VODAFONE’S STRATEGIC AUDIT External Environmental Analysis: PEST ANALYSIS Political factors Vodafone is generally subject to regulations governing the operation of its business activities. Such as industry specific laws and regulations covering telecommunications services and general competition (antitrust) laws applicable to all activities. Most member states of the EU have now implemented the EU Regulatory Framework for the communications sector‚ adopted in 2002. It aims to encourage
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Christos Athens 2010 Vodafone Greece Vodafone Greece was established in Greece in 1992 – under the trade name Panafon – with the participation of Vodafone Group Plc.‚ France Telecom‚ Intracom and Data Bank‚ and was officially renamed to Vodafone in January 2002. In December 1998‚ the company listed its shares in the Athens and London stock exchange‚ while in July 2004 it de-listed from ATHEX. Vodafone Group Plc. is the company’s major shareholder with 99.8% of Vodafone Greece shares. The
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SWOT Analysis After much in-depth research of NeverWet‚ the following table of the company’s strengths‚ weaknesses‚ opportunities and threats has been created: STRENGTHS - Multi-purpose product - Anti-corrosion - Self-cleaning - Industrial uses WEAKNESSES - Primarily a water/liquid repellent - Little to no rainfall in Saudi Arabia OPPORTUNITIES - NeverWet could be useful for workers in the oil industry as it could keep their shoes and clothes clean‚ and help them last longer - NeverWet could be
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Choosing the right market entry strategy for DePuy (a division of Johnson and Johnson) Abhishaik Kumar Reddy Student ID: 1453562 29 May‚ 2010 Word count 1520 University of Auckland Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction1 2.0 Choosing the right market entry strategy 2 2.1 Background 2 2.2 Schools of Thoughts and Key Ideas 3 2.3 Implications for orthopedic medical device companies 4 2.3.1 Identifying
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of the Hutch to Vodafone transition ad Storyboard of the ad: Cheeka the adorable pug had found a new kennel. So what if the colors around the little dog had changed and the young boy were missing? The mascot that advertising created shook itself vigorously‚ darted in and out of its new identity and really proclaimed to the world its new brand name which had the most effective impact on all the ads viewers. Brand: Vodafone Campaign: Transition of brand name from Hutch to Vodafone Creative Agency:
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2010 VODAFONE. (VOD.L‚ VOD LN) SECTOR: Telecommunications Services INDUSTRY: Wireless Telecommunications Services ANALYST: Myles Carey CID: 00619732 [EQITY RESEARCH REPORT: VODAFONE. (VOD.L‚ VOD LN)] Includes Investment highlights‚ analyst opinion and investment recommendation supported by strategic analysis of VOD.L and the Telecommunications sector and a comprehensive valuation based on DCF‚ multiple and DDM analysis. September 6‚ 2010 [EQITY RESEARCH REPORT: VODAFONE. (VOD.L‚ VOD
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HYPERLINK "http://writepass.com/journal/2012/06/strategic-analysis-of-vodafone-group-plc/" \o "Permanent Link to Strategic Analysis of Vodafone Group PLC" Strategic Analysis of Vodafone Group PLC Beginning with a basic tool‚ a mobile wallet and how Vodafone (rated 10th on the FTSE 100 index) is engaging this issue‚ then moving on to discuss smartphones and how their popularity is increasing. An assortment of examples where strategic management is occurring within the organization alongside the frameworks
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Summary The Vodafone case study has given us a good overall view of the company and shown the companies good and bad points‚ whilst showing the mobile phone business as a whole and explaining the ups and downs of the industry. The SWOT analysis included in the appendix helps us see the situation of Vodafone and describes the strengths‚ weaknesses‚ opportunities and threats. This is an aid when looking at the internal and external aspects of the company. Although Vodafone are the biggest
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Running Head: Business Performance Measures in Vodafone Group Business Performance Measures in Vodafone Group Toru Sekiguchi August 8th‚ 2010 i Table of Contents Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………............ i Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………….................. ii Abstract…………………………………………………………………………….................... iii 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………. 1 2. Building a coherent set of performance measures………………………………………... 2 2.1 Performance Measures…………………………………………………………
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Market Entry Strategy Selection in China Introduction Foreign firms deciding to entrer a host country face numerous options of entry modes‚ which include equity joint ventures‚ wholly foreign owned enterprises‚ acquiring existing firms‚ franchising and licensing‚ contractual joint ventures‚ representative offices‚ build-operate-transfer and so forth. However‚ the most important process a foreign company should do before deciding an entry modes is to make sure it know the targeted market very
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