Suppose that two countries share identical levels of total factor productivity‚ identical labor force growth rates and identical savings rates. According to the Solow model (a) the country with the greater initial

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    Economic Comparison of Six Countries Assignment Course Code: BUS101 Submitted to Leo V. Dewri Lecturer Business Administration Department Submitted by Ahamed Jishen ID: 2013-3-10-125 Section: 03 Program: BBA Semester: Fall 2013 Department of Business Administration East West University‚ Dhaka Date of Submission: 23 September 2013 Economic Comparison of Six Countries: Australia Bangladesh China India Sri Lanka Vietnam GDP

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    INVESTINGATING THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG CORRUPTION‚ POVERTY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH – NIGERIAN PERSPECTIVE ABSTRACT A plethora of empirical studies attempted investigating the causal relationship between corruption and poverty. But the outcome of those studies produced mixed results in a regression model that captured only two variables. In this investigated bivariate model‚ economic growth as an important variable was not included. In fact‚ omitting such an important variable could seriously affect

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    International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues Vol. 3‚ No. 3‚ 2013‚ pp.743-751 ISSN: 2146-4138 www.econjournals.com Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Egypt: A Cointegration Analysis Hoda Abd El Hamid Ali Department of Economics and Foreign Trade‚ Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration‚ Helwan University‚ Cairo‚ Egypt. Tel: 00201003452575. Email: hoda_hawary@yahoo.com ABSTRACT: There is a current and growing debate on the effectiveness of foreign aid‚ especially in

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    engaged in economic development both at the national and regional level (OECD‚ 1996). The study of economic growth must start with the study of the people who produce it. They work with their own hands‚ design‚ build and operate the machines of production‚ and structure and run the institutions and markets that make growth possible. Julian Simon concluded that the size of the human population together with the technologies these people produce is the root cause of economic growth (Simon‚

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    Financial Economics GD 30203 Semester 2‚ 2012/2013 Group Assignment Relationship between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence for Singapore Prepared for: Mr. Ling Tai Hu Prepared by: No. Name Matrix No. Course Sign 1. 2. YAP YE LI BONG HEE CHUEN BG10110560 BG10110038 HE 22 HE 22 15 MAY 2013 Date of Submission: th Current Issues GD 30203 ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between energy consumptions and economic growth

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    Discuss the effects of globalisation on economic growth and the quality of life in the Chinese economy. Globalisation is the progression towards a growing assimilation between different countries in order to gain a single world market. It strongly encourages overseas trade‚ the removal or the reduction of trade barriers to increase economic growth and development. Globalisation ultimately presents to everyone a world which is increasingly liberalized and market-orientated. Associated with globalisation

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    between democracy and economic growth has generated much controversy‚ research‚ and even bewilderment. If economic development is an expression of the level of development of societies‚ it will also be compatible with the level of democratic development. Democracy will become a catalyst and engine of economic and social development in society. To what extent does the economy affect the building of democracy? Is democracy a condition for economic development‚ or is economic development laying the

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    (b) Is there still reason to think that British manufacturing underperformed in this period? 2) CAPITAL EXPORT The large proportion of Britain’s wealth invested abroad between 1850 and 1914 has often been held to have been detrimental to the growth of the economy in this period. Examine the case for and against this argument. 3) ENTRPRENEURSHIP Britain’s manufacturing firms have been accused of remaining family-run and small scale in the period 1850-1914‚ so ignoring the benefits of the

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