Country: Thailand Country Overview Overview of the Thai Banking Industry To begin with‚ the overall structure of the Thai financial sector is mainly consisted of the Bank of Thailand (BOT)‚ governed by the Ministry of Finance‚ whose duties are to maintain financial stability of the economic system and to supervise financial institutions – commercial banks‚ finance companies‚ credit foncier companies‚ and non-bank such as credit card and other non-collateralized loan activities. Other key
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SUBMISSION 31/7/2010 DISCUSS HOW MICHAEL PORTERSCOMPETATIVE FORCES BEING IS APPLIED IN THE BANKING SECTOR Introduction: The banking Industry in kenya has tremendously changed its dynamics for the last one decade. Many banks have joined the industry both local and foreign. Notably‚ the no-banks financial institutions have been mushrooming by an alarming speed.. In any industry‚ including the banking industry‚ the nature of competition is always a function of the market structure. The trend today
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Paper presentation On Risk in banking sector. Abstract: The structure of the paper is three-fold‚ where we begin by what is risk in banking scenario and its effects on internal operations of a bank‚ followed by the various types of risk in Indian banks and what can be done or the measurements taken and finally the future look. Introduction: The Indian Financial System is tasting success of a decade of financial sector reforms. The economy is surging and has gathered
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Software Requirements Document for BANK System Author: Andrew Laird‚ John Chargo‚ Guillermo Hernandez‚ John Leacox Version Date Author Change 0.1 09/05/04 SM Initial Document 0.2 02/01/06 JC Wrote 1.1-1.3‚ 2 Overview-2.1.3‚ 2.3 Designed sequence diagrams for 2.2.5 - 2.2.8 0.3 02/01/06 AL Designed 2.2.3 - 2.2.5 Designed sequence diagrams for 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 0.4 02/01/06 GH Designed 2.2.1‚ 2.2.2‚ 2.2.6 – 2.2.8 Designed sequence diagrams for 2.2.1-2.2
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of the organization. For any organization to achieve its goals it is important to keep their employee motivated and satisfied. When employees are motivated the individual quality and quantity of performance increases which directly has a positive effect on the overall performance of the organization. Employee motivation leads to job satisfaction which also plays an important role in increasing the
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Pakistan Banking Sector INTRODUCTION Financial Sector Financial Sector in Pakistan owns a number of financial institutions -Commercial banks‚ specialized banks‚ national savings schemes‚ insurance companies‚ investment banks‚ stock exchanges‚ leasing companies‚ micro-finance institutions and Islamic banks etc. They offer so many products and services of assets and liabilities side. Financial developing has increased during the last several years instead of commercial banks. Commercial banks
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WTO and Indian Banking-Challenges of 2009 Impact of WTO commitments on Indian banking Industry Prof. S.Visalakshi Faculty – Banking and Finance‚ Bangalore Management Academy (BMA). Naman Kumar Gupta‚ MPFB II‚ Bangalore Management Academy (BMA) Kartheek Yerolla‚ MPFB II‚ Bangalore Management Academy (BMA) Mahesh Bondili‚ MPFB II‚ Bangalore Management Academy (BMA) Introduction India had a deep rooted and well structured banking system since independence. After nationalization of
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International Journal of Business and Management Invention ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028‚ ISSN (Print): 2319 – 801X Volume 2 Issue 1 ǁ January. 2013ǁ PP.93-99 The Place of Job Stress in Labour Turnover of the Banking Sector in the Nigerian Economy OGINNI Babalola O1‚ AFOLABI Gbadegesin2 and ERIGBE Patience3 Department of Economics and Business Administration‚ Redeemer’s University‚ Ogun State‚ Nigeria. 2. Department of Economics and Business Administration‚ Redeemer’s University‚
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Role of It in Banking Sector Summary: The article presents a study which aims to analyze the role of information technology (IT) in the banking industry. Based on the article‚ technological innovations have enabled the industry to open up efficient delivery channels. It is said that IT has helped the banking industry to deal with the challenges the new economy poses. The study also examines the views of bank employees on the implementation of IT in banks. According to the author‚ private and
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an accidental occurrence of the lending process‚ one that has enormous potential to deepen the severity and duration of financial crisis and to complicate macro economic management. This is because NPLs can bring down investors’ confidence in the banking system‚ piling up unproductive economic resources even though depreciations are taken care of‚ and impeding the resource allocation process. In a bank-centered financial system‚ NPLs can further thwart economic recovery by shrinking operating margin
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