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    Race and Ethnicity

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    between the powerful and the powerless. Postcolonial theory‚ often said to begin with the work of Edward W. Said‚ Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak‚ and Homi K. Bhabha‚ looks at literature and society from two broad angles: how the writer‚ artist‚ cultural worker‚ and his or her context reflects a colonial past. These theorists also look at how they survive and carve out a new way of creating and understanding the world. Edward Said was instrumental in the transfer of colonial discourse into the first

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    Colonialism, Imperialism

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    of postmodern literature concerned with the political and cultural independence of peoples formerly subjugated in colonial empires. Many practitioners take Edward Said’s book Orientalism (1978) to be the theory’s founding work; although French theorist Aimé Césaire made similar claims decades before Said.” Wikipedia states that Edward Said analyzed the works of postcolonial fictional writers exploring how they were both influenced by and helped to shape a societal fantasy of European racial superiority

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    “Every empire tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires and that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate” is a quote by Edward W. Said. During the 19th century‚ Western nations started expansion into territorial imperialism to collect resources from colonies to benefit economically‚ politically‚ and socially. Jules Ferry‚ a former French prime minister‚ created a colonial policy to colonize territories for France’s benefits and to civilize the people

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    National Identity

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    Print. Camus‚ Albert. “The Guest”. Exile and the Kingdom. Trans. Carol Cosman. United States: Vintage‚ 2007. 67- 86. Print. Cosman‚ Carol. Introduction. Exile and the Kingdom. By Albert Camus. United States: Vintage‚ 2007. XV- XXIV. Print. SaidEdward. “From Orientalism”. Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory. Ed. Patrick Williams‚ and Laura Chrisman. New York: Columbia UP‚ 1994. 132- 149. Print.

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    Homi Bhabha

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    colonial authorities might not be having such clear cut objects to which they associate with but they have clear cut objectives for keeping this difference intact. The colonial master needs an other to understand himself or herself. According to Edward Said‚ you may not be focused on one single object like in the case of the child but there are clear cut objectives of such differentiation. Then there is the metonymy of presence. The metonymies of presence are the inappropriate objects that have been

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    In this exam I will demonstrate my knowledge of the postcolonial theoretical school and its relationship to ethnography and anthropology. The connection between colonialism and anthropology is an old one. Depending on when one sets the beginning of what we call Aanthropology‚@ issues of imperialism‚ colonialism and colonial justification go back as far as recorded history. For the purposes of this exam‚ I will focus on the current colonial/postcolonial paradigm that began with the age of European

    Free Colonialism Slavery Postcolonialism

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    in A Passage to India Abstract: E. M. Forster is one of the most outstanding British writers in the early twentieth century. His novel A Passage to India was published in 1924 and it aroused much criticism at the time. With the publication of Edward Said’s Orientalism (1978)‚ this novel has been reinterpreted from a new prospective —— Orientalist criticism. Applying Orientalist criticism‚ this paper intends to reveal Forster’s double angles of view and give an analysis of the novel’s main Indian

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    Introduction to Postcolonial Theory By Dr. Dawn Duncan Having worked with Postcolonial Theory for well over a decade now‚ I recognize that not all postcolonialists are on the same page when it comes to the theoretical definition or practice. However‚ as a teacher it is important to me both to teach my students the history of Postcolonial Theory with all its permutations and to articulate my own approach as clearly as possible. To that end‚ over the past few years I have proposed a flexible

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    The world of the “exotic” and strangeness is an inherently interesting subject matter among people. Fascinations with the “other” world are depicted in poems‚ novels‚ literary descriptions and art as an attempt to understand‚ romanticise or exploit another culture. The Napoleonic expedition to Egypt from 1798 to 1799 brought forth a heightened interest among artists to explore the world of the Oriental and spurred a torrent of “Orientalists” which became a pervasive force in 19th Century Western

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    An Ex-Mas Feast

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    Post colonialism INTRODUCTION By definition‚ post colonialism is a period of time after colonialism‚ and postcolonial literature is typically characterized by its opposition to the colonial. However‚ some critics have argued that any literature that expresses an opposition to colonialism‚ even if it is produced during a colonial period‚ may be defined as postcolonial‚ primarily due to its oppositional nature. Postcolonial literature often focuses on race relations and the effects of racism and

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