Exam 3 Study Guide Emotion and Motivation 1. What were the key components of Dr. Gewirtz’s definition of emotion? It’s different than “feelings”‚ “A state‚ elicited by a strongly motivational (i.e. “reinforcing”) event or by anticipation of such an event‚ that produces a coordinated set of adaptive responses. 2. Emotional responses have three aspects: “feelings‚” autonomic responses‚ and somatic responses. What does each of these refer to? Feelings: Introspection‚ subjective Autonomic
Premium Jean Piaget Intelligence Intelligence quotient
CASE: ‘Insallah: An Expatriate Challenge’ [Saudi Arabia] Sells Bladeco & steel products “Wasta” = connections “Insallah” = a feeling or cultural norm – God willing Masculinity – Mustafa refused to conduct business with a woman High Power Distance – Helped get US representative out of jail for drinking water during Ramadan Relationship-Focused & Highly Collectivist CASE: ‘Co-operating & Communicating Across Cultures’ [Germany] German led project (Jim from US to Germany) Then; American led
Premium Geert Hofstede
BIOLOGY 1101 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE (1-24) Reproduction Male Reproduction - Testis = where sperm cells are made (in tubuoles) and then are housed/enclosed in the scrotal sack o The Inguenal Canal is the muscle that allows the testis to drop (occurs about 1yr old) - The tubuoles merge to form the Epididymus at the top of the testes…this is where sperm are stored - Seminiferous Tubuoles = all the coils in the balls…all of these eventually lead to the epididymus - After sperm is
Premium Blood Heart
Management Second Exam Study Guide Chapter 5: Gaining Power and Influence - Power – the capacity to influence someone’s behavior - Human capital – an individual’s power - Social capital – power over other people - 4 sources of personal power - Expertise‚ personal attraction‚ effort‚ legitimacy - Likability is a kind of power - If you are well liked it is often because you have open‚ honest relationships‚ you are emotionally accessible‚ and you exercise unconditional
Premium Motivation
ACC/291 Final Examination Study Guide This study guide will prepare you for the Final Examination you will complete in Week Five. It contains practice questions‚ which are related to each week’s objectives. In addition‚ refer to each week’s readings and your student guide as study references for the Final Examination. Week One: Principle Assets Objective: Prepare journal entries to account for transactions related to accounts receivable and bad debt using both percentage of sales and the
Premium Balance sheet Depreciation Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
weighting in the unit assessment. Closed Book exam – textbook‚ reference books‚ notes‚ and tutorial solutions are not permitted. Text programmable calculators may be used in the exam but must have their memory cleared before entering the exam room. Failure to do so and/or the use of any programmed information during the exam will be regarded as cheating and will be dealt with according to the University rules governing academic misconduct Type of Exam Special Instructions • • • • • Do not
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1. The Piagetian stages are as follows: Sensorimotor Intelligence Stage‚ Preoperational Stage‚ Concrete Operational Stage‚ and finally Formal Operational Stage. 2. People believe that because people are experts in one area‚ they are experts in all areas. This is the halo effect. 3. When you examine human development from an ipsative point of view‚ you: Examine the individual in relationship to himself. 4. Exposure to someone will increase attraction 5. According to Kohlberg‚ when
Premium Psychotherapy Family therapy Jean Piaget
9/13/2011 Review – Exam 1 How do we define abnormal behavior? What is the DSM-IV definition? Epidemiological terms Incidence Prevalence Co-morbidity Review – Exam 1 Historical Perspectives Supernatural Biological Psychological Identify each perspectives explanation for the cause of behavior and treatment methods‚ key figures and their contributions. 1 9/13/2011 Review – Exam 1 Physiological explanations of abnormal behavior Pathogen/disease Genetic flaw (chromosomal abnormality
Premium Psychology Mental disorder Abnormal psychology
Exam #1‚ Chapters 1-6 Study online at quizlet.com/_d00x4 1. Suppose a person is prescribed an opioid medication (similar to heroin) to treat a painful injury. After the injury heals‚ she takes the drug primarily to feel euphoria. Based on this information alone‚ what term would you use to describe her drug use?: Drug misuse 2. Among college students‚ fewer than 1/4 have ever tried:: 17. medical emergencies. 18. Drug use that is not common within a social group and 19.
Premium Drug addiction Morphine
Exam 3 Study Guide Chapter 11: Acid-Base Balance During Exercise Acids and Bases Acid Molecule that can liberate H+ (proton donor) Increases H+ concentration in solution Lactic acid is a strong acid Base Molecule that is capable of combining with H+ Bicarbonate (HCO3-) is a strong base pH Expression of H+ solution in solution Negative logarithm of H+ concentration pH = -log10[H+] pH of pure water pH (pure water) = -log10[H+] = 7.0 pH of Blood Normal pH = 7.4 ± 0.05 Acidosis pH
Premium Metabolism PH