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    References: Naila Kabeer (2003). Gender inequality in educational outcomes: a household perspective. Gender and Education for All: The Leap to Equality Simel Esim (2000) Shamaas Gul Khattak (2009). Gender issues in higher education in Pakistan. David Dollar & Roberta Gatti (1999) Barbara Lopi (2004). Gender & Poverty In the context of Human Development‚ Health‚ Education and the MDG’s.

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    forces: political commitment at international and national level is essential to institute policies that can trigger social change and to allocate the resources necessary to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment. Goal number 3 of the Millennium Development Goals {MDGs} focuses on promoting gender equality and empowerment of women. The specific target under this goal is to eliminate gender disparity in primary and in all levels of education not later than 2015. The UN Millennium Project‚

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    Gender equality‚ also known as sex equality‚ sexual equality or equality of the genders‚ refers to the view that men and women should receive equal treatment‚ and should not be discriminated against based on gender‚ unless there is a sound biological reason for different treatment. This is the objective of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights‚ which seeks to create equality in law and in social situations‚ such as in democratic activities and securing equal pay for equal work

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    Count: 4564 Gender Equality in Education and Poverty Reduction Abstract This paper discusses the concept of gender equality‚ its application in national development plan and in education in Nepal. It gives the glimpse of gender parity and equality situation in education. It also shares the reasons achieving EFA as well as MDGs goals and thereby analyzes the causes of not achieving gender equality in education. It advocates for application of substantive equalityequality in outcome - approach

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    BARRIERS TO GENDER EQUALITY IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION Gender mainstreaming is a synthesizing concept that addresses the well being of women and men. It is a strategy that is central to the interests of the whole community. The Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing 1995 pushed the dialogue on gender mainstreaming to the fore at an international level and was endorsed by the 1995 Beijing

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    Daughter of Eve is in Trouble in Pakistan Gender Equality Remains A Myth Women Are Marginalized in Pakistan. Parity of Women with Men But Only in Books Not in Reality Women Empowerment is A Dream Far From Reality Female Gender Discrimination is Deteriorating the Process of Social Amelioration Outline: Introduction: What is Gender Inequality: A) Women are suffering from social injustice in education opportunities‚ health facilities‚ social prestige‚ property inheritance and religious esteem

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    GENDER EQUALITY WILL REMAIN LOFTY DREAM IN PAKISTAN The topic revoles around the inequality of rights of every person‚if a men or a women are considered to be equal them  their rights are also exactly same. Because being equal is to be recognized as fully equal in every aspects of life .Its true that both gender have differences but should be equally valued. Equally rights are extremely importan in every factor .Because we want to be same it is also fair . Now we would talk about the gender

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    sponsored equal pay legislation‚ the Women’s Education Equity Act‚ and the Gender Equity Act‚ continuing to break down barriers for girls and women. Patsy Mink’s leadership and her legislative achievements led to dramatic increases in opportunities and equality for women in academics‚ employment‚ and athletics. Her lasting legacy continues to shape women’s educational experiences today. As a Japanese-American

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    role of Gender equality for poverty reduction and growth and the impact of gender equality on the achievement of each of the remaining Millennium Development Goals. This report defines gender equality in terms of equality of opportunity (including equality of rewards for work and equality in access to human capital and other productive resources that enable economic activity)‚ equality of voice; the ability to take actions that impact individuals and households and finally‚ equality under the law

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    Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Sub-Saharan Countries Nasim Basiri EFL University‚ India ‚ 2013 nasimbasiri@gmail.com[->0] INTRODUCTION For centuries women were not treated equal to men in many ways. They were not allowed to own property‚ they did not have a Share in the property of their parents‚ they had no voting rights‚ they had no freedom to choose their work or job and so on. Now that we have come out of those dark days of oppression of women there is a need

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