"English is the language of science and technology" Essays and Research Papers

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    international progression of technology and education of which mostly English language is the medium. We are well aware that English is the most frequently used second language in the world and also the universal language that makes it a prerequisite for competing in our modern world. Academically‚ it is also a big challenge for our aspiring professionals to learn English and be proficient in it for the success of their career not only to their own countries but internationally. Language proficiency is commonly

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    Advancement of Technology and Science and Its Influence On Science Fiction Novels The rapid pace of technology and the advancement of scientific understanding in the past one hundred years are at the backbone for the distinctly twentieth century genre -- science fiction. Such rapid advancement in these fields of technology have opened up literally worlds of possibilities for the future. One hundred years ago the possibility of simply flying from city to city may have seemed nothing more

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    With detailed reference to Text H and to relevant ideas from language study‚ explore how written language is used to assert power Text H is a poster which displays the rules and information to students taking or entering an exam. It also is for the use of the invigilators‚ to inform them of the rules as well as the candidates. This poster will be shown right across the country to students preparing to take an exam. This is done to make sure there is regularity and equality everywhere‚ so that

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    The Rise of English The rise of English as an international language has always been a debatable issue. Its critics condemn the global dominance of English as a form of linguistic imperialism‚ in which hegemonic powers like Great Britain and the United States extend their influence and interests by promoting the teaching and learning of English (Phillipson‚ 1992). In contrast‚ others have observed that the ascension of English as an international language has been supported by individuals in various

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    English Language is Globally Important  English is the major language in such fields as international diplomacy‚ business and commerce‚ science and technology‚ and the travel industry. How did English become such an important global language?  British Colonialism  Took English to North America‚ the Caribbean‚ Africa‚ Australia‚ New Zealand‚ and the Indian sub-continent U.S. rise as a strong economic and strategic power  Pop Culture  English became the language of diplomacy

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    Emergence of English as a world language The need for a global link language Prof. Anil Sarwal[1] The primary means of communication among the peoples of the world is language.  According to a well known linguist‚ Frank Palmer[1]‚ the difference between human beings and animals is poorly described by the label homo sapiens (man with wisdom).  He questions what do we mean by wisdom?  Anthropologists describe man as a tool maker‚ but even apes are known to be able to make primitive tools.  In fact

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    Technology English Speech

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    Technology will lead us to doom - As we all know‚ most of the Earth’s society are very reliant on technology use. Most people would praise the many technological gadgets that they use in their everyday lives. Technology is evolving at a very fast rate‚ and what most people think could not be possible a few years ago is now becoming a reality. For instance today‚ I can use my smart phone to get in touch with family and friends in the press of few buttons which was impossible back in the earlier days

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    Running Head: TEACHERS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS Problems that Science Teachers of English Language Learners Face in the Classroom Table of Contents Abstract………………………………………………………………..3 Introduction………………………………………………………..….3 Significance of the Study……………………………………………..4 Research Question……………………………………………………5 Hypothesis of the Study………………………………………………5 Methods………………………………………………………………6 Data analysis………………………………………………………….7 Conclusion……………………………………………………………8 References………………………………………………

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    Assessing the English Language Learner (ELL) The Growth of ELL (ESL) The number of human beings who speak a language other than English continues to increase in the United States‚ Canada‚ and Australia‚ for example‚ as the number of immigrants grows. In 2006‚ 34.70% of the population of Los Angeles‚ California‚ was foreign born; 25.50% of Miami‚ Florida; 39.60% of Vancouver‚ British Columbia; 45.70% of Toronto‚ Ontario; 28.90% of Melbourne‚ Australia; and 31.70% of Sydney‚ Australia (Statistics

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    learning‚ biomedical sciences‚ renewable energy‚ anthropology‚ natural language search‚ workflow automation‚ digital imaging‚ service science and printing systems. Our newest addition‚ the Xerox India Innovation Hub in Chennai was inaugurated in March 2010. It will focus on services innovation‚ especially in specific needs for the emerging markets.” Sophie Vandebroek‚ Global CTO & President - Innovation Group‚ Xerox “India has evolved into one of the world’s leading technology centres.” Craig

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